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There when Franny scored

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Everything posted by There when Franny scored

  1. http://www.footballfancast.com/football-news/southampton-prepare-yet-another-club-exit-as-sevilla-come-knocking Did Koeman ever say Ramirez wouldn't feature in his plans? I thought he said that he'd hoped to play him for longer against Millwall which doesn't reconcile?
  2. A few Dutch sources linking Clasie again - http://www.telegraaf.nl/telesport/voetbal/feyenoord/23002420/__Southampton_lonkt_naar_Clasie__.html http://www.fr-fans.nl/nieuws/clasie-weer-in-beeld-bij-southampton-13057/ http://www.ad.nl/ad/nl/11264/TransferTalk/article/detail/3724294/2014/08/25/-.dhtm
  3. Enjoy the moment. The stance of 90% of this forum means that education for education's sake will never be appreciated. Great post by the way.
  4. Very interesting. Obviously has good contacts in the game in the UK and his article is plausible. It just sounds like some of it is (educated) guess work.
  5. The comment from "Saintgeorge" says it all. Why is this French reporter taking such an interest in us? Could he be working in tandem with an agent for a cut?
  6. http://www.fcinternews.it/rassegna-stampa/ts-osvaldo-per-la-champions-intanto-schelotto-taider-e-campagnaro-sono-vicini-al-southampton-159331 According to this Osvaldo - Taider is done bar any last minute hitches. In addition Schelotto is talking to us about a loan move with a 5m euro buy option and we also have "feelers" out for Campagnaro. Wonder if the three players Koeman was talking about are all from the same club?
  7. These two articles suggest the deal for Osvaldo - Taider is nearly done and the Schelotto deal is a separate negotiation. So we are in for both. http://www.goalcity.com/?area=home&sezione=news_esplosa&id_news=462082&titolo=Mazzarri+finalmente+avra%27+Osvaldo%3A+c%27e%27+l%27accordo+con+il+Southampton http://www.tuttomercatoweb.com/serie-a/esclusiva-tmw-inter-incontro-a-milano-fra-ag-schelotto-e-vigorelli-579962
  8. Hopefully this is nothing to do with Gaston not playing. It doesn't seem very substantive. Still think he could be a good player for us with the right management / system. http://www.insidefutbol.com/2014/07/31/sevilla-lodge-enquiry-with-southampton-over-gaston-ramirez/152902/
  9. Retweeted by Joe Batchelor Ben Fisher ‏@benfisherJ ·45m · More Embed Tweet Mute @benfisherJUnmute @benfisherJBlock or Report 'Osvaldo done' reads front of Gazzetta dello Sport. Saphir Taider expected to come the other way on-loan. #saintsfc pic.twitter.com/bXTDVRtu15
  10. The data doesn't seem to support this theory http://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2014/may/01/premier-league-club-accounts-debt-wages#data
  11. http://www.bbc.com/sport/0/football/28419258
  12. Leonel Vangioni http://www.fcinternews.it/news/the-sun-vangioni-adesso-piace-al-southampton-157642
  13. Followed by Simon Peach Chris Paraskevas ‏@Cparaskevas ·49m · More Embed Tweet Mute @CparaskevasUnmute @CparaskevasBlock or Report #Greece defender Jose Holebas has been rumoured to interest: St. Etienne, #Southampton, #Sivasspor. Had an excellent #WorldCup
  14. http://www.voetbalprimeur.nl/nieuws/389634/-fc-twente-akkoord-met-southampton-bal-ligt-nu-bij-tadic-.html?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed Fee agreed apparently, but player undecided. Although he seems to think we are a beautiful club, presumably referring to the training facilities http://www.voetbalprimeur.nl/nieuws/389634/-fc-twente-akkoord-met-southampton-bal-ligt-nu-bij-tadic-.html?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed
  15. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/saints/news/11313006._/?ref=mac
  16. Interesting perspective from a Liverpool fan - http://anfieldbanter.blogspot.com/2014/07/southampton-is-laughing-all-way-to-bank.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+AnfieldBanter+%28Anfield+Banter%29 Lallana Rodriguez Davis Ward-Prose Ramirez age 26 24 29 19 23 app (sub) 37(1) 30(3) 28(6) 16(18) 3(15) mins 3082 2561 2492 1616 526 goals 9 15 2 0 1 assists 6 3 7 2 3 chances 68 20 57 39 14 npg90 0.26 0.53 0.07 0 0.17 gcp90 0.44 0.63 0.32 0.11 0.69 ccp90 1.9 0.7 2.1 2.2 2.4 ap90 0.21 0.11 0.25 0.11 0.52 ccv 11.1 14.3 11.9 5 21.7 pass % 84.6 76.6 84.3 87.2 80.9 bp % 50.3 49 42.4 43.6 38.9 sacc % 41.4 31.7 21.8 35 23.8 shot % 18 14.9 6 0 4.8 TTI90 13.9 12.9 13.2 9.2 19.5 avg rk 2.9 3 3.1 3.3 2.6
