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I remember Paul Rideout!

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I remember Paul Rideout!'s Achievements

  1. Are you actually in yet? Still on Hold 5.5 hours later! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Ah just reread the website and am getting back in my f*cktard box. Will try again tomorrow when they're available doh! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Now had anyone else been able to get on the website to buy yet? I don't have a season ticket, am a lapsed member (i.e. have a customer number but not paid the £25 membership fee for the year) but it looks like when I try and buy a ticket via the website it's telling me I need a 2016/2017 season ticket. Anyone else had this? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Only thing I would say and not wanting to sound like a smart arse is that (to massively generalise) the view of most Italians about English football fans are that we're hooligans, still as a carry over from Italia 90 when Sardinia got smashed up plus from what they saw over the summer and other recent games in Rome. Police there can be heavy handed and not all that friendly (think French riot police). That said Milan is a cracking night out and lots of decent bars etc. There's a pretty good German/Austria bar called Wiener Haus that's not too far from the station and the English Football Pub (look it up on Facebook) is close to the Duomo. Beer is a bit hit and miss but they'll be showing the football. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Should clarify that I was go to standard Serie A games as I have a UK passport and so wouldn't be thought of as being an ultra from one of the other Italian teams. An Italian with an address similar to the opposition team would not be able to without the tessera Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I would be amazed if you can. Worked there last year and to buy tickets (any tickets) you need to show a form of ID, i.e. passport or ID card. I doubt very much you will be able to tickets in the Inter End with a UK passport unless you are an official member of the Inter fan club and have the appropriate fan card (tessera del tifoso), you need one to demonstrate you're an inter fan if you have a non Milan address, see the note for Cagliari and Bologna fans: http://www.inter.it/en/biglietteria Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I took my son at 3. He loved it but admit we had to distract him for some of the game. Regularly I think 5 is a good age. Probably helped that we won (Swansea, home) and that the wife came too tho Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Awesome thank MLG! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Cool thank you, what's the link pls? ta
  10. Not in UK at the mo so can't get to the game. Does anyone know if there's a stream for it?
  11. Great quote from the guardian for Lallana's goal There was a touch of the Terry Henrys about that finish, I tells thee.
  12. Sure I must have missed it seeing as there's been no update on iTunes all season but is there any chance of the podcast coming back again and why did it go off air?
  13. Sure it's been posted many times but this is genius. 2.54 in, best celebration in the world!
  14. How how how do I get this on a download?? Didn't even know you could songs to Fifa. My life just got so much more transfixed to the PS3. Link pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :o:o:o:o:o:o:o
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