360 -
Everything posted by influx
Yes actually
Kraken and turkish showing everyone exactly the sort of people they really are, what a surprise! Whats the matter with you people? Its a well known fact that people who become bullys as adults were most probably bullied as a child or have abandonment issues. I mean do you know this guy? Why the vitriol for someone you don't know? Are you this ****ish away from the safety of your tear/cum soaked sofa??
School yard bullying alive and well on this site i see. I love how he hasn't stooped to the level of some of the pond life on here. And some of you go on about being embarrased by other fans wearing a ****ing santa hat :lol
Supporting Saints is seriouse business don't you know. My god some of you take things sooo goddamn seriously. Miserable ****ers.
haha, there you go again. Where did i say that? God there are alot of goons on here.
The Bull and Butcher in Corley Moor. Great pub and homemade food!
Ive bit my lip whilst reading this thread, but this got me!! "Trying to **** our boys over" This isnt the Somme you prat, its a game of football, thats all it is! I love football and southampton fc, but i feel theres nowt wrong with clapping an excellent goal from the opposition. It shows a level of maturity i think. To be honest i find it more embarrassing when grown men sing **** songs about some of are more mediocre players, ie most of them!
Unless you read threads on here about our financial situation, or goalkeeping crisis.
Its just been on football focus....Oh the shame!!!!
Really? it got to you that much!! I think the booing of Guly is far more embarrassing. God some of you guys are so f*cking uptight, it beggars belief!!
Adkins out!! I really hope our bedwetting friends are a little more considered next time we go on a bad run, which we will. I honestly can not believe some of the ****e ive seen posted on here in the past few weeks. Thank **** the majority of the paying support have a brain, otherwise i reckon we would be in a worse state.
Rickie on the bench? **** it, I've had enough, Adkins out.
influx replied to Dibden Purlieu Saint's topic in The Saints
prat quoting prat -
What I'll be doing on Saturday afternoon.
influx replied to Legod Third Coming's topic in The Saints
Its not the fact you critisize, its the fact thats all you bloody well do!! -
What I'll be doing on Saturday afternoon.
influx replied to Legod Third Coming's topic in The Saints
LMFAO!!! What?? supporting the Team has been done to death?!?! WTF??? Do you even like Southampton FC?? -
What I'll be doing on Saturday afternoon.
influx replied to Legod Third Coming's topic in The Saints
Whats is wrong with posts like these?? Hmmm showing that you support the team and the manager at a time when they need all the support they can get. I'm glad that the like of you get shouted down when you spout your ****e. It doesnt help our current predicament does it?? Support Southampton FC ffs and quit trying to ****ing knock it at every opportunity!! -
He'll learn eventually.
hmmm how is Hoddle going to do better than NA?? And with regards to his 2nd chance academy thing, how many players do you think have gone on to sign for a pro club?! Not many!! NA should be given to the end of the season. If we go down we have a manager who will get us back up, everyones a winner. Hoddle would just use us as a stepping stone, then leave us in the lurch againn. Now time for a personal insult......you are a prat!!
This cheered me up no end! A skate wishing the baggies good luck for tonight and getting short shrift from them!! http://boards.footymad.net/forum.php?tno=550&fid=255&sty=2&act=1&mid=2113833925
Noticing a fat couple kissing, my girlfriend said, "Have you ever been out with a fat girl before?" "No, you're the first," probably wasn't the best response. "You spend far too much time on that ****ing computer." Possibly a bit harsh, but as one of Stephen Hawking's closest friends, I felt someone had to tell him. I saw a homeless man sleeping inside a big cardboard box outside the train station this morning. Not wanting to disturb him, I crept over and put a Starbucks coffee cup on top of his box. He immediately woke up and said, "Thank you." "No problem." I smiled. He looked at me again and said, "It's empty." I said, "I know, it's meant to be a chimney." Before me and the missus had sex she said, "If you turn off the light, you can shove it up my arse."With hindsight, I probably should have waited until the bulb had cooled down
And those people saying get rid of NA are mental! Just my opinion of course. If we go down then so be it, but I'd rather have Adkins in the NPC than any of the muppets that keep getting mentioned on here.
Isn't funny how some posters become more prolific when we are doing badly. I'm pretty damn sure they thrive on it!!
Whos that bird at the Bournemoouth game on SSN!? mmmmmm
Good stuff from J rod!!!!
I didnt really think Beattie was that pacy, but looking at some of them goals you realise he was pretty quick over 10/20 yards. Which is why he struggled to score when unfit i suppose. He had the first touch of a rapist!
Its a pity Ricky doesnt have that burst of pace that Beattie used to have. ie that 3rd goal. Not taking anythting away from RL of course, just saying he would be even better for us if he did.