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Everything posted by skings80

  1. dunno its very strange
  2. has any1 seen an update for today yet?? cos all i get is saturday's 1 ???
  3. skings80

    share price

    Somthing else ive just thought of is the sare price is now only 3 pence above the price it was when we got relegated from the prem...
  4. i have no idea unless somthing is going to happen??
  5. so nothing to keep an eye on then?
  6. http://www.londonstockexchange.com/en-gb/pricesnews/prices/system/detailedprices.htm?sym=GB0007922114GBGBXAIMI0792211SOO watch this space our club maybe on the up at last:)
  7. have we heard whether harte is signing yet?
  8. Does any one know if its on sky?
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