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Everything posted by influx

  1. So Man U has a 200m war chest and we could get found out???!! How? Players are under contract, if we don't want to sell them we won't. And where we are now is a pretty good return for 35m. You live in a strange world.
  2. Its beyond you that for a start Poch isn't playing and secondly you can't polish a turd....
  3. This! Who is this alpine guy? Seems to be absolutely clueless. Young lad I guess??
  4. But if our players are dreaming of CL then that means they are even more dissapointed when we lose. Surely thats a good thing. I really don't understand anyone having an issue with ambition. Realistic or not.
  5. I really don't understand why people get irritated by it. I mean whats wrong with "The way we set out and the way we want to be, everyone wants that. I don't see why we shouldn't dare to dream." Oh yes, coz the vocal few on here tell us all we are mad to dream. I don't think we will be in champions league in the foreseeable but its a nice dream.
  6. I dont think the saints fans come out of that very well. Spitting ffs???
  7. Loved it when the tater referred to him as playmaker lovren lol
  8. A dodgy back 5? Please tell me you never said that and it was caused by a virus!!! Lmao. Does this site attract netball fans or something. My god! !!!
  9. No. Have you?
  10. **** me. The dour brummy commentary I have to listen too is more upbeat about our chances than the manic depressives on here. Laughable
  11. Got to laugh that a thread moaning about people wearing winter clothing now has target advertising on it for North Face. Oh the irony
  12. And hopefully after experiencing a good atmosphere it will make the lads hungry for more. Its a win win.
  13. Yeah its terrible.... {tabs back to porn}
  14. Yep, that explains how Nigell Mansell won it.
  15. I find it ironic that most of you are saying its ok to swear at the football where there are kids present yet on here all swear words filtered so to protect our delicate children.
  16. Do you trawl through every thread looking for grammatical errors and bad spelling? Keeps you busy I guess.
  17. Yep, the usual suspects will be questioning the managers subs, the keeper, lambert etc. When in fact we havnt played that badly at all against the team at the top of the table. Support the bloody team. apart from Boruc, I don't think that's a lot of negatives at all, in fact Im feeling even more positive about the rest of season. Call me happy clappy if you want, but I think will a makeshift defence and against a good team like Arsenal we have held our own.
  18. Its like a kids playground in here.
  19. We are third at the moment. I think thats a fairer assessment.
  20. I'll remind you of this when we lose two games in a row. Oh hang on you normally go on one after we've lost one game. You should adhere to your own advice.
  21. Where is he now? Oh he doesn't say anything when we play well does he? Hes a skate lol
  22. Does he ever learn?
  23. You post too often IMO. I doubt you have ever taken any joy from football, so why start now. You say you are rapidly losing interest, but from reading your posts you only seem interested when there has been something to moan about. The reason you don't post as often is because you are finding it little harder to be so ****ing negative. Although, you still manage it on occasions. You depress me and I only read your witterings on here, god knows how your family cope.
  24. haha....my missus just told me to shuttup.. go figure.
  25. lmao...joker
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