  17. Interesting article. Apologies if already posted. http://www.benefoot.net/koeman-gave-feyenoord-its-pride-back/
  18. Source who said Poch was definitely going a couple of weeks ago (who also said De Boer had made his interest known) said that the offer they made to Poch and his staff was so large that all three of his backroom staff wanted to stay. Poch was determined to go though. Again, make of it what you will. Just passing on what I was told from a decent source with significant proximity to relevant people at the club.
  19. Source close to club has told me this: - Poch is going to Spurs. Probably annouced by tomorrow; - De Boer has applied to be our manager; and - Shaw and Lallana finalising their respective moves at the moment. Good source, not going to say anymore for obvious reasons. Make of it what you will.
  20. Very useful for analysis. I am continually surprised by how low Cork's rating is. I think it's because the ratings are based on specific actions so doesn't recognise things like workrate.
  21. http://www.canalejuve.it/news/osvaldo-ad-un-passo-dalla-juve-112740 Osvaldo one step away from Juve Pablo Daniel Osvaldo, is closer to his return to Italy. Juventus is negotiating its sale, after aquisito some more certainty about the departure to Arsenal by Mirko Vucinic. With Southampton are being defined agreements for the figures relating to the loan and the right of redemption of Oswald, in addition to the personal contract of the attacker former Rome. We provide short term. During the day you should define everything in order to allow the player to leave for Italy tomorrow, Vinovo destination
  22. http://www.express.co.uk/sport/football/456396/Mauricio-Pochettino-in-the-dark-over-Dani-Osvaldo-s-Southampton-future http://www.express.co.uk/sport/football/456464/Monaco-weigh-up-moves-for-Man-Utd-s-Javier-Hernandez-Southampton-s-Dani-Osvaldo
  23. Not hard at all. Samuel's article is completely contrary to one of football's more accurate cliches "Money doesn't guarantee success". He attempts to suggest that Cortese was merely an efficient administrator (which in itself is underestimated given the numerous other clubs that have suffered from serious financial mismanagement) which is incorrect. Cortese appointed Adkins and Poch and there are several accounts of his skill as a negotiator. Whether or not he is an odious character is besides the point. He got the major calls correct on a consistent basis and our success as a result has been almost unprecedented since he arrived. The article also completely ignores smooth transition after Marcus' death which must also have had something to do with Cortese. In my view attempts to discredit the achievements of Cortese from various posters and the media, either because they didn't like him or to reassure themselves as to our future plight now he has departed, are vitriolic and ill-conceived and I fear that history will demonstrate the same. Hopefully I am wrong.
  24. Someone suggested on the "MP staying" thread that it may be to protect them from the public spotlight from the fall-out after he left as well. Personally, I hope he comes back. I enjoyed having such a dogmatic, determined immune to the "old boys", "not a football man" network and antiquated ways of running a football club. To me, it appears unlikely a new chairman will be as successful.
  25. Good point. If he is part of a takeover bid it will probably take some time. Would be interesting to see if he has cut all ties with the area altogether. If he genuinely believes it is probably he will come back he might retain a property. If the rumours about Sunseeker prove to be correct maybe he will just park his yacht in Ocean Village as most of the players seem to live there in any case!
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