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Everything posted by PES
Just got back from the match, Great atmosphere, superb away support, Fantastic Pompey performance and cracking game, gives me confidence that Pompey will easily stay up this year. After we slaughter Blunderland, bring on the scummers time to put you all in your place, with the embargo about to be lifted and Shiek Maktoum waiting in the wings things are looking rosy. Good night all!!! (turns off his computer, puts fingers in his ears and goes up to bed........lalalalalalalalalal)
Yeah your post is oozeing in it.
Yeah, 'cos the Media is so virtuous.
I hope they don't turn up, or any 'politicaly' motivated group. Chants of 'Sticking Arabs up yer arse' were cringeworthy enough, more ignorant than racist, but what with the current media focus on any and every PFC negative, as some have said on here, it could be disasterous, that said I don't believe there is much if any public/football sympathy towards the plight of PFC so I doubt it'd do that much damage anyway....
Being local, don't tell me your not tempted?
Any Facist nonesence goes off and i'll walk away, I hope that does not kick off an 'All Pompey fans are facist/racists' series of posts, it'd be really disappointing. Dell Days is just doing what he does best, dragging up any old **** thats anti-Pompey, nothing wrong with that, but pulling out isolated posts on Pompey messageboards by the pompey village biggots means nothing. Don't you have a few on here? And aren't they generally ignored? Just like they are in Pompey.
To name but one! Talking of Cheese, I'm gonna sort an evening out for sometime in Feb mate, i'll email you soon with details.
Not when I walk him in an SO postcode.
17st. Still reckon i'd give a Grey a run for it's money though!
No, I have a retired Greyhound though, 'Galactic Warrior', his father Bypass Byway was the 2002 Irish Greyhound Champion, his son sadly never lived up to his breeding, hence why he's currently sprawled across my front room floor, stinking the place out! but he's a lovely boy.
In fairness the 'Talent' has been paid and to date are owed nothing, I would agree that if any organisation is well run then staff would be paid on time, however the fact remains they HAVE all been paid.
I saw the Sheik Mohommed thing yesterday and hoped it would not come to the attention of those on here. oh well..... 'We'll line 'em up, you knock 'em down!'
Sorry Hamster, whats TSW? I'm glad Pompey have never gone in for this sort of thing, I cant even stand the stadium announcer saying stuff like "Let's make some noise!!!" prior to kick-off. I'm sure whatever clown at SFC takes the decision to introduce such things as 'Canned crowd noise' does it without the consent of 99% of Saints fans, so how the hell do they get away with introducing such cringeworthy 'atmospherics'?, which leave you open to (unfair but given the current circumstances i'll take it) ****taking criticism.
Mush, is used fairly extensively in Portsmouth (Though not so much with youngsters), I remember the old 80's Pompey Fanzine Frattonize always had the tagline '10 Bob to you Mush'. Does the word 'Squinny' get used in Southampton, thats a word i'd always assumed was a Pompey word? A word I heard loads over your neck of the woods and never in Pompey is 'Gert' as in 'Very', 'It's Gert good', is that an old Hampshire term?
I doubt it, he's currently fighting cancer.
To be honest 123, I think Pompey would take 3,000-4,000 REGULARS to an AFC Pompey type team, which would be a good base to start from. Not sure i'd be one of them, it wouldn't be Pompey in my eyes and I'd probably take the opportunity to make a clean break from the illogical football illness that we all as football fans succumb to, which is something I could never could do whilst Pompey exist in any capacity. I'd certainly wish any AFC team the best, but don't know if I could 'connect' emotionaly with what would effectively be an entirely new entity, good luck to those who do though.
Yes! Woooooooo-Hooooooooo!
I'm stunned DD, I wrote you off as incapable of making fair unbiased comparisons!
No i'm not confident at all. But your question remains unanswerable all the same DD.
How can anyone answer this question? Pompey will either get bought in some shape or form or they'll cease to exist. We won't know until either outcome comes to pass. It's an illogical question. Like saying, if England are so good, how come they have not won the 2010 World Cup?
Sorry if you felt i'd brushed off any debate on this Yeovil, I returned to work today so have had less time to dedicate to Pompey on a Saints messageboard (Perverse innit!) and so kinda skimmed through the posts. We'll I guess we're borderline Premiership, but technically as there are 20 places and we're tired for the last spot we at least are in a position to draw straws for the final premier league spot! I don't actually like where this has ended up going, i've ended up sounding like a 'Premierised' whore! My whole point originaly was to set a criteria where Portsmouth were a 'Bigger' club than Saints. truth be told, I REALLY dont care who's BIGGER, BIGGER is for little boy's comparing willy sizes. By 'major' trophy count Pompey have a 4:1 superiority over Saints 400% more successful. I've happily agreed Saints are a better supported club than Pompey, i'd estimate around 30% more fans. I really don't get why that appeals to some Saints fans? But whatever floats yer boat. You say it doesn't wash! maybe your right. But i'll tell you what also does not wash, Southampton fans idea of Success comparisons. Saints fans on here seem to count things like years in the top flight, head-to-head win ratio's and who's had the most 'Legends' playing for the respective clubs. All admirable achievments, yet in anyones (unbaised) book, factors to be taken into account only AFTER history of titles and trophies won, something which Pompey wins out over Saints hands down.
And Charles Dickens. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Shirlock Holmes creator) was Pompey's Goalkeeper too!
SOME Saints fans, not Saints fans in general. There are many Pompey fans who have always Questioned what was going on with the Gaydamaks(again not the majority), some who I know even withdrew their support because of it. I sadly for whatever reason was not one of them.
Because we're not that far along the road to make a comparrison yet? Didn't Saints go into Administration BEFORE, Swiss man bought you? It aint over for Pompey (Though personally I think it is) yet, you were in the 11th hour before your white Knight popped up for his bargain, pompey have not even been placed in admin yet.
No Nick, You may have a realistic view, but many on here do not.