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  1. That chutney isn’t going to make itself
  2. And people wonder why you got bullied
  3. Another fail Matthew, yet again you have failed
  4. I’m also amused how there are a few sticking up for them because they’ve just brought Spors in. They’ve screwes up pretty much everything for the last 3 years but suddenly everything’s going to be alright now. The last two people we had in a similar position cleared off pretty sharpish. I guess taking comfort from how well Goztepe are doing is the new being proud of our catering and radio station 😂😂😂
  5. Shut up your boring prat
  6. No it wouldn’t.
  7. Please stop. You’ve been spouting this shit about SR since they’ve been here and everything they touch turns to shit. They are King Midus in reverse.
  8. Meanwhile our lot give Bella Kotchap a standing ovation 😂😂
  9. Updated it for you
  10. Great thread
  11. Bet Leicester fans wish they’d stick with Cooper
  12. I meant for Saints obviously, not in the French third division, or Ross Stewart who has played over 200 times for other clubs 🙄
  13. our €5m signing from the French 3rd tier played too. Nearly £20m of players starting for the U21s with about 4 first team games between them
  14. Turkish


    It's quite sweet how he thinks him catching me on here during the working day is some sort of gotcha, i can imagine him prowling the typing office floor like an angry corporal ready to bollock anyone who wasn't toeing the line, asking his favourite young ladies to "go and make me a coffee love" and making quips to the other managers about how he'll be hanging out the back of her at the Christmas party.
  15. Or just simply "i broke it"
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