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Everything posted by PES

  1. Your post is just drippin' in it!
  2. Thanks Sky, I'll be careful! FWIW, I enjoy reading Corps posts and the general 'Debate' that follows! I think the site is better for his postings and hope for a return of the Corp v SRS/NickH long running spats. For me it's funny, I personally don't look to wind-up fans on here, likewise I don't respond to those that do it to me, but as an amused observer of the good old cyber tear ups on here, Corp, SRS etc are solid gold!
  3. Thats the Spirit Baj, don't let the doom mongers get you down!
  4. To be honest Weston, I'm pretty confident about the future. Though I know you don't want to hear that! I won't sh*t you, I have nothing to go on but my misplaced optimism, but Pompey will stay up, will reduce the wage bill, will start bringing our own youngsters through and will maintain our premiership status for a good few years yet! Of course I'm probably wrong.
  5. Think i'll be going down to eastleigh to catch some of their play-off games, I'm guessing they'll secure homefield advantage throughout!
  6. Ok, I don't know who your Uni is, but as my rivalry does not extend to all things Southampton, I have to be fair and say I seen the Southampton University Stags and they are National Champions and Head and Shoulders above most University American football teams.
  7. Ahh, never really thought of it like that. I can see where your coming from now. No offense taken, I regularly stick my d*ck in flatfish so if the cap fits and all that.
  8. Beattie protests too much! Yes, just like Bridge, he has on occassion rammed Pompey fans Jibes back down there throats (quite rightly), however unlike Bridge, I've seen Beattie shrink away like a scared little mouse at Fratton Park, he knows it too, which is why he's spouting off now. Bridge always performs well against Pompey and does his talking on the pitch, including the well deserved 'Celebration' at Chelsea after taking vile dogs abuse. Not read about him mouthing off in the press, despite his apparent genuine dislike of Pompey. I read between the lines and Beattie protests TOO much!
  9. Yes S.C.U.M. is a load of bullsh*t, however your wrong about the 'Skate' jibe. It was not a term Sailors called locals (That would make no sense?) Southampton fans 'Cleverly' turned a derogatory term for Sailors used by locals against the very citizens who coined it.
  10. Southampton Stags also Played Portsmouth Destroyers today (University American Football) anyone know who won? I'm guessing Southampton as they are V. good indeed.
  11. PES


    Yeah, the fact he had 'SCUMMER' instead of Le Tissier on his back was a nice touch too.
  12. Baby Steps on the road to greatness Weston.
  13. Another European Tour! Cool.
  14. Nigerians? No you mean the Ugandans!
  15. You think it's get as far as the Needles Toomer?
  16. As a serial attention seeker and sad act, I emailed 'my mate' Peter last night. The reply I received this morning from Pete left me in no doubt that he's not bovered in the slightest. Minor annoyance at best. The PFC Juggernaught rolls on!
  17. Wa-hey, Boom Boom! Happy Valentines Nick!
  18. Definate Legend in my Book.
  19. Sadly Nick, I don't think Pompey has ever been described as a 'Family Club'.
  20. More developments from the pages of 'The Times' note the inclusion of the awful 'Middle Eastern Bid', give me the European buyers over the Cash Rich Arabs any day of the week, were they to embarrass us like City, I don't know what i'd do??? :mad: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/premier_league/portsmouth/article5721468.ece
  21. To be fair I seem to remember a Nation of Islam guy being denied entry a few years back, so at least they are being even handed!
  22. Nick, Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit!
  23. Thanks Bridge, though I know for an absolute fact, Vulcan/Paul Allen were enquiring about SFC, you were very close to being subject of a takeover bid. I cant remember the exact details of why it fell through, something to do with the major shareholders but I do know it was a very close run thing.
  24. Ok here is how I see it, Pompey have no money Gaydamak is looking to sell and will put NOTHING in. However, Portsmouth have contacted Sven, Brian Kidd has joined Pompey and the Executive Chairman stated last week Pompey were on the cusp of new ownership. It is possible that Sven is a done deal, Brian Kidd was part of Svens England management team and the only way Pompey can afford Sven is if we have new owners....... Rose tinted specks? Possibly, I know only as much as you lot do. Interesting times to be a Pompey supporter!
  25. Red is a better colour than Blue. Blue is dull, Red is striking! But Red and White Stripes? Well thats just Ghey.
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