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Everything posted by PES

  1. Another great win for the boys in Blue! If you caught the highlights or were one of the 'Lucky' ones who got to go, post your thoughts and reactions here. Can I just say I'm p*ssed off with you guys, I'm in Canada this week and I come on here to get the Pompey match reaction, aaaaaaaand......Nothing. Despite being thousands of miles away, it still falls on me to raise the 'important' issues. Come on peeps, this apathy is simply not good enough, anyone would think you lot didn't give a sh*t. :mad::mad::mad:
  2. Sorry ESB, my mistake!
  3. I too am a Catholic, It's amazing how many of us there are! I'm 34 and went to St. Edmunds in Portsmouth, I don't know St. Georges in Southampton, but know its Southampton's non-private equivalent to St. Eddies in Pompey (The cleverer or better off Catholics in Pompey go to St. Johns). When I was at Eddies the Headteacher from St. Georges joined as our head. I think his name was Mr. Wright, was he your head? I left just after he joined.
  4. Look, let's be honest here Thorpey. Christians know that the best way you can get people to 'Believe' in Christianity is to 'get them' as Impressionable children. This is why it is important to them that creationism or whatever you want to call it is taught in schools. Any 'Sane' adult who approached religeon for the first time would I'm sure think 'Nice story, but I cant accept that as fact', however get a young child and fill their heads with what as adults would be implausible nonsence and there is a very good chance they will take their 'beliefs' into adulthood. Its not my intention to offend anyone here, I'm just stating my beliefs, I just wish Christian adults would allow children to formulate their own opinions in their own good time, but thats not going to happen, is it?
  5. I'm on holiday next week, on my return I'm on a mission to explore that list further! Thanks Scudamore.
  6. Well I can't have everything, My Stupidity balances out my Stunning good looks.
  7. Thanks Scudamore. I'm gonna check the Marvin Gaye one out this evening.
  8. Apologies to all those I 'offended' through my stupidity.
  9. You know when you hear an album for the first time and wish you'd heard it years ago? We'll this has just happened to me and prompted me to share an album with you thats IMO is truelly awesome. Bruce Springsteen - Nebraska Absolutely brilliant, It's really stripped back and is pretty much Bruce Springsteen and his guitar, it's kinda folky but really quite dark and tweaks the old heart strings in places. I particularly like "Nebraska", "Highway patrolman", "Johnny 99" and my favourite "My Fathers house". I've always liked The Boss but only as far as owning his Greatest Hits. We'll I was recomended this album and it's truelly breathtaking, I'm just gutted that it's taken me over 25 years to hear it. Anyway this got me thinking that maybe we could have a thread where people could point people in the direction of some other, truelly amazing albums that others may not of been exposed too. I'd be all ears!
  10. PES

    The Smiths

    I dont find The Smiths depressing what-so-ever. If anything the lyrics make me laugh. Great band IMO.
  11. PES

    Peter Rodrigues

    Ok, I may of exagerrated that bit.
  12. PES

    Peter Rodrigues

    They chose to live and work in Pompey! This enabled me to 'Dodge' fate!
  13. PES

    Peter Rodrigues

    LOL, He wears a Pompey Scarf and cheers when we score.
  14. I'm sure any club would welcome you, clubs are always looking for new recruits, look here for more details: http://www.getintoamericanfootball.com/
  15. I actually went to Watch a Farnham Knights game this year, it was against the Bristol Aztecs, they beat the Knights quite convincingly. I'm 34 now and out of shape, I'd like the idea of playing but I think I'd get battered now. I remember how i'd be limping around and aching like hell after every game as an 18 year old so god knows how bad it would be now! Still if your in relatively good shape Bungle I reckon you'd be daft to not go back and have another crack at it. To be honest I think the standard has regressed (Britball) since the late 80's heyday, the sheer amount of people playing back then I guess meant that the pool of athletes actually playing was of a higher standard, players seemed bigger and faster, also the Import players we had back then were just short of NFL standard with most having NFL Experience, The Portsmouth Warriors had 5 Import players alone that had at one time graced NFL or NFL practice squads! On the plus side for the domestic game nowadays I thought the coaching and formations etc seems to of entered another stratosphere! I could not believe the things I was seeing in the Knights v Aztecs game (Bare in mind it had been around 13 years since I'd seen a 'Live' game) When I was playing you rarely had anything other than 2 in the backfield and 2 out wide! the game has changed so much in a short space of time, I'm enjoying catching up!
  16. No not new Bungle, though admitedly lapsed for over 14 years (Almost a whole Brett Favre career!). I Started playing as a 14 year old in 1988! Turning out for The Portsmouth Warriors, Bournemouth Bobcats, Bournemouth Rengades and Brighton B52's. Trained at times with Eastleigh Royals, Crawley Raiders, Solent Scorpions and the Farnham Knights. I played firstly as a Center on the OL before moving to Defensive tackle. I was unable to make the transition to Seniors effectively. Too small to be a Good Linesman and too slow to be a Good Linebacker, I got disillusioned going from an Excellent Junior player to a Small and very average Senior, so dropped out the game. The following year, 1993 I started following Pompey home and Away and choose the social aspect of football over American Football. Last Season I started following it again on TV, returning to support the Browns who I had seen in 1989 at Wembley. To be honest I find the NFL really refreshing compared to the predictability of the Premier League and am really looking forward to my 4th trip to Wembley this year to see the Saints taking on the Chargers.
  17. C'mon Andy Murray!
  18. I've got a joke for you Equalizer! Why does Edward woodward have four D's in his name? Because Ewar Woowar sound pretty f****** stupid. :D:D
  19. Come on you Browns! Why are the Browns Defence sooooo F******* S***!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  20. You could do worse than get Becks as an owner. Especially with his 'connections' in the world of business etc.
  21. PES

    Peter Rodrigues

    LOL, I was gutted when 'Ths Saint' won Southern Counties Independant Radio Station of the Year in 2007. Sometimes I think Saints are lightyears ahead of Pompey. Will we ever catch up?
  22. PES

    Peter Rodrigues

    Tell me about it! My mum and Stepdad are from Bishopstoke, both ST Holders at SMS.
  23. PES

    Peter Rodrigues

    Why on earth would you turn the job down, imagine the Cred you'd of earned amongst your Saints mates! and just how proud would your parents of been?
  24. PES

    Peter Rodrigues

    Thats Very perceptive RRM2, Lidls rumoured to be next years sponsor.
  25. PES

    Peter Rodrigues

    Does he work as a scout in any capacity? Or is he just enjoying a free ticket to the game? Either way if it is him (and i'm pretty sure it is!) it's good to see a Saints Legend enjoying the hospitality at Fratton Park. Did I mention Strachan was also at FP last time out? Closet pompey fans, one and all.
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