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  • Birthday 27 April

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  1. I do find it amusing how Pompey's very existence gets under your skins so much! It's a priceless gift, you're like the abused victims who cant ever let go, it's a mix of funny and tragic. I honestly don't think Pompey fans are so bothered with Saints, hate them yes, dismiss them yes, scum them if given the chance, yes. But the level of hurt displayed on this thread is unbelievable. What f*cking happened??? I cant believe you fella's make it so easy, forget winning, promotions or any other football related one-up-manship to get one over the scummers we only have to exist. You shouldn't of let it get this out of control fella's, Pompey will 'exist' whatever, you all know that, so why do this to yourselves? It's crazy. We have been bloody good rivals for you guys, good luck forming a meaningful rivalry with Brighton, Bournemouth or Reading?!? Portsmouth will always be here and we'll always get under your skin, but the levels you take it to is crazy, your like illogical crazed football hooligans baying for the blood of the opposition, but with a modern day twist.... work place warriors, sat behind your PC's who instead of throwing punches fire off emails to the football league, take that skate. It's laughable. I'm leaving now, to my mind this thread ran it's course for me last week, a genuine opinion (biased only as your own are) removed, a warning issued and the reason 'trolling' given so this is my last post, it'll probably also get pulled for trolling, which is completely incorrect, to troll is to say something just to get a reaction, this is said because I mean it, I think I have meant 99% of everything I have ever posted here, so 'troll' is a factually incorrect label. '****', 'Idiot' or a myriad of other labels I may find harder to defend. One redeeming feature of you fella's and this site is a Pompey fan has been able to hang around so long without being banned, credit to you, but times are a changing and it's time to move on. So long, take care and for your own sakes, wind it back a notch!
  2. Genuinely suits me fine. I'd be more than happy with this scenario and the opportunity for genuine fan input. I have been deeply unhappy with the way things have been since 2009 and have had a gutful. More pleasure is derived from the 'simple' things about being a football fan than all the Premier League riches in the world. British football is due a 'major' adjustment, hopefully we can play a huge part in how a middling side could/should be run?
  3. I watched the second half of your game on TV. Funny as ****, your terrible. When are you twunts going to realise that Cortese is f*cking your club up. Yet you divs bang on about Adkins, poor Tango, it ain't his fault. Look to Nasty Nick and Slimy Les for the problems. At least when your in div 1, no one notices or gives a ****, your soap opera is slowly unravelling for the whole country to see. Anyway you sleuths have had a month now, whats the story with your BVI loan, how much is it for and what is it secured against? Facts not speculation please.
  4. It needed saying. It had to come from one of your own to have any resonance. Nice one. Somethings (Not many) you just dont score points on.
  5. Seriously deluded. None of the Pompey obsessives on here put any Specifics, names or faces to anything regarding the goings on at Pompey other than to correctly bang on about insolvency, cheating the tax payer, cheating on signinbe to gain advantage etc. No specifics at all. I'll ask you or anyone else who wants to prove this point to link to where specifics were mentioned prior to Mike Halls blogs. I knew 'some' of the details but was careful for legal reasons, you lot go on about Pompey's intelligencia, but none of you lot had any specifics so dont f*cking lie! B-)
  6. last post; I usually avoid insults but please dont be an unrealistic sanctimonious knob Danbert. Thats how the morally bankrupt business world operates it is disgusting and covers a far wider forte than irresponsible football clubs. I support a football club, not a church group so save it. I regret what the crims did is all I or any other fan can offer and as scant consolation have seen the club embarressed and shooting down the leagues with penalty after penalty (all deserved), what would you suggest be done, how would what has transpired of been any different if Saints were in that situation, or palace or Leicester or any other team that has bankrupted itself through, gambling, stupidity or worse. I can't answer any of that, i know far more about what goes on in your club than i do my own. I believe the intention is to have a CEO running the club, don't know the time frame and have yet to receive a prospectus or be asked for the £900 yet. No, that would of made a business plan that (without knowing the details of) most ridicule on here as having no substance, even less likely to be workable, so how would you expect the PST to of acted realistically. C'mon I know you're not naive business-wise so why would you expect any business deal to pay anymore than it had to. Morality does not come into it.
