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Everything posted by PES
I am the Resurrection! It's funny cos I have not listened to the Stone Roses for ages, but Dug the Album out after the Cup draw so I could listen to 'This is the one' which I admit makes me really a sad case.
Good for you Wade, I also go and support my team, so what are you telling me for?
Do you know something Jonny? Are you saying Alexander Lebedev is a Saints fan? :confused:
I appreciate you taking the time to explain in detail your thought, It's all correct, most intelligent Pompey fans could and would be writing exactly the sam thing. Most Pompey fans have a distrust for Storrie (Always have) and would (i'm sure) agree with virtually all you've written. Tha race of the people involved now at Pompey is irrelevant (I know some don't see it that way, but we all ignore them don't we?) ruthless people are at work and it has little if nothing to do with the fans of PFC, who regardless of mosts people on here's (in some cases) justified low opinion of them, are guilty of nothing other than wanting to see their side do well, Pompey aren't a club of middle class, well educated, financially literate supporters, indeed are Saints? so why the hell would they be bothered or even aware of how poorly their club was being run?
'Cleansed', nice one Nick, very subtle. I'm sure you (and many others) did have reservations when Saints bet the house, many Pompey fans did (2 years ago) too, but again (and i'm not going to labour this point as I'm probably wasting my time and i'm boring myself now) the majority of fans DON'T worry about tomorrow. If you want to pretend that MOST Saints fans would be horrified had you spent 10M this transfer window, then OK fine. I guess Saints fans cement their place in the nations eyes as the 'Prudent Bankers' amoungst football fans and Pompey fans the 'DHS Red Leather corner sofa buying, Currys 50" Sony Plasma watching and Yes car credit 08 Plate Audi A4 driving, never, never credit card splurging whores' that the nation now rightly identifies us as. OH Yeah, and were all crying now in a snivelling, self pitying way "Why, why, why us? what did we do to deserve this!?!" (There, happy now Nick?)
Inspired Chez. Busy day today mate?
Same could be said of some of your 'fans' when you were in trouble. I go, therefore I do my bit, not my place to speak for those that can't make it down...
I dont think a lot of you are being entirely honest here, but I know it does not fit your agendas so I guess I have to respect that. Anyway, as an aside, I like this line, reckon you could make a song of it in time for the 13th?
Your both being hugely unfair fellas. I really don't see what your getting at? You seem to be suggesting that Pompey fans don't have any cause/right to be upset or angry at whats going on? 1)What did you really expect Pompey fans to do when we we're going through the good times? 2)How did Pompey fans react any differently than any other fans that find themselves having a good time of it? 3)When Saints tried to buy their way back into the Premier League at the first time of asking, did the MAJORITY advise against gambling on a quick return? 4)Did Saints fans therfore forego their right to be angry at their clubs failed gamble? Do you think there we're no voices of concern during this time? I can assure you there were! But what could they do about it? It's not a community club, it's at the behest of its owners like it or not.
TBF Nick, I appreciate your not having a go at me or Mero etc, etc.. but I personally have not encountered much whinging. Anger, yes but certainly not with a 'Poor us' slant to it. I don't believe Pompey fans (In general) have behaved any differently to any other football fans. Celebrating the Highs and (in the most impotent manner) being angry with the lows. I really dont see any distinction between Pompey fans, Saints fans or any other club for that matter (in regard to their reactions to adversity). Anyway a fan delegation has now set up a meeting with the Premier League so that could be interesting. Football has become a bit ****, Pompey is a product of that ****tyness, but then football is a product of a society which to my mind is incredibly superficial, fails to acknowledge it's responsibilities and is, on the whole, a bit plop. So is it all that surprising really?
Yeah, kinda factual ESB, but sadly not very snappy.
Your wasted on here.
If Pompey do 'Get out of it' Nick, it'll be quite a feat considering the level of missmanagement.
lol, they're gonna make a film about us. I like the 'Club that refused to die!' I'm sure some on here could come up with some other good suggestions for a working title?
I like your posts, at least you back up your bile with a few facts here and there. Just wanted to highlight your admission here, as to be honest, I draw a parallel with my own feelings of say 2 years ago. I personally think ML has bought Saints as a Project with the potential for a lot of satisfaction AND to turn a profit, but thats what I assume? 2 years ago, I and to be fair, many, had suspitions about what was going on at Pompey, but had no control over events so just didn't worry about it. Which IMO was the right thing to do, 'cos I concentrated on enjoying the Pleasure, and now (because i'm not someone who cant take it when the wind blows on me) as a result of said pleasure I've to enjoy the pain! But again, all out of my hands and as a passanger on this ride, I don't feel culpable what-so-ever (Thats not to say I enjoy it!)..... As your a man who clearly has an understanding of the Economy, (and whilst I appreciate the analogy) would it not actually be a GOOD time to buy a piece of Haitian 'Beach front' undeveloped land, at a very cheap price with the view to a long term investment? If you had a few quid and could afford to lose it of course.
Nope. I'm going to watch it from home with the sound turned down.
I feel some investment (nothing to get excited about, but enough) may be coming in. The truth is we don't know the truth (I apologise for that line), we can only wait and see. As saints fans I shouldn't get yer knickers in a twist about any of this, it's all been a most unpleasant experience to go through, we have been exposed as a club who lived well above our means (Though by no means the only one)and should things begin to look up now ie FA Cup progression, new ownership and a near relegation, ALL our BEST players sold and a 9 month HAMMERING day in, day out in the press, then no one could say (Just like the Saints) that we have not paid the price. My hope is that as the first club to go through this at the very top level, we may actually come out of this better, with a more realistic future outlook. I certainly feel more humble. Feeling positive now and Looking forward to the 13th, it should be a good day for South Coast Football, hopefully both clubs will put on a good show for the nation to see!
Great news Hamster. Makes all football matters completely trivial. Here's wishing you many, many years of future happiness for you and your wife.
And so we should TDD. Very proud of Portsmouth's naval heritage. I'd hope if demand allows Saints would go down the Docks and hand out freebies too.
Never said we'd sold 60,000 tickets for a cup final Stu. It was a conservative estimate as to how many could of been sold (I think 60,000 is bugger all for a cup final). Also I've never denied Saints had a bigger Fanbase than Pompey, thats what 27 years in the top flight will do for you. Well done. I'm really not in tune with the arguement whatsoever? Man Utd have many times more fans than Saints, so what? I don't see how it's even an issue? It's certainly not something I have a problem with? :confused:
Agree. Yet everyone at my place of work is talking about the game. 3 years ago these so-and-so went every other week.....:confused:
Couldn't argue with much in that Micky. I have met Westwood and in fairness, he's a mixed bag (Personally not my cup of tea).
That was nearly a good post Alehouse, relevant points (especially the grandad bit) but slowly faded to childish willy waving. I cant prove it either way, but the 'Free' entry to Sailors thing is not true. yes i'm sure some were let in free (There is not a football club that doesn't, my wifes a Southampton School teacher so don't get me started on the dishing out of free tickets!) but PFC was effectively set up AS a business on the back of the Navy, it would of been fairer if you'd of said Portsmouth has always taken advantage of a 'Captive' audience.
Like it or not 'most' fans now are customers. if the product is **** and the feel good factor isn't there many will not go. Put simply that is all it comes down to. I can't stand it and it is at odds with Pompey's 'Super' fans status, but it's just the way it is. Besides, only a fool believes all that superfan crap anyway, Stoke and Burnley are the Superfans now, as West Brom were before Pompey, it's all a load of old cods and I can't believe how many saints fans have got chips on their shoulders over it. :confused: