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Everything posted by PES

  1. LOL! ok, D i c kens.
  2. May I remind you Charles ****ens is from Portsmouth. Though admittedly he got out pretty quickly.
  3. Shut up Denzil, Westwoods cool as F*ck! Ok, Try this one for original wit (I think?) I found it on Rivals the other day, It's based on John Betjeman's poem Slough. Come friendly bombs and fall on Scum It's nothing better than a slum Where children's sisters are their mum And ponies fear It's just a bland container port Their football team - disgrace to sport The players steal and then get caught Oh dear, oh dear While Premier rivals have their fun Enjoying their time in the sun They languish in the old Div One Perpetual night And soon the Polish will concede That Scumland can't fulfill their need The last one out, a final deed Turn off the light!
  4. Thanks Nick your pretty fair yourself. It will be their loss if we have to wait another 70 years.
  5. Yes.
  6. Recycled?!?!? Pompey are famous across the land for our biting and original wit! (If only). Anyway it went along the lines of: Did you hear about the massive Party in Southampton last night? Idiotkez put 60 million quid over the bar! (Thats the version I heard anyway) To be absolutely honest, I think most felt a tinge of dissappointment yesterday and that all.
  7. Yep, 4,000 more than the more Attractive Man Utd v Chelsea final the previous year! All in all i'm pleased with the Pompey turnout.
  8. Any fan would be dissapointed to see any empty seats, it must break your heart everytime you attend a match at SMS. However, it was a better attended match than last years Charity Shield and as I know very few 'regulars' who did not go, i'm really pleased that so many families and Kids took the opportunity to swell the ranks. It was a good day, though in honesty it even had the feel of a 'glorified friendly'. It's just a shame so many people I know could not be bothered to go (For whatever reason).
  9. Your right Nick, there were plenty of empty seats. i'd say at a guess about 2-3 thousand in the Pompey end (Just my honest guess)? As for club Wembley (The middle section) I would say that was just over half full. I have mixed feelings as so many fans I know did not go. Now this irritates me because I think they are a bit complacent as to how long it may take to see Pompey at Wembley again. However I was encouraged by the number of families that had gone, loads of kids all flag waving and face painted-up and it was actually a really nice atmosphere, my favourite of the 3 games ive attended at Wembley this last 4 months. The announcer at the stadium said 84,000 summink? which is about 4,000 more than last year. I'll use this as an example of why this thread is no more than a bit of fun. Yes we sold more than Chelsea, however in terms of fanbase, we must have 1/10th of the fanbase of Chelsea. But I will re-iterate I was blown away by the amount of families and kids attending, more good news for the future.
  10. They only went on sale for half a day. The FA forced Pompey to stop sellig the second man Utd sold out there tickets that had also gone on general sale. It took the mancs half a day to sell their remaining tickets hence Pompey's only being on sale for around 4-6 hours.
  11. Blue meanies! I like it. Shame I Dont think it will catch on.
  12. Much appreciated, Thats so gracious of you so in return I'd just like to say that Saints corporate entertainment and matchday catering are second to none.
  13. C'mon Pompey, you can do it, Beat Man Yoo in the Season Opener and bring the Ronald McDonalds Community Shield home!
  14. Please leave your good luck messages for the Boys here!
  15. Cardiff 1 Saints 1
  16. Ok Stuart, a proposal, how about we check out the Attendance on the day. We know man utd sold out there allocation as they did for last seasons game. You'd probably agree that last years Man Utd v Chelsea is a far more attractive corporate fixture so should sell/attract more sponsors/FA/ type fans around 40,000. If tomorrows attendance is less than 80,730 then i'll take all your jibes on the chin. However, I predict the attendance will be more than last years. Thats the only fair way to assess things. For what it's worth I am amazed that Pompey have sold out, less than half of the Regulars I know are actually going! I guess some of the 200,000 pompey fans on the common must of got tickets and want to enjoy a day out at Wembley?
  17. Well thats more than London based Chelsea managed to do last season.
  18. This forum, Saints forever and the Saints forum are the best fansites i've ever come across. A great mix of posters and unlike nearly all pompey fansites the lunatics aren't running the asylum. The best Pompey site is Pompey Online and thats ****e, some good guys but more and more knobheads everyday. Actually by far the best pompey site (and probably the oldest) is the email, digest format Pompey Anoraks which include many journalists and even the Late Great Anthony Minghella as members, Sadly the Anoraks membership seems to be in decline.
  19. Um, OK? :confused:
  20. I dont know about that TopGun, but i'd love some fish!
  21. I take it your not going then Kip?
  22. Got to be honest i'm surprised as I know hardly anyone going. However it's true. SOLD OUT!! I do know of a few Saints fans going, Stu Romsey Saint is conspicuous by his absence? I'll keep an eye out for him tomorrow.
  23. Maybe they aren't as sad as me?
  24. My wife and I had to pay £85 in total for 2 tickets. We had no choice as to what tickets we bought so i guess that is £42.50 each. Though admitedly you are right there were 'cheaper' tickets available. Bet you were tempted, eh Nick?
  25. I believe there are some tickets left, around 2000. They only went on general sale for half a day, before reverting to only being sold to people on the database, this was due to FA intervention. I guess the best way to gauge things is to compare the attendance at this years community shield to last years 80,700.
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