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Everything posted by PES

  1. I hope your not one of them Fareham Hockey so and so's who Park down Deanes Park Road on a Matchday? The residential parking nightmares that lot cause, along with the bloody Cricketers!
  2. Very fair comment Nick. Don't know where were going with this, but if it keeps us out of Administration I'm all for it. I can only believe they are after the Leigh Park Oilfield Basin?
  3. Despite having MASSIVE reservations about 'Dr' Fahim, I can't help but like him, he's a nutter.
  4. Thanks Nick.
  5. Strange how the two clubs bring each other such comfort in difficult times! The truth is like it or not, we're linked, wether you like it or not.
  6. I was there and my Mrs. I cant speak for the 14,000 others, though I know no-one else who went personally.
  7. Ironically It's the badge given to the 'new' city by Richard the Lionheart, in recognition of Portsmouth's contribution to the Crusades. It actually symbolises the Star of Christianity ascendant over the Muslim Crescent moon. Still we'll keep that quiet till it's all gone through, eh guys, don't want to upset our new governors!
  8. If I were a Billionaire I'd rather buy Everton than Pompey and, Obviously you'd be a fool to argue that Portsmouth is a 'Real' football city when compared to Liverpool, however if your insinuating in any way that Southampton is a Footballing city and Portsmouth isn't (then your mad).......
  9. Brilliant! We're in the money, Ronaldo, Messi, Nugent......
  10. In a word No. Still if some misguided fools want to think we might be, who are we to argue?
  11. Bestest fans in the world.
  12. By all accounts (Internet, Radio etc) we should find out Pompey's fate today!
  13. Absolutely, You won't get any gloating from me. I did allude to internet rumours at the weekend and this now seems to justify certain ITKers who speculated a Mega Consortium including Holger Heims and his German Compatriots and a far eastern element too. Hopefully now both clubs will be on a solid footing after our respective financial ahem 'Adjustments'! Good times for south coast football ahead methinks! :D:D
  14. FWIW The words that i've been reading over the last 24 hours are very positive, from what I've read from 'Trusted' message board sources (Openly available) things are really hotting up and could well be sorted already. Of course, I've made the judgement as to wether or not to believe them and through years of trawling boards feel the info is reliable. I hope it's right, I really do, and that many of the 'less imaginative' posters on here suffer the same fate as many of the feeble minded Pompey fans recently rubbing their hands at your (thankfully recently averted) demise. That of being made to drink a bowl of thier own throthing bile soup!
  15. What a fantastic analogy! Wasn't able to read without passing comment!
  16. Sorry to only pop up when things are going so well for Pompey (I don't do it intentionally, honest!), anyway, to make it up to you I thought I'd share an 'obvious' betting stratergy with you and one I often employ myself (though a mirrored version of this suggestion) I notice many on here are scrambling to find the best odds on Pompey being relegated, this would clearly bring much joy to many on here, however, ith such unattractive odds, why not 'Hedge' your bets? Back Pompey to Stay up. That way you can't lose, if Pompey drop the money's lost but you won't care, you'll of actively helped 'Jinx' us. Alternatively, should Pompey surprise the bookies, you'll have a bit of extra courtesy of your neighbours, either way you can't lose. Hope this helps.
  17. Really pleased for the decent majority on here. Onwards and upwards, lets get Pompey's takeover secured and maybe in the next 3-5 years we can get our rivalry back on track! I for one won't be buying Tobelerone this Christmas.
  18. PES

    Kevin Keegan

    As a former favourite of the Saints, Kevin Keegan would be a fantastic appointment should one of the prospective buyers seal the deal. He would galvanise your fanbase and whilst the game may of past him by slightly at Premier level, has a fantastic record of promoting lower league clubs. I wonder if it could happen?
  19. These arguements are so pointless (so why can't I resist?) Ok heres a fact. Saints crowd at the weekend was impressive, it was however swelled by LOADS of school kids. A secondary school my wife works at in Southampton took 50 kids on a virtual freebie, I'm assuming the same happened for all schools across the Southampton area? This was arranged weeks ago, so was not a responce to the 'bad' news. Still to be fair 26K is impressive, though maybe not wholly accurate of the real gate.
  20. Their Baby girl is called Ava Belle Le Tissier, 9lb something?!
  21. LOL! What a mess our clubs are in.
  22. Milka? F.O East Side! Were worth at least a couple of Toblerones. Your rabble's value equates to a f****** Kinda Egg (Wonder what the surprise is? Bet you can't wait!).
  23. uh????
  24. Uggghhh, what a disgusting name, thank god you ain't choosing it! Seriously though, congratulations Bridge.
  25. Christ Weston, give us a chance will you!?!?
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