  7. No problem with the -10. Only right, I don't think anyone I know begrudges it or believe we will try to wriggle out of it. Of course it's sad that the creditors lose so much money, but it's a problem with the rules which are the same for everyone, including you, so no shock there surely. Also the creditors agreed to the CVA so what else can be done? Going forward we will cut our cloth accordingly and if that means league 2 so be it, not fussed really, after initially liking the top league and becoming 'premierised' the interest soon dropped off (pretty much after your relegation) and then I slowly realised how it's a TV league and in honesty, **** if you actually go. It might be nice to be relevant to other teams TV fans, in workplaces up and down the country or when abroad, it's even exciting the first time you see your team on FIFA, but for the punter on the day, you know the ones who actually attend matches, it's truely ****. I mean you pay twice as much for your season ticket and seemingly play half as many games, nearly always at times when you don't really want to go anyway. Honestly i enjoyed the Championship, now league one and look forward to seeing what league two is like, I started following Pompey in 1992 so have no experience of the lower leagues, gotta say I like it!
  8. As an engineer it's always sad to see jobs like this go, never worked at Fords but did tour it once. An iconic factory building viewed everyday from the M27, apart from the obvious human cost, it will be very sad to see another south coast institution go.
  9. I don't think anyone on here is jealous of Pompey, I can swear on everything dear to me that jealousy towards SFC is something I have never experienced, so I am positive most scummers wont be jealous of Pompey in any way shape or form, in the past or now. Rival fans have a fantastic way of controlling emotions and constrewing them in other ways. BUT, I do believe there is a feeling of ill-will towards a fan takeover on here, which again is understandable. If it fails, more laughs at our expense, if it succeeds, then I think the control we will have over our club will lead to a few fans whimsically wishing they could have the same relationship with their own club. I seriously believe (and I do have impecible, though slightly biased sources) you have a cretin at the helm, a poor leader and a **** of a man. I believe you would be better off in control of your own club. Dismiss it any way you like but it is true.
  10. As an openly Pompey, I don't think there are Pompey fans here pretending to be scummers? Whilst a tactic employed successfully by Scummers on Pompeys MB's, It's not really the Pompey way, though I may be wrong. Anyway NC Out (Time to form a trust fellas!).
  11. They are brave. Mike Hall has long known the 'level' of criminality involved, he is braver than the likes of me, but smart enough to take the risk, so it would also be completely ridiculous to label him stupid. Difficult, obstinate, confrontational, but stupid? No, it's not for me to reveal anything about the man, but he is not your average joe, the fact he has garnered grudging respect from many on here is testament to that. As for the blogs they were timed for maximum effect and clearly at a time when if they hadn't we would be back in the hands of the shysters and no one on here would of wanted that, knowing what it would ultimately lead to, more tax payer right-offs, more creditors being ripped off etc, etc (Though I am completely baffled as to what is most desired on here a PST ownership or a Ballbag one?). So rejoice, you'll stay in the upper leagues, under the bold visionary leadership of NC, bragging rights secured again for a long time and your rivals (we are still rivals right?) spend years trying to sort themselves out with little to no experience of such things, but safe in the knowledge it cannot be as wantonly bad as under previous regimes, it's gonna be difficult involving (we will no longer be just fans) but exciting!
  12. Bump
  13. Yeah, sorry Like most scummers I too like a good poll. I think Nicola Cortese should appoint himself manager, you know, the bloke you all rim on this forum, a truely horrible little man, but very good at his job apparently? I actually feel sorry for Tango, but once your not calling the shots as boss, well what's the point? All change! How's it go? WTFILN, were coming fo you, Tick Tock, karma, blah blah blah blah blah blah........zzzzzzzzzz
  14. Been quite surprised at the goodwill extended by a few Summer mates. Begrudgingly impressed at what the PST has achieved. I feel very proud of the fans efforts and am convinced the PST will complete. I think things will become clear on the finance front shortly. You will be pleased to know that Pompey will be run prudently going forward. No more shame heaped on the club by various crims. We look forward to becoming the biggest community run club in the UK and cementing our reputation as the most loyalest, noisiest, pluckyestbravest, bestest most passionate fans in the land, as the media loves to label us. Good job you guys know the truth eh?!? :-D
  15. Really pleased, its going to be even harder from here on, but finally we will have control back, maybe we will provide you with some laughs along the way! But I have a strong feeling we are gonna deliver. Its ours to **** up now! As for pledges, many more are gonna come in than go out, I will be doubling mine now. Its gonna be interesting!!!! :-D
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