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Everything posted by WIGANSAINT

  1. Your right to be worried. We have lost a lot of goals in mane and most likely pelle. The aim now seems to be spending less and bringing youth in. No doubt to sell them on in a couple of years and repeat etc. To me you need to invest and show a little ambition .We all know how it ended up with Lowe. And I am sick of hearing about this 5 year plan etc. Seems to me all the plan is to make as much money as they can .We need a fast forward for me. Musa would of been a great signing.
  2. Not liking the noises coming out of Saint Mary's. Seems we are reverting to the Rupert Lowe plan and we all know how that ended up. We can't be left behind in the spending stakes. .Musa would of been a great signing and at 16 mil he would of been a bargain in today's market. The silence from the club at the moment is deafening ,not even a press conference from the new gaffer. All we are getting is drips fed to the echo.
  3. I think we can all agree les reed talks ******** .Dont think any manager would be happy with our policy.
  4. Good thinking m8
  5. Thanks m8. Yea any help would be great. I have never attempted anything like this before and it's still early days at the moment. Think the first thing is if anyone knows any venues who would be willing to give up a room or something?i don't know any in southampton to be honest being from the north .
  6. Hi guys. Just a quick one ,I was hoping to get something going for the foundation maybe a sportsman dinner with some ex players etc. I can get into contact with danny but I would need help with a venue and if any of you knew any current or ex players who not mind giving up a evening for a good cause. He gave a lot of happy memories for us older supporters and it would be nice way to say thanks to a guy who is a role model to many not just for what he achieved in football but off the pitch too. Cheers guys.
  7. Thankfully I have been proven wrong. I thought we would be in the muck this season. I don't know if the board did well or we got lucky. I guess the next few years will be very interesting.
  8. Would love us to put in a cheeky offer for Lambert in jan. Doubt he would come back so soon but I think we need someone who can hold the ball up etc. Still think pelle can be a bit weak at times in the air etc and gets bullied.
  9. He needs time. I think he is going to be top class.
  10. Outclassed. Think we gave them too much respect and the tempo too slow. Reminded me of chelsea last season.
  11. I don't see it as a big loss. Only thing is they will know our transfer targets etc. BTW did he suggest veggard Forren?
  12. I don't think we can do the same every summer though .Because sooner or later you end up going down .Still not convinced by kat either that she really is in it for the long term.Call me a cynic but its still early days this season.Next 10 matches for me will determine if we will do better this season,but up to now I have been proven wrong and glad I have been
  13. here is lallana after last nhttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2787858/calum-chambers-rapid-progression-no-surprise-says-adam-lallana-expects-arsenal-defender-england-regular.html?ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490ight .Sorry if its already posted.He really is a *****
  14. Sell sell sell again? I hear in the press today how wanyamas fav ground is anfield. How jay rod is being linked with spurs and morgan says another 12 months. And what would be your opinion if the same thing happens again?
  15. Well they can hang onto to our players better than we can. Anyway i am bored of going over the same thing. Carry on as you where getting excited about this Growth
  16. Fantastic post itchen. I just think the policy is wrong but it's all about opinions. Look at bolton and wigan as 2 examples of always selling your best players. Gets you no where. Think Everton have done really well with what they did over the summer and I would like to see us be a bit more like them. Football is all about opinions and always will be. We are all saints fans so I don't think there is any need for insults.
  17. So you expected us to be 3rd in the table?well done you. I remember souness and lawrie leaving over the same issue of always selling the Crown Jewels. Ask yourself why poch left. They more or less told him the plan ahead ,hence why he left. There is not a club in the history of football in England did what we have done this summer ,,fine it worked this time and I am really glad it did. But you can't continue to do this every summer. And I still hold the same view of matt. Great player but his hatred of cortese clouds his judgement. And I still hold the view les reed is a lying muppet. Feel free to continue with this but frankly I need to get back to real life. Have a great day.
  18. He is living up to what we all thought when we bought him. Panic buy who is massively overpriced.
  19. If you insult then to me you are losing the argument. You need to invest to have success in football. If we continue to sell then there is only one place we will end up. Anyways time will tell who is right
  20. That piece to me screams no ambition. Enjoy this 3rd place while we can because with that attitude the only way is down
  21. Roll out ex players out a positive spin on things. Wreck it rah on after 4. Hoping fans fall for it. Hang on some of you actually have. Mugs.
  22. Arr I see some of the forum bully's are out in force haha. Ok so let me be serious for a moment. Let's look at the facts. Did les reed not give indications that only one or 2 would be sold?did ron also say we are not a selling club?did Harrison reed not also say he is impressed with the clubs ambitions?let me explain to some of the thickos on here. Your being fed a bellyful of spin and your so grateful to kitty and her family you will put up with anything.Well I for one do not like liars and in the past week Lesley and Ron have both been proven to have been lying.If your going to sell say it. Don't try to con the fans so you can get the extra season tickets etc. And your insults don't bother me in fact I quite embrace it . Good luck to mopo and nicola cortese they both did a great job and had no choice but to go in these horrid times. My shirt is in the bin till fatty goes. You guys continue but I tell you ,unless we act there is only one place we are going and that's down. Maybe not this season but you can't always rely on bringing youth in.
  23. I won't stop supporting the team and looking out for results etc. But I won't plough Any more money into the club while this regime is here. People can call me a plastic fan but I won't feed liars. Needs change from the top. Even rupert was not this bad.
  24. 1)I am northern 2)this is the way I roll 3)not meant to be funny. I am normally a tipstar 4)I like being drunk And your welcome
  25. Because one is not kinky
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