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Everything posted by moonraker

  1. Apologies, doesn’t alter the fact that it offers no benefits and it increase costs.
  2. You can still legally sell items using imperial, beer is still universally and legally sold in Pints in pubs and bars. It is only pre-packaged goods that must be in metric (imperial can be included as as well if desired) as major business has pointed out having common system with the vast majority of our trading partners reduces costs and simplifies production. So yet another myth about the big bad EU.
  3. Whilst I expected him to win it was always about the size of the revolt. As has been said he is in “borrowed time” territory. Johnson’s leadership and government is a total disaster. This conservative government is beyond doubt the most incompetent in living memory. I have lived through 7 previous Tory PMs and administrations. I have never voted for any of them, however I readily excepted and respected their tenure of office, they were in the main honourable and as one would expect had a one nation conservative vision. This excuse of a leader and administration has no vision, and hence no policies to deliver a vision, it has no morals, no dignity, no shame and very little intellect. Their policies are; reactionary (it’s how you react that counts), populist (aimed at their dwindling core vote and ex swivelled eyed kippers) or simply vindictive (e.g. Channel 4). When 70% plus of your foot soldiers decide your time is up, then your time is up all that remains to be decided is the moment of your leaving. Apologists scream Corbyn would have been worse, again I did not support him, however counter factual history is not evidence of fact, just the final refuse of the indefensible
  4. Dead man walking, if by-elections go against him he’s finished.
  5. moonraker


    As the Ukraine is not one of the USAs pseudo colonies, it is not for them to decide. I am sure, if you were around in 1982, you would have had apoplectic fits when some prominent figures suggested that we give the FI to Argentina.
  6. It beggars belief, I cannot think of any senior politician of any shade who would not have resigned by now. Johnson is an absolute c**t not because he is a Tory, not because he is from the entitled class but because has no morales or ethics. Anybody that still genuinely believes he is a suitable person to be the political leader of our nation is in total denial.
  7. moonraker


    Let’s wait and see the outcome, I suspect Russia might not be in the same place as it was. The Rouble is being artificially maintained and with no Russian global consumer industry aka China they have a serious problem.
  8. There are lots of intriguing constituencies in the South West. With very few large/big industrial cities or towns Labour have historically found it difficult to establish any kind of power base, the exceptions being Bristol and Plymouth. Rural communities are traditionally more small c conservative and these dominate the SW. There is also a much smaller “immigrant” population than in many other areas, however a number of areas have many “incomers” from other parts of the U.K. which can cause tensions but add to the political mix. Pre the 1990s many of these were better off retirees who also were small c conservative if not outright Tories. More recently the incomers seem to be younger and well educated seeking a better lifestyle away from big cities. The traditional alternative to the Tories has been the Liberals, again traditionally this aligns well with the non-conformist and independent character of the SW. It all makes for an intriguing contest very different from the picture painted of Tory v Labour elsewhere, primarily in England. The SW has shaped much of Englands history, Alfred the Great, Elizabethan seafarers and the birth of Empire, The Glorious Revolution, the first use of steam power, and most notably cider, to name a few, hopefully it can deliver another significant advance by dealing the Tories a fatal blow in the next GE.
  9. I live in the adjacent constituency to JRM, Bath, and you are correct, the LDs and Greens need to leave the field to Labour. Bath is a strong LD seat but across the border Labour have more traction, historically JRMs seat is a mining area, coal and stone but is fast becoming a satellite residential area for young professionals working in Bristol and Bath. The local LD and Labour party’s are having some very interesting informal conversations. The Greens are in a difficult place they want to make an impression but cannot win. The national press focus on Englands northern red wall, but the West Country can really hurt the Tories mainly through the LDs the upcoming by-election will be very interesting.
  10. You may like to frame it as far more nuanced than it was, there is no doubt that the modern version of anti EU rhetoric is from the right. Yes there were historically a few key figures from the left who opposed the EU but this in no way compares to the current self serving cabal from the right who have manipulated the debate. Progress means seeing things in a different light and accepting that previous norms are no longer relevant or valid. Tony Benns son a case in point, a very different perspective to his father. JRM may be an easy target but he shines a very bright light on the backward thinking of one side of the contemporary debate. I do not view Brexit or the EU from a party political perspective but, most Tory MPs in 2016, supported remain, from the prospective of what is best for my/our country, and nothing, absolutely nothing about Brexit makes the UK of GB and NI better. It is about today not the 1970s. You are happy to ID Labour politicians who were eurosceptic but fail to note your hero Thatcher was pro EU.
  11. Stolen from the people, should read stolen from some people, certainly not the majority of UK of GB and NI voters. What was stolen during the Brexit era was a semblance of truth and honour. A right wing coup based on lies and harnessing the unsubstantiated but understandable fears of people long ignored by both major parties when in government, but particularly the Tory policies of austerity and low tax, to court their wealthy and foreign sponsors.
  12. My stepson for one, been a Saints member for a number of seasons and comes to games with me and my two sons.
  13. No seems he has always been a tosser, just wore a different coloured rosette
  14. moonraker


    Only because Russia invaded them.
  15. The level of whataboutary from our right leaning friends is lamentable. I don’t give a tinkers cuss about Starmer he is not the PM, he has not been definitely shown to have lied to parliament, he has not been found guilty by the police, he has (to date) not been fined. The idiot parading as our PM has been, in most peoples minds, shown to have lied to parliament, he has been found guilty and fined, with the real possibility of more fines to follow. Yet there are still those who would defend him, this issue transcends party politics, it is about honour, dignity and trust, none of which Johnson possesses, and that his why he should resign, not because Starmer, Blackfoot or any other opposition politician says it but because his behaviour is indefensible and resigning is the right thing to do.
  16. Incorrect, Bojo has been proven to have breached, to date at least once, Starmer has not yet been so proven. If Starmer is fined then judge him on his response.
  17. Thankfully not the same one as you
  18. I’ve believed it since I learnt to think for myself, so 50 plus years, FPTP is more outdated than Farton Park
  19. How awful Wolves must be losing to Burnley😂
  20. I have ceased to be amazed and surprised by the unconcealed arrogance and entitlement of this vile and corrupt government. The whole parliamentary Conservative party is behaving with total disdain for British values and traditions. No responsibility, no accountability and no compassion.
  21. moonraker


    Sadly ‘western’ countries do not have great track record in their dealings with African nations. I can sort of understand them not toeing the wests line. I think they are playing a dangerous game but they have been shafted so many times over the years by the west.
  22. moonraker


    Exactly, my point was not rubbishing opinions but challenging unfounded claims and statements not simple opinions.
  23. moonraker


    Fair comment, I may have been a bit harsh but sometimes BS irks. It is a serious issue and perhaps demands a little serious thought and understanding.
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