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Everything posted by PompeyLass

  1. It's Gosport, need I say anymore ?
  2. Is it still bleeding ?
  3. I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep tonight.
  4. This is a bit heavy for the Muppet Show !
  5. I'm surprised Michelle hasn't commented on this thread yet ! haha While we're on the subject of the useless ejits. We had our cup final tickets sent by Special delivery only for them to be posted through our front door without a signature. Hang posties I say.
  6. You not getting any at the minute ?
  7. Lolz. :smt110
  8. Yep, she had a long & happy life though.
  9. I hate that on some of the trains, especially when I forget my book.
  10. Only bike related thing is when my dad was arrested for drink driving in Pompey dockyard years ago ! An ex boyfriend nearly broke my back whilst trying to give me a firemans lift while ****ed, he forgot to hold onto my legs as he stood up & I went straight over & landed on my back.
  11. I can finally put up a picture of Scampi. This was taken the day before she went to doggie heaven. http://img374.imageshack.us/my.php?image=07171qk7.jpg
  12. I'm reporting you to the RSPCA.
  13. I do as well. Just annoyed me that the little scrotes could clearly see I had kids in the car.
  14. So then, how many times & who won ?
  15. Little ****y arsewipes in ****ty corsas who cut you up & then when you look at them as you drive past them then precede to cut back in behind you & sit on your arse and follow you for a couple of miles when you have 3 kids in the car. Yes this happened to me yesterday.
  16. What's happened ? I can't be arsed to read through it all.
  17. This is what Scampi looked like when she was a puppy. Sounds really sad but I miss her like mad, she's been in doggie heaven for about 2 months now and I still find myself going to check her water bowl & switch the radio on for her before I leave for work.
  18. Tonight - few drinks after work Saturday - preparing for my nieces 1st birthday party & the invasion of loads of kids, start drinking early !! X-factor and/or football, more wine. Sunday - lie in & nothing much else
  19. Please explain, I'm having a blonde moment.
  20. I'm extremely excited and working out how many sleeps it is until 4th Dec when I'm off on a European tour to Germany.
  21. Woot, I'm off to Germany. :smt016
  22. I'd like to go back to the days where they wore corsets & their boobies were pushed right up !! haha
  23. I'm quite taken with the idea of donating my body to science when I die, quite fancy the idea of being on the tv with this guy, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gunther_von_Hagens
  24. Anyway I hate getting into this sort of thing as I really see it as pathetic point scoring. After being with a scummer for just over 3 years I don't hate you lot, it's more of a sympathy thing now.
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