Holbury Saint
186 -
Everything posted by Holbury Saint
Who's to say Matty hasn't been stitched up too here? He could have been told anything. I know its negative but we are all fatigued after 6 horror years which, despite numerous close calls, just doesn't look like ending. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllpppppppppp
Message to Tony Lynam - 22/06/09 17:51
Holbury Saint replied to saints_is_the_south's topic in The Saints
Thirded. Just agree the terms now otherwise the club is dead. We DON'T want any other consortium. This is getting seriously ridiculous. :mad: -
Message from Tony Lynam - Saturday 20th June 12:54pm
Holbury Saint replied to Matthew Le God's topic in The Saints
Keep up the good work Tony. Please, please, please takeover Monday, we can't take any more. Feel like I'm going mad. Just can't help feeling there is more to this than the 10 points deduction. Hope not but this is just another sorry episode in a verry sorry last 6 years. Let's just hope this is all water under the bridge Monday. If its JUST the 10 points then if it comes to the crunch, just accept it and do the deal. Us fans REALLY REALLY want you, Matty and Keegan to be here next week and beyond. The whole thing sounds fantastic and would really create a massive buzz. I know you are right to contest the FL in this matter as an appeal is what they said we are entitled to. However, PLEASE don't drop out on just that basis as we will repay you by filling the stadium every week and giving us a real chance of making the Play-Offs. Like all of us I really am cracking up but I want a club in League 1 to support next season. Once again, keep the faith everyone and thanks Tony, Matt and others involved for everything. Saints til we die -
You know who I am Andrew, I'm the one you wanted sacked at Christmas remember. Yes, I do have contacts in high places and know for a fact you were Sundance because you stupidly told someone who has since told me. All very sad. Thought you'd have known better than to let that slip.
Surely you've got better things to be doing with your sad life. Now that you have destroyed Saints, just go and wreck some other defenceless business. All very sad Andrew
19, Get back to your love in with Lowe hes pining for you
post of the day
The payroll will need to be submitted on Tuesday to clear bank accounts Thursday 21st and the IR Nat Ins/Tax will need to be sumitted Wednesday to clear bank Friday 22nd
They would submit the Payroll on Tuesday to clear staff bank accounts on the Thursday. The clocks ticking.............
Lowe makes an even bigger mammary gland of himself...
Holbury Saint replied to alpine_saint's topic in The Saints
.......but you ARE Cowen. Just go, you're as much to blame as the rest of them. You should hang your head in shame for standing by and allowing Lowe back in. Just own up, I KNOW you are Cowen -
So we've discussed Woggy but where have you heard this? Great if true but can only happen if new owners are in place. What do you really know?
I knew Woggy very well and he always had a smile on his face, loved the club and ALL the players and staff loved him. If we want the Spirit of Southampton back we couldn't do much worse than get him back here in some capacity. The club needs to get back to being a great family club again and Woggy epitimises (not sure about the spelling!!!) everything that made this such a friendly loveable club. I would argue that everyone who has had the pleasure of meeting Woggy (apart from one man of course!) will tell you the same. BRING BACK WOGGY AND LE TISS!!!!!!
Woggy is a legend. How good would it be to have Woggy and Matty back at the club. :smt041:)
Lowe & Richards in board room on Sunday at Forest....Confirmed by Club
Holbury Saint replied to exit2's topic in The Saints
Give up Cowan just slip away and dont come back. You WERE Sundance and you ARE Cowen. Youve been rumbled now just go -
Lowe & Richards in board room on Sunday at Forest....Confirmed by Club
Holbury Saint replied to exit2's topic in The Saints
We won't be rid of him until he's dead unfortunately and knowing our luck he'll outlive the lot of us:mad: -
Lowe & Richards in board room on Sunday at Forest....Confirmed by Club
Holbury Saint replied to exit2's topic in The Saints
Nineteen Canteen is Andrew Cowen - FACT An employee at the club told me this a couple of months back and I am certain it's the truth. Come clean Cowen and then **** off for good. It's your endless backing of that prikc Lowe that has wrecked this club. If you'd stood up to him earlier we wouldn't be in this mess. I know Cowen will deny this but it's TRUE. You've only got to read through some of his posts to see the Cowenisms. -
I don't know about everyone else but I'm starting to get ****ed off with all this begging for money thing. There are a number of things that grate with me: 1) Why isn't Fry as Administrator, keeping us informed on a regular basis of the current situation with finances, bids etc? 2) Why is Fry sat watching all the games when he should be working round the clock atrracting and arranging a purchase for the club? 3) Why should we donate money when we don't know where it is going? 4) Why should we donate money when the players who have let us down will get 80% of it 5) Why should we donate money when the likes of Lawrie, Wilde, Lowe, Cowen, current players, ex players etc are not even on the £1000 list? If the players ALL confirmed that they have donated, if ALL the above confirmed they have donated and we were told EXACTLY what the state of the SFC finances are and what this money will be spent on and EXACTLY how much is needed and EXACTLY when this money needs to be raised, I am sure more would not only be buying tickets but also more willing to donate. WE NEED ANSWERS, PROPER ANSWERS AND NOW!!!! Yes I want the club to exist and I love Saints to death but the whole thing stinks.
I feel as brassed off as the rest of us BUT IF we win the last 2 regardless of tonights result, I think we will have enough taking Forest and Norwich down. However, just for the ultimate kick in the teeth we will then get docked the 10 points and go down anyway. No points deduction, 2 wins and the miracle will be complete! Won't happen though............will it??????
There you go, you've said it yourself........LUCK You are quite clearly close to Lowe and I have a pretty good idea who you are, but you are making a fool of yourself doing his PR campaign all the time for him. You clearly don't really give a sh*t about Saints you just want to keep wiping Lowes a*s for him like your Askhams, Richards, etc. Christ knows what hold he has over you but you should really just own up and admit that Lowe and Wilde have made too many mistakes and in the whole have not been good for the club. If Lowe wasn't so pig headed and admitted his mistake in appointing Poortvliet earlier then we would more than likely not been in this mess in the first place. Be a man and say it how it REALLY is and not as Lowes bum buddy
If Wotte's appointment is deemed to be such a master stroke by Lowe, why the f*kc didn't he get the job in the first place? Lowe only gave him the job because he had failed miserably in appointing Poortvliet and had no other choice due to the finances meaning we were unable to afford to get anyone else in. The appointment of Poortvliet could still prove to be one of Lowes greatest mis-judgements so to big lowe up just because we've won 3 games is ridiculous. Yes, lets get behind Wotte and the team from now until the end of the season but remember why we are in this mess (and yes, look at the league table, we ARE still in a mess). Lowe and Wilde, whether we stay up or go down, are BAD NEWS for this club and mustn't be allowed the chance to make even more mistakes in the future. Crank up the protests but not during games. Lowe will be laughing at us if we allow any future success to cloud our judgement on what almost terminal mistakes he has made. He and Wilde have to go, albeit at the end of the season.
Who will you support if Saints go really under ?
Holbury Saint replied to alpine_saint's topic in The Saints
The New Saints FC (that welsh league side that scores loads of goals) -
Saints V Swansea First Half/Half Time
Holbury Saint replied to Plumstead_Saint's topic in The Saints
De De De De, Saganowski, de de de de Saganowski :):smt038:smt038:smt038:smt038