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Everything posted by TheCholulaKid

  1. I suspected as much. Not sure why I expected a rational response from Alpine really. Sad ****.
  2. I've missed this news about Chambers. Can someone direct me to it?
  3. I'm not sure 'tapping up' even means anything these days. Agents/players have all the power - they decide when they move and make it happen.
  4. Should be fine. I'm making it my kids' first game too. They're 5 and 3.
  5. Make your mind up - is it unprecedented or not?
  6. Touch a nerve that bit of his post?
  7. Please don't. You're going to embarrass yourself.
  8. This post is wrong on so many levels. Hilariously so. Well done.
  9. And he'd be living in Rome surrounded by Italian women...
  10. Agreed
  11. Yeah - good read. Apart from the fact you make me feel old.
  12. Sorry, 5? Have I missed something? Btw, if you had the misfortune to read just one of Pastor Patron's posts that fact he thinks Courtois would have anything to do with Saints should alert you to the fact he knows **** all about football or is, more likely, a WUM
  13. Club Photographer would be pretty sweet - sh!t money though.
  14. You sound a bit mental, mate. Jack Cork had a good season last year - don't really see what the problem is.
  15. If you're doing a generic course then the above advice might hold true however certainly not always. If the course is specialized then which course you did will be more important than where you did it. I did my undergraduate degree at UCL and have friends who did the same degree at Oxford - they were offered a place at Oxford but not UCL due to the course being heavily oversubscribed. I also got a job in the field before them. Granted, if they were applying for jobs not related to the course then a degree from Oxford might make the difference to some employers. So, in answer to the OP - if your son needs that specific course to get into the Police then I would find out from the Police graduate recruitment which course they regard as being best - and go for that one. If they don't give a **** then (from your list) Birmingham followed by Canterbury.
  16. Looking at his coaching/managerial record makes you wonder how the **** he's anywhere near the national squad.
  17. Not me. I was at that game. We were robbed.
  18. What convinced you of that? Was it his patchy record as a manager? Having said that...a big name who might convince some of our wantaways to stay and attract some decent players in too. I'll put myself in the 'cautiously optimistic' category.
  19. Oh dear. Seriously, if you only have a wafer thin grasp of politics it's probably best not to expose that ignorance on a public forum.
  20. **** him - nice tidy profit to be made here anyway.
  21. And the Aeropress with beans from this place makes my day start with something that feels illegal.
  22. Absolutely this.
  23. This is my local brewery: http://www.hooky.co.uk/ Prefer Hooky over Old Hooky. Recommend the brewery tour if you happen to be nearby.
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