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Everything posted by moonraker

  1. Whole heatedly agree. Disagreed with him on some key issues but a great parliamentarian. Met him and his wife once in the Buffet on Bristol Temple Meads Station time enough for a beer for me and wife and a tea for Tony, a real gentleman and very engaging.
  2. I have a number of Simon friends and to a man they are interesting, one or two may be simple but still interesting.
  3. You will get your hearts desire when you FO to Trumpworld https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/sep/18/american-health-system-ranks-last
  4. Sounds like a description of many so called “expats” in Spain.
  5. You are a very strange person. I mainly only read posts and respond sparingly, I have yet to read a post from you that makes any sense or reflects any reality I have experienced. I can recommend a good therapist.
  6. There are plenty in Knowle West
  7. Shut up you weirdo
  8. He is a twat
  9. Your point? Police not in riot gear, no missiles being thrown, looks like a peaceful legitimate demonstration as opposed to a bunch of mindless thugs wearing balaclavas intent on violence and destruction of public and private property.
  10. Yes it does, if we had it in 2011 we would never have had the Tory shitshow of the last 14 years and the rise of the far right.
  11. You make an important point about freezing tax thresholds, estimated to raise £11 billion pounds, there are other ways that tax can be raised without raising the headline rates. One would have to be either very naive, ideologically blind or just plain old stupid to believe that any government will not need to raise more income to fix the problems and halt the 14 years of decline.
  12. I think he is referring to the fact that in the USA once a president always a president.
  13. Robbie Savage knows as much about football as i know about Astro physic's, he is a clown
  14. At Bath Spa waiting for train 9:13 train, couple of dozen saints here
  15. Or Nigel Farage
  16. There has never been a bar on MPs presenting current affairs on TV. What is in question is that MPs are not allowed to present news or specifically interview politicians about policy, it seems obvious that GB news have broken the code where other platforms have not. It is really very simple, and no amount of whataboutary will justify GB news actions wrt to serving MPs. PS. ex MPs don’t count😉
  17. And Canadians, Americans, Poles, Czechs, Dutch, Indians, Australians ………
  18. Good to get to half time without conceding and hopefully it takes the sting out of WBA domination. RM to reset and get them back at it.
  19. Eastville was never owned by the Gas, the owners soled it for development now it is IKEA, they played at Twerton for ten years before ground sharing with Bristol RFC at the Mem. Then bought the Mem. When the Rugby went bust. Rugby now shares with City and get comparable crowds. As for tonight’s game I can’t see them ending our run, 2-0 Saints.
  20. As has been said not much near the ground and what 5here is not friendly. If you have time go to King Street great area.
  21. moonraker


    So you do not address my key statements, not unexpected. Sea harriers were deleted from the inventory by Cameron nothing to do with Blair, I don’t understand your T45 reference. Under the Tories we were committed to Project Horizon with France and Italy, to quote a senior U.K. rep on the design team “The French wanted a comfortable ship, the Italians wanted a good looking ship, and the RN wanted a ship that could fight”. To many compromises, the Tories were happy to continue with this as it meant no serious budgetary commitment, the Blair government took us out of this intractable arrangement and we now have T45.
  22. moonraker


    This old excuse. The reductions in capability and numbers from the Cold War peace dividend were mainly instigated and taken by the Major Government ( I had a lovely redundancy package). The Blair government did reduce numbers but did not notably reduce capability, indeed they increased it, as an example the Carriers which Cameron came very close to cancelling. No matter how you argue it the Tories have always cut defence more than Labour, John Knott was about to gut the RN in 1982, reducing it to an ASW only Navy. The Falklands and Admiral Leach saved it, and Knott was never heard of again.
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