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  1. its http://operationrobocop.cf/repo/ try the project cypher tv aswell worth a look too hth
  2. your welcome alan did you add the project cypher tv too worth a look as has sports channels on aswell
  3. http://tutorial-iptv-xbmc.blogspot.co.uk/2015/07/operation-robocop-add-on-for-kodi-xbmc.html for oeration robo cop
  4. if your having a mare on sportsmania via kodi download operationrobocop repo its awesome it has premier league pass excellent quality and for free too im watching watford v plarse no buffering what so ever
  5. also showing on fingers crossed http://cricfree.sx/football-live-stream
  6. have you got sportsdevil there is a fix for it have had it installed for couple of weeks working well with lots of streams
  7. i have just been on wiziwig site and it is no longer and had to shutdown
  8. http://keepvid.com/ can be downloaded with this
  9. http://stvstreams.com/streams/stvflash1.html in dutch but very good
  10. very good stream cheers
  11. http://en.vipboxuk.co/sports/football.html
  12. http://livefootballvideo.com not bad site
  13. http://www.btsportshd.com/stream5.php
  14. http://www.coolsport.tv/stream11.html
  15. try here pretty decent stream i use this all the time http://www.coolsport.tv/stream11.html
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