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Everything posted by PES

  1. What should be done about it? What can you do, seriously tell me what an individual, that attends themselves can do to make others shell out £35 for a ticket? It galls me that we could sell 60,000 tickets for Wembley Cup Final, 200,000 people turn out on the common and yet won't go regularly to Fratton park. What do you do? People are fickle, but it's not my place to go into work tomorrow and tell all the super Pompey fans that they're not fans because they don't go. I can only go myself.....Besides you'd not be being truthful if you failed to acknowledge that this malaise is affecting most unsuccessful clubs at the moment. I'll freely admit that Saints do have impressive attendances, but Norwich have impressed me even more, at the end of the day it means nothing to me as a Pompey fan.....
  2. LOL, It's be like 30,000 vile Dads screaming abuse at the kids in a Southampton Tyro league game!
  3. Phew! Maybe things are starting to come together?!? :confused:
  4. No tattoo's, but she will insist on the Blue dreads and the clown shoes, theres no telling her!
  5. It may well be Gemmel, I love the banter, but i've had enough of all the Hate, I can't be doing with being around 27,000 haters. I guess i'm just an old hippy at heart. When I was a teen and even into my 20's i'd of gone in for it, maximum hating of scummers, but now i'm a bit older it all seems like a nightmarish pantomime that wont ever end, humourless and depressing, I'm not explaining myself too well am I? It brings out the worst in human nature and I personally don't like being around it. I cant even stand the songs about 'bricking' scummers etc (even though it's just a song). I should of been born in the 40's and 50's when we'd all of gone along, taken the **** out of each other and had a drink after the game. That said, it doesn't mean that I don't hope Pompey utterly destroy you on the pitch, i've had enough of you tossers lording it over us from 2 divisions below!
  6. :cool:
  7. As any sane/honest Saints fan would. (Aint gonna happen though Clapham!)
  8. I'll admit it, I dared to dream. Your right Jonny, Saints, abandon all hope (it's easier that way).
  9. Crikey Colin, I thought I was emotionally disconnected?! :confused:
  10. See View, you know Derby's are the best/worst things about football.
  11. Thats very kind of you Tame, I won't desert this board whatever the result. There's plenty of good football people on here to talk to and as long as there are, i'll stick around. In truth your LESS likely to see me on here for a while after Pompey win, i'm not one to gloat and would wait for the dust to settle and your wounds to heal before making a sheepish reappearance.
  12. No it's not. It'll hurt like ****ing hell. I was at the Dell in '96. Lower league pompey went with High hopes and Super Walshie leading the line, we we're gonna do you over, I unrealistically believed it. Didn't happen and still hurt like hell, even though the casual observer would of expected it.
  13. We all knew it would happen. I can't wait. Though I wont attend, i go to all games with my wife, and feel it could be nasty, too many nongers i'm afraid and emotions are very raw on both sides. My prediction, your in for more heartache. However, I'd swap all that for a new owner and a brighter future. Hope it's on Saturday as I'm in Southampton for the Stewart Lee gig.
  14. It's very possible Yeovil. Either way, it was good to see.
  15. Sensible post Nick, you know it makes sense. However the game is inevitable, I can feel it.
  16. Classy as ever TDD.
  17. Pompey is definately drawing Saints Benji, I can feel it in my water. Maybe one last day in the sun for us blue few?, roll on!, I for one can't wait as the postering and willy waving on here is soooo cheap. I support Portsmouth FOOTBALL club, you support Southampton FOOTBALL club, despite all the goings on at PFC now and SFC earlier in the year, FOOTBALL is what it's all about for us the fans (or it should be anyway, I aint no financial analyst), so I say come on, let's play!..... Oh, one more thing, when we humiliate you on the pitch for one last time, I won't gloat, it's really not me, but trust me, i'll f****** love it!!!!!!
  18. Well said Hamster!
  19. I'm feeling a tad more optimistic this morning! That Pompey side were really pumped up in spite of all the goings on. I'm desperately 'hoping' for a better week next week, But like they say, as i'm sure you all know, it's the 'hope' that kills you... Like many on here I too want a Home tie against our greatest rivals (See imagine an FA cup without the prospect! Every time there's a Draw I hear Portsmouth will play.......(Hight rate raises, hold breath, please be Southampton!) Peterborough (....sigh, next time!), nah I love the rivalry, I'd miss you guys terribly if there was no Saints to hate (Ok, hate is a bit strong, but you know what I mean). So here's to a meeting in the next round, hoping we can keep our squad together, cos if we do, they'll f****** chew you up and spit you out. Ps. Sorry for the defiance, i've not been on the sauce, just enjoying a rare bright spot, my normal defeated demeanor will return within a few days i'm sure.
  20. Rumours circulating on some boards Richard Hughes set to sign for you lot. 350K.
  21. Thanks Ches, thats very kind of you, your all heart.
  22. I'm sorry View, but you seem to underestimate the fickle nature (I would say admirably adaptable) of the human race? Do you really think I'm gonna care (or any other sane minded football fan) if Pompey cease to exist one year down the line? I'd of thrown myself behind something else by then, probably not football related. I've followed Pompey all my life but it really wont tear me up all that much, believe me. Maybe I have a fantastic sense of perspective or something? But Portsmouth bloody Football club comes well down my list of genuine concerns. If your that hooked up on ****ing football, try to get some other interests in your life. There's a whole world out there!
  23. It won't bother them, not after a couple of weeks and it won't change them as people, so they'll still be mongs. The destruction of PFC will only mean that a certain percentage of their entertainment time becomes available. I may of disconnected myself emotionally from the situation, but I can't believe that many Saints fans can't see the bigger picture? Some spice will go out of your Saints supporting life. The situation tastes so sweet for you, because you've felt the other end of it. Did you not question why Pompey fans 'relished' defeating you so emphatically at FP? back in '05? It was because Saints had till that point held the upper hand so long, I can assure you it was sweet, I was giddy with euthoria! Now it's swings and roundabouts time, enjoy it, take the **** to your hearts content but the total demise of PFC will detract from your overall enjoyment of being a Saints fan.
  24. I remember the 'Three Seasons in the Premier' Jibe aimed at a newly promoted Pompey from some Saints fans, par for the course and taken in good jest, it's Panto humour, unfunny to anyone with any developed sense of humour, but will always get a polite groan. Christ, do those 'jokes' eat you up that much? Water off a ducks back to me. I've always found those that dish it out most are so often the worst at taking it back, nowhere more so than in football circles.
  25. lol, No worries Cowzer, no time for 'in fighting' in our hour of need! ;)
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