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Everything posted by PompeyLass

  1. He's more like a spacker.
  2. Where did the other thread go ?
  3. I would've thought that any red blooded single male would've jumped at the chance.
  4. For what reason did you chicken out ? Where they all munters ?
  5. PompeyLass


    My apologies, I didn't see the other thread.
  6. PompeyLass


    Anyone heard the new song ? Sounds the dogs. Fingers crossed I can get through tomorrow to get tickets.
  7. Stu ?
  8. OMG, that's it, after one game I've had enough, f uck football, f uck PFC, useless joke that they are. I'm off to join the Tiddlywinks Association (http://www.etwa.org/) for anyone who wishes to join me.
  9. Yes I did & no I'm not thinking about having surgery, mine is just fine.
  10. Michael Jackson !
  11. You make me sound like a fire station groupie ! haha No, I mentioned it a while ago as it's been advertised for ages. Luke really enjoyed himself, especially when he had to hold a t-towel for a fireman while they were doing a chip pan demo.
  12. Friday - nothing Saturday - went to the fire station open day with my mum & 2 of my nephews, had a ride in a fire engine . Evening watched Stardust, enjoyed it a lot, thought it was very good Sunday - total chaos, everyone round for dinner, tried to watch football in between kids running round the front room.
  13. It is a sad story but a part of me can't help but feel that she was selfish leaving 5 kids behind.
  14. and the article about the woman who died after falling from her balcony. Looks like Denzil has been up to his normal tricks !!!
  15. No, you're wrong. Incest is best, I should know being a skate barsteward & all that.
  16. Tonight - fuk all Saturday - taking nephews to fire station open day, then fuk all Sunday - watching football, then fuk all
  17. What is your source Baj ?
  18. One loud clap of thunder in Eastleigh & that was it. Most disappointing.
  19. Who is the guy who appears in the new merc advert ? I'm sure he's an actor but can't remember his name.
  20. Speaking of things in the sea, don't go swimming along the south coast or you may get stung by a jellyfish.
  21. Go on Weston, you know you want to.
  22. SNSun, can you make it a ickle bit bigger please, I can't quite see it. Thanks.
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