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Everything posted by PES
Agreed Aussie, as any good rival would.
LOL, You love your generalisations dont you Dell days. The Alcohol and Porn induced boxing day coma you seem to be in is stopping you from actually assimilating anything I've written?
Thanks Rock, funny 'cos I share exactly the same sentiments towards Southampton and to my mind, thats how it should be, anything beyond that and it's a complete loss of perspective and like some kind of mental illness. I don't mind people having a laugh at Pompey's predicament, I've laughed at Saints loads until recently, not on here though, cos despite whatever perverse masochistic reason leads me to frequent this board, I remember this is a Saints messageboard and as i'm not a rude c***, I bite my lip and don't gloat (Not that there is much opportunity at the moment). Thats not to say that I won't argue with the deluded people on here that try to convince themselves of things that simply are not true. I also accept that to be tolerated on a Saints messageboard I also have to take some of the more odious posters jibes on the chin, I guess if they can't get at the nasty horrible Pompey internet warriors (mostly on other boards) then they'll chip away at me, because funnily enough, i'm still here when it's all gone to ****. But hey, It's worth it cos so many of the posters on here, including you Rock, get it.
Great, very impressive crowd, I expect a 30,000+ turnout in ever game from now to the end of the year. What a great time to be a Saints fan. An unstoppable promotion surge, A massive feel good factor sweeping the city and game tickets at very reasonable prices, no excuse whasoever to get any less than 30,000 from now till your promotion party. I maintain that a sizable proportion of that crowd are 'Fickle'. You don't need them now, your on the cusp of the good times, surely you needed them last year prior to the arrival of the Swiss fellow, when you were dying on your f***ing feet, thats when you needed 30,000 not now. Bloody good time charlies, though I'm honest enough to admit freely its the same at all clubs to varying degrees, 200,000 people on Southsea common not 2 years ago? It makes me want to vomit and is why I won't talk football with most of the Pompey fans at work.
But that's simply not true. You can't say you wouldn't 'rather' Saints had a Trophy winning history, even if you personally didn't get to personally witness it? It's illogical and proven wrong by the Saints fans under 35 who never witnessed Saints last FA Cup triumph and yet rightly will ALL of watched video of it and gotten a warm glow from something they never witnessed themselves. Also, if it didn't matter why would I be so concerened that if Pompey do go Tits up we'd loose our records and Title acknowledgements and why would many Saints fans take such glee in it should we lose it as AFC Portsmouth? Would Saints fans want the Honours carried over? I Don't think so.
Absolutely, I cant be bothered excusing them, it's not my place too. People want excitement, like your having at the moment, I genuinely tip my hat to Saints and don't blame your excitement for the future, especially on the back of all the **** you've put up with the last couple of years, But it's always easy to support the team in good times, Hence Millions of Man Yoo fans. I'll be fair and answer honestly my opinion of many things if asked, but I aint going to pretend that ALL Saints are solid super great fans and ALL Pompey fans are 'Fickle' when thats just not the case. Also Pompey's Highest attendances of the Modern Era, where when we were clawing our way up the leagues in the 80's, not at our pinnacle in the Premier, some of the older more knowledgable Saints fans could confirm this, it really means nothing all it highlights is people want to share in the good times and many (to varying degrees) choose to duck out when it all goes abit ****. I don't believe the League you play in has any real bearing on it, if Pompey in 5 years times mount a Promotion charge in div 2, don't you think 15,000 odd fans would suddenly 'remember' how great it is being a Pompey fan? Of course they would, and it's gauling 'cos they should be queing up to feast on the same **** burger I'm currently being forced to munch on (But that aint human nature is it?).....
Very good, though I'd say the word 'Fickle' could just as easily apply to many Saints fans flooding through the Boxing Day Gates this afternoon, dont'cha think? Please ask them where they've been the last couple of years whilst others helped keep their club alive? Their pretty quick to turn up to 'Enjoy' the success earned by others. Sorry just as many Bandwagoneers with an SO postcode! Anyway, have a good boxing day i'm off the the IOW (Nah not Upton park, fickle **** that I am.)
Yeah, and that is a concern, (but we'll all know.)
