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Tokyo-Saint's Achievements

  1. That went down like a lead balloon GBoy.
  2. Only one way to solve this, bottle throwing contest, South East London.
  3. Cheers for the fiver Tokes et al. No problem Steve, enjoy all the away games. Come and give it a go Turks. You would qualify as a good poster who doesn't bother any more Pal.
  4. Bear's done a preview here: http://sotonians.com/chat/we-play-man-city He's made a pun out of Man and City. Very clever stuff.
  5. Good advertising goatboy!
  6. Nah, I got banned on day 1 and reinstated day 2.
  7. ffs Pap is trying to get me to sign up for papsweb but I am a busy man.
  8. Suc a dick - nice trolling though - it's what pap would have wanted. He knocked 3 time bletch, though he's not sure.
  9. I have been contacted from beyond the grave again! Paul Pap Paster was shot in the head by Steve 'get off my board' Grant earlier today for giving persistent abuse - no info give as to who. This is a permiban. Pap tributes and conspiracy theories below please. Any questions, let me know and I will feel his presence.
  10. Last post of the day, £50 final offer. Tweet me if accepted. I will be on the X1 in an hour. Ride all night or is it just a day time thing?
  11. You already been on that ride and paid more bear?
  12. I still hold that view, just have less time and posts per 24hrs to enforce the view with trolling and slights on your personality.
  13. Nice one Pap, anyone you missed? Anyone at all?
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