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Everything posted by moonraker

  1. I was responding to Duckies specific point, our Tax rates are competitive even with a top rate of 45%. Most European countries have additional "Taxes" similar to our NI as your source shows. I also looked at a listing that looked at all personal forms of "Tax" and the table was essentially the same the UK is not close to being the highest taxed. It is interesting that the lowest taxed countries are also the poorer ones. One of the issues is that comparing different tax jurisdictions is like comparing apples and pears.
  2. With the UK personal tax burden 17th out of 27 European countries with the 45% many would conclude we are competitive. Its also interesting that all the countries with higher tax rates have better per capita GDP than the UK so somewhat unusually both you and Alister Darling may be wrong.
  3. Perfect for Rishi to mount a second bid. Even the swivel eyed geriatrics who populate the Tory membership must see they got it wrong the first time, not that any of the current Tory parliamentary party has much appeal as a PM. If Bojo is found in breech of parliamentary rules he may well be barred from standing.
  4. Truss won’t be PM by the next election.
  5. moonraker


    Comrade Alexi please tell us it is all going to plan. The superior technology and fighting capability of the mighty Russian army is inflicting unsustainable damage on the NAZIs of Ukraine. Tell us the truth, as you seem to believe you have a far greater insight than the rest of us.
  6. moonraker


    He will also have to consider Chinas reaction if he were to use a nuclear weapon. So far they have been passively supportive, I am not sure they would sanction a nuclear strike, even tactical. China may be building ever bigger and presumably more effective military capability, it’s core strategy is economic dominance any escalation or spread of the war in Ukraine will not serve their interests.
  7. Who the fuck are they anyway!
  8. Cracking build up thread, obviously infiltrated by Ralph luvies as I have not seen much discussion on the game or the genetic Ralph hasn’t got a clue posts. If it’s allowed I’d like to comment on the game, whatever their recent form and obvious internal problems Utd are full of quality. We are more than capable of matching their intensity combine this with some clever winding up of a couple of their prima donnas and we have a very good chance.
  9. Utd played well, however Liverpool were very poor, the worst defensive display from them for a very long time. If that had been a Saints defensive performance this board would be in melt down. I do not get the TAA hype he can’t defend and his so called set piece, tonight especially, was at best average. We will need to get at Utd, they have real individual quality, the key is can they bring it together again as they did tonight for a less high profile game.
  10. Sad news, a wonderful player
  11. The first of the few
  12. The USA has a serious issue. The extremists are driving the agenda, we have all rightly condemned Islamic fundamentalists and Putin yet it seems the clear and present danger is from within, right wing Christian/conservative fundamentalists. It denies democracy, it usurps the law and it belittles personal choice, it looks like, sounds like and behaves like Germany 1932, very scary.
  13. No
  14. Expectation and hope are two different things, i expect us to lose I hope we win
  15. No he or she is either pissed or stoned, certainly not sane.
  16. Correct, it only emphasis how desperate they are for power. That’s the shame, they are happy to select incompetent, pliable and overly ambitious people as long as they deliver Tory policies that serve their power base. When they elect a a genuine caring person with true credentials who has knowledge of the the average voters needs, regardless of colour or gender, then you might just might be able to claim the moral high ground.
  17. And there is me thinking it’s the first pre season “friendly “, basically to take a look at a few things. However I am wrong it’s cup semi final and a must win game!
  18. A question, when was the last time PM entered and left Parliament via a general election?
  19. Has there ever been a less talented and incompetent collection of self serving individuals in government than this absurd bunch?
  20. The never disappointing Michael Fabric**t has already claimed it’s a stitch up, apparently because KS is Lawyer. The Mail are now running this odious individuals view as headline news.
  21. I am increasingly becoming concerned that there remain sentient beings that defend Johnson.
  22. As usual I fail to see the relevance of your post.
  23. The more I watch and listen to Brexit supporting Tory MPs the more I realise what an absolute bunch of imbeciles they are. Because many of the truths of project fear are coming home to roost they claim or at best challenge that international conventions and treaties can be simply voted out of existence by the U.K. parliament. We are fast becoming the North Korea of Europe, I sincerely hope we collectively are capable and willing to put an end to this farce.
  24. If it’s freedom of choice just let them make up their own systems. Universal Controlled weights and measures were introduced in the Middle Ages to prevent fraud and mis selling, why are you so obsessed with an outdated arithmetically illogical system that the majority of people today neither understand or desire.
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