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Everything posted by PompeyLass

  1. Suggestions please.
  2. Why did you not answer my first question ?
  3. What does your girlfriend think of you being an escort ? Do you put out ? Are you on a website ?
  4. Nope, that one is very happy thanks.
  5. You should put more effort into resolving your relationship than chasing me.
  6. You're still an idiot. I'm not the one doing the cooking and it's not at mine.
  7. Tonight - drinks & dinner with a friend I've neglected a bit. Tomorrow - football & X Factor Sunday - nothing
  8. INS, please see the highlighted bit of Stu's post, he said that it was on Saturday at 8pm which is a bit difficult as that is when X Factor is on. Here you go - http://www.radiotimes.com/ListingsServlet?event=13&jspGridLocation=%2Fjsp%2Ftv_listings_grid.jsp&jspListLocation=%2Fjsp%2Ftv_listings_single.jsp&jspError=%2Fjsp%2Ferror.jsp&searchTime=19%3A00&broadcastType=1&listingsFormat=G&searchDate=23%2F11%2F2008
  9. I thought this Divas thing was on Sunday night.
  10. Can't find the original loltastic thread so this one will have to do ! http://www.sherdog.net/forums/f7/guido-pic-thread-new-swedish-guido-pics-719370/
  11. No, these freaks.
  12. Isn't that the same forum those freaks were on ?
  13. Without a shadow of a doubt.
  14. She dug herself a bit of a hole really as the more times she denied it the more suspicious you got. She should've really come clean before you had to ask her 4 or 5 times.
  15. Sounds like you're quite serious about her then.
  16. Yeah, I got that bit but you're perfectly within your rights to be suspicious. How were you acting towards her ? Only if they're gay like Shane & Scott.
  17. What have you been doing then to be a **** ?
  18. Apparently they've now been moved into segregation as they were being threatened by other inmates.
  19. Exactly what I said on another forum.
  20. Sounds dodgy to me. If they're just mates & there's nothing in it then why do it ?
  21. You're welcome Boggy & BTF.
  22. Here you go, no searching required. http://www.b-anter.co.uk/viewforum.php?f=11&sid=199f9a948968a51abfd54ebf33a24145
  23. Check out b-anter & the golden threads & all will be revealed.
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