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Everything posted by jayrivers

  1. And also it's against future reneview isn't it? When was it every against specifically season tickets?
  2. I guess its possible they thought we may have been able to wear it at more games than we have done? Seems the premier league are a bit fussy with cl
  3. I think January will be consolidation. New CB and Wide player, and maybe a GK. Other than that I think we have enough to see us through. I don't think we need any rash buys again in Jan. Only if it improves on what we have. January is always tricky as clubs can sell at higher prices, and you've had no pre-season to settle players. Then in the summer I would expect us to get a few players that fit out mould of young and potential. The above and staying up would be a fantastic season. As long as we build on what we have!
  4. Lallana was the only player missing? - probably because his knee is apparently immobalised at the moment!
  5. Think it's great they still do this!
  6. Gary Neville was saying the same when we were on Sky. Even he was saying most of the defensive mistakes were individual. Breaking the goals down and saying he wouldn't set us up any differently. He showed our positions and said we looked sound. So I think a lot of the flack that Nige was getting wasn't really down to his or his teams coaching and tactics.
  7. This! November was always going to be a big month for us as we had a good run of winable games. I think we have done enough to show we are capable. It took a few games to get going but things seem to be coming together now. Hopefully a two week break won't destory the flow. He seems to be learning from mistakes and taking the team forward. Especially regarding defence. Confidence was obviously very low at one point, but things generally seem to be picking up around the club
  8. "However, during construction of the main pavilion the Club was informed by our contractors of concerns regarding the stability and strength of the Dome structure. These concerns led to a recent temporary pause in the project whilst specific aspects of the best way forward were agreed. With that process now complete, work restarted two weeks ago." Seems reasonble to me? Don't expect that decision is taken lightly to knock it down and reconsturct it from scratch!
  9. Yeh sorry was agreeing with you. Everyone saying we are now playing (insert variation of 4-3-3 here) I think are getting held up on the exact specifications. To me we are still playing 4-3-3 variation that Nigel has been talking about all season. Just now we have different personel to fill the roles. I think him saying 4-3-3 is just saying we play two wide players and 3 in the middle (with the varrying roles of DMs, Ballwinnders, and in the hole)
  10. To a certain extent though 4-4-1-1, 4-2-3-1, and 4-3-3 could all the morphed into one another to a certain extent depending of your view? For me you could use any one of them to describe the basics of our system? 2 holding midfielders, 2 wide players/wingers, 1 player in the hole, and 1 forward?
  11. Only if someone is around to give him a lift up there for evening training when there are no buses?
  12. Well I'm sure we do - but say they have players who are around 18/19 who may have slipped through? Surely it's better we are doing somethig in return for them? I don't like the idea we just steal players from the local clubs. Good to see us putting a bit back
  13. Seems an interesting deal... Possibly we get their best youth prospects but they get our development ideas/strategies and training tips/techiniques. Seems that way they probably get more for their talent then just selling them on. Also we would have a vested interest in their development?
  14. True, but we don't have much depth there. Personally I think JP has been one of our best players, but there have been a couple of games where he hasn't been all there. Hopefully it won't happen, but a little more depth wouldn't hurt in those positions. Anyway I'm getting off topic for something that's been covered in numurous threads. As for the OP - Gaston. More a complete player. Can play wide right if needed. In a few years the answer might be different though!
  15. Strange - was only thinking if we had held onto ox, how good we would have been going forward. Lallana on the left, ox on the right, and gaston through the middle!
  16. Makes you wonder? When I first heard I thought maybe they would have lined up Di Matteo? But Obvisously not. Unless it's mainly 'Arry's mates lining him up?
  17. True! Obviously something went wrong somewhere. I would expect there was a dispute over the money and some of the work that was done. What that is I guess we will not know! But why they ignored the original demand to pay is the moest interesting point. They obviously agree they should have paid due to not attending court. There are two issues I guess. Why it wasn't paid on completion of the work and why the court order was seemingly ignored!
  18. Probably. But surely there would be a reason why it got to this point? Even if they were wrong, they must have thought differently at an earlier date. Does that no interest?
  19. Indeed - Thats why it makes it all the more interesting...
  20. It's not great! But then this could be one side of the story. The line point that is very quickly glossed over makes me want to know more about why they ended up here "work on the refurbishment had overrun as a result of the club making variations to the project as it was going along." I'm not speculating one way or the other, but there tend to be two sides to most stories
  21. Failed to read the OP properly! Sorry
  22. Rickie Lambert and Adam Lallana are often found sporting stuble! Got to be the LM and other CF spot sorted?
  23. This is the biggest thing for me. I think we should keep him. Firstly I like him and think he can turn it around. Secondly I don't see who would be able to do a better job? And please don't say Redknapp. He is completely the wrong manager for our club and what we are trying to do!
  24. Then the back 4 woud become over-run again as the opposition would have too much space in midfield. Personally I think we have been lacking 3 solid CMs who can all defend and control the midfield?
  25. Looks like a good team to me! Would be good to see what happens with 3 proper CMs and 2 proper attacking wingers!
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