Best wishes to you too, most people know how to enjoy a rivalry, clearly your one of them. It's swings and roundabouts, it could very well soon be your time to crow again, most my Pompey supporting life has been spent at a time when Pompey have been inferior on the pitch to Saints, so as the sun sets on what'll probably be our 5 odd years of superiority, forgive me if I don't prematurely give up the assendancy just yet, especially with Saints two divisions below us. Even when you do pass us eventually (which surely has to happen sooner or later), then from our future downtrodden position forgive me again when I boringly dribble on about our 2 League Titles and 2 FA Cup wins to your paultry 1 FA Cup Triumph, which for a club with supposedly the largest support in the south is more than unimpressive(and which incidentaly with the way the game is now you'll never better), but then that is the real nature of a rivalry, or at any rate the kind of rivalry I want to partake in, anything more viscious, spiteful and humourless, i'll leave to others.
No the 'Majority' would not of wanted it. The 'Majority' loved your fall from grace, the 'Majority' would NEVER of wanted to see our greatest rivals cease to exist, the 'Majority' know that our rivalry is special, and that without it, supporting your club won't be quite the same. The Alternatives are a rivalry with Reading (That'll be fun) or some psuedo rivalry with a London club like Spurs who'll just look down their noses at you because to them, you really don't matter.
I'll Bag Cod Snogger! Quality.
Christ Grandad, CCC or League one means instant Bankrupcy, we have no choice but to fight to stay in the premier league and hope we can get the embago lifted to bing in a couple of loans whilst hanging onto what we've got. If we can do that then we have a chance, and the opportunity to get our hands on another wad of Premier League money. If we don't, it's curtains, there will be no silver lining like their has been for Saints, still, I'm sure you'd agree, It just wouldn't be Pompey any other way, all or nothing, **** or bust!
Yep cant argue with that ESB, things look awful and in truth, behind the scenes things are awful. But purely on a playing front, because after all, that is what it's all about first and foremost, Pompey fans and Saints fans are in for a very exciting new year, though for very different reasons! I'm actually really enjoying it, though maybe burying my head in the sand a little? But exactly what can I do anyway, if i'm paying for it, I might as well try and take some positives from it, including a thoroughly deserved 2-0 victory over Liverpool!
To be Fair ESB, Pompey started the season with 14 senior players, despite this we've played well all season, we lost our first 7 games, where we should of picked up at least 5 points, we got none. Since then our form is not that of a relegated team and player for player we are better than at least 4-5 teams in our division and playing with a spirit which belies the financial chaos that surrounds our twice 'not paid on time' players. Now for the part you will like. Everything could be made worse with the possibly impeding january sales. BUT if we can keep our squad together, avoid rotten luck with injuries and avoid some kind of point deduction, we can see off the loss of a few key players to the ANC AND stay up, but as you'll point out its a BIG If. However for the record I feel quite positive!
Great, you'll be getting it back in double dollops then.
Funny how we all see things differently, I worked in a large factory in Hamble during our last encounter with Administration and I can assure you with no word of a lie the hatred and gloating from saints fans was horrendous, I'll also be honest enough to say it was not the majority, just like it's a minority of Pompey fans that wish 'Extreme' hardship on Saints (Though a bit of embaressment is always good!) Your right about something else, I don't dish it out, cos I can't take it. I can't stand feckers who dish it out and can't take it back (I know we all know people that do), Glass houses and all that......
I don't doubt you know Pompey's been in admin before, many on here seem to think Saints have a monopoly on 'The downward spiral', Pompey's been run dreadfully all my supporting life, we will get over it and I promise it won't be as big a blow to us as fans as it has been to the Saints fans who saw their team stumble out the top flight for (In many cases if not most) the first time in their saints supporting lives.
Your right, this christmas when the family is around, I'll tell my WWII Veteran grandfather and my young 8 year old Niece, Aintforever says "You thugs, you deserve everything you get!" I doubt they'll understand, but i'm sure you'd want them to know.
Well if there are to be some positives from it, I hope it fills the void in your life.
