Hi guys, I don't post very often, well hardly at all. Unfortunately I won't be able to make the Middlesbrough game Saturday
As I have family commitments. I did go to Peterborough, and glad I did. The boys done us proud as I'm sure they will Saturday.
I wish all the fans going up a great time, and hope and pray that it's a promotional party at the end of it. Coyr.
What I wanted to add was, my sixteen year old and a couple of his friends came up with a (I think) a great little song for the
Saints fans to sing, either Saturday or even for the Coventry game.
It goes like this:
I'm Southampton 'til I die,
You're Pompey 'til July,
We're going up,
You're going down,
Now **** off and goodbye.
Have a great game guys. Coyr