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Everything posted by TheCholulaKid

  1. Yeah, thanks Nige - you useless ****. Thanks for the back-to-back promotions and exciting balls-out attacking football. Thanks for giving plenty of Saints fans some of their best memories for the last 30 years. Thanks for making us proud to be Saints fans again. Because despite all that and the fact we've had the hardest start out of all teams in the division and we're not even in the relegation zone seemingly you deserve the sack. Yeah, sorry Nige our resident lily-livered short termist cretins have decided you haven't got a ****ing clue. Therefore you need to go. Loyalty always was an old fashioned value.
  2. Really? How long have you been posting on here? The bloke will tell you black is white if it means getting some attention. Got to admire his persistence though. All the lily-livered fannies on here need to grow the **** up.
  3. Gave up about 4 years ago. Never a massive smoker but used to love it. Especially during drug-fuelled allnighters. Easily do 40-60 on one of those. Loved it. Glad I stopped though. Filthy habit.
  4. I couldn't give a monkey's who's in power, I just want them to stop ****ing with things. I've just spent half the summer rewriting schemes of work for the most recent GCSE changes. Now, we'll have to do it all over again. On top of that, the A level schemes of work will also need rewriting. If they want teachers to teach consistently outstanding lessons how about giving them 5 minutes to actually the implement the changes, teach them and tweak them so that those changes succeed. Instead, successive governments come in with half baked ideas backed up by no educational research and have no interest in actually listening to teachers or those with experience of working in schools. They're too busy point scoring to actually give a **** about what is best for this country's children.
  5. Yosemite is stunning. Like something from the Lost World. Definitely consider Lake Tahoe seeing as you're not far away. You can then do a nice long desert drive from Reno to Vegas taking in Area 51. Very jealous. Great part of the world.
  6. Worth spending 10 minutes on: That's who the government should be listening to. Fat chance though.
  7. One of the best 'footballing' teams we've had since I've been supporting Saints (30+ years) with the promise of more to come once the new players are bedded in. Personally, I'm looking forward to the rest of the season. Just looking at all the other thread titles on this page......Jesus!! How long have these people been supporting Saints for? We always got tonked away from home at least once a season in the top flight and consistently played far worse than we have done so far and survived. Embarrassing bunch of lily-livered fannies. Please stay off this thread.
  8. A grow a pair. You spineless ballbag.
  9. No chance. ****ing drama queens the lot them.
  10. I used to live on Salisbury Road back in the day. Hence the Salisbury was also my local. ****ing loved that place.
  11. Grosse Pointe Blank
  12. My department just got the highest A*-C % in the entire school. Pretty happy with that (especially as we topped all the other sciences too). Kids worked hard for it.
  13. This one?: Great flick from Keegan. I'll go with the Barry Horne one myself. Carnage. And in the same Cup run, not a goal as such but beating Utd on pens at Old Trafford - celebrating their missed pen (Giggs?) to win it. Mickey Evans' 2nd (I think) to put us 3-1 up at Forest.
  14. Hardly. It's been **** for years. Easily the worst of the Sunday broadsheets.
  15. You've been on this site long enough - you should have noticed by now that this is what Turkish does with a decent percentage of threads he is involved with. Some people might call it trolling. It's ****ing boring, I know that much.
  16. Global warming etc, - we'll adapt. It's what we're good at. Which is why overpopulation is the more pressing concern.
  17. Physics Teacher - 11-18 but mainly GCSE and A level. It's relentless but worth it. Even more so come 1pm next Friday.
  18. **** me. I don't know how but I'd forgotten about that. Pandemonium under the East Stand when that went in. Yeah - that goal is definitely up there.
  19. Being at OT when we beat Utd on pens was pretty good and set a bench mark for post match celebrations Villa Park semi Celebrations in the pub/road on the corner of Shepherd's Bush Green after Niemi's 'equaliser' at Loftus Road.
  20. This. Plus the Salisbury (mentioned above) tend to have a decent ale or two.
  21. Funny how the more 'passionate' the fans are and how much better the Premier league gets year on year (according to Sky anyway) the ****ter the atmosphere in English league grounds becomes. Still, like everyone else, I'm a mug and will keep on sucking it up.
  22. I know that mate - don't bother trying to patronise me. Were you wearing one 5/10/15/20 years ago though? Thought not. Boring - one step ahead? - must try harder.
  23. Says the man who can't decide between Belstaff or CP Company. The former at least a year too late, the latter well....
  24. Anyone bother? Set the alarm for 4am. Had a look outside - thick cloud as far as the eye could see. Nearly went back to bed but glad I didn't Rewarded with a perfect view for the last 30 minutes up here in the Cotswolds. Anyone else have any joy?
  25. This. That boat thing yesterday was a ****ing joke too. Looked like a floating Chinese restaurant. The whole thing is cringeworthy.
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