Thanks for the kind words Nick. Your a master at 'Sugaring the pill', As for winning the FA cup, maybe your right? Why don't you null and void our previous trophies too? The two League Titles and 1939 FA Cup, had WWII never happened we wouldn't of had the cream of the countries footballers kicking a ball for Pompey outta pre and post war boredom and all for schillings and pence! But by your own reconning, if you don't mind, please Scrub your 76 FA Cup triumph from the history books too. Had a young Portsmouth lad, a born and bred Pompey grover and 'sadly' overlooked Pompey Fan, not popped up and poached the goal for you, the winning goal, the mighty Saints, the South of Englands Biggest club, would of won what exactly? Better stop, were starting to get a bit 'Back to the Future' ere....
Not really in a position to say that at the moment though are you Colin? I'm sure you'll have plenty of time for this when the time comes, hold fire, it'll be so much more fun when you actually do have something to crow about. For now your not really in a position to Gloat so don't go prematurely shooting off all over the place. (Or your gloating might just 'reap what you sow!')
Good For you! Really impressed with your logic, maybe Saints fans also 'Reaped what they sowed?' when you plummeted over the last 4 years, maybe 27 years of Top league arrogance was the price you paid? NO? (Not my opinion, just applying your logic.) By your logic should we go through the Mill and you lot gloat then surely 'You'll reap what you sow'? All over again too, best not do it then eh? Whats that? You can't help yourself? It's too much fun? Laughing at Poopey! Ho, Ho, Ho We'll better watch out then cos 'You'll reap what you sow!' (I'm Sorry but gloating morons laughing at the strife of their rivals have no bearing on the fortunes of their respective clubs, The Bigger clubs have 10 fold more dickheads supporting them than Saints and Pompey combined, when are they gonna 'reap what they sow?') Truth is the VAST majority of saints fans DID NOT deserve what you have had to go through, neither do MOST Pompey fans. You think that the behaviours of Saints and Pompey's 'less emotionally developed' fans are any different? Of course they're not. And one more point to remember, we've been there before mate, I've walked behind a coffin down Goldsmiths Avenue collecting money for a club in administration, so we're not new to what you saints fans have gone through, it really was not that long ago! So that'll be: 2 League Titles 2 FA Cups & 2 Administrations Beats your: 1 FA Cup & 1 Administration. :cool:
Things are looking bleak for Pompey, and I'd be a liar if I said I was not concerned that in a few years time our league positions wont be reversed. As one who never gloated at your fall from grace it's all the more galling that some are celebrating a situation that has not even happened yet (even if it is pending), I guess that says more about those individuals characters more than anything? If it turns out to be a 6/7 season stint at the top for Pompey, then for a small club we did rather we'll, didn't we? even adding to our set of Honours, one of the few things (If your honest) your club is lagging behind us on! I remember all the arrogant jokes about from Saints fans upon Pompeys Football League triumph and Promotion 'Three seasons in the Prem, Autumn, Winter and Spring' christ some Saints fans even went as far as to record a record crowing on about it! (In retrospect, you'd have to agree, thats pretty cringe-worthy!) So should it end, it's been an adventure, one I'd always hoped for, not all great, but neither sets of fans need to fill the gaps in for each other anymore, you'll be under no illusions about the Premiership and most 'older' Pompey fans know all about the football league. This is a word that gets banded about alot, but having a very good understanding of both sets of fans, the truth is you do 'Belong' in the premier league and in truth, I feel Pompey are better suited to the football league. You in the Prem achieving nothing yet lording it over us from a higher league, and us looking up jealously sniping at you, going on about how your fans are **** etc and how you never won anything. A position most older sets of fans will be all too familiar with and maybe even comfortable?
The wife and I will be in Tokyo for 10 Days over Easter Holidays. I'll keep my eyes peeled for your red and white Deck chair shirt in amoungst the Pachinko machines.
Good man! It's supposed to be going Resident only parking Mon-Sat 8.00AM -6.00PM as of next year, we get it terrible what with the Town Workers, Shoppers, Cricketers and Hockey players all parking down here, Wouldn't mind if you guys actually 'played' Hockey down the Rec?!? To be fair, the Cricket and Hockey clubs have been here decades, It's only when combined with the town parking people that have made it unbearable in the last few years. If your moving to HC whats happening to the clubhouse then? Are the cricket club taking it over?