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Everything posted by ant

  1. Not officially if he has. Is it just my imagination or has the crowd in the Emirates been doing the Alex Chamberlain chant this evening? They have something that goes by the same tune if not. Clearly means nothing either way, but a bit cocky!
  2. Great shout - I should've thought of that sooner. Duh! For some reason I had it in my head that the Carlisle one had to be purchased at the same time as Man Yoo, but obviously if it's lodged against customer number there's no issue.
  3. All said I'm starting to think that the pub might be a better option, but don't want to miss out on the Carlisle game. If the FA Cup match sells out, then in theory so will that one as mentioned in posts above. Thirty quid's a fair amount to splash if the atmosphere is going to be dead, but I've already missed the Peterborough and Round 2/3 games (not through choice); don't want to add another (two?) to the list ideally. Hmm, will see how it pans out on Tuesday I guess.
  4. It let me go all the way through the process of selecting seats and so on, but when I click 'BUY' it says: "You do not have permission to get tickets for this game yet, or you have exceeded your limit. You cannot continue with this purchase." Foiled
  5. Heartfelt thanks to Markus and best wishes to his family. His time at the club was too short, but I'll never forget what he did for us. Hope the team can pull together over this and get us back to the Championship. R.I.P.
  6. Not in Asda Southampton though.
  7. Completely forgot about that, good call!
  8. If it isn't too late (random thread revivial I know), CEX in the Mall (Marlands) take second-hand CDs. Prices vary from decent to insulting, but it's a quick and easy way to shift them. I know eBay is a hassle, but I find listing on Amazon to be quick and easy. You literally just find the CD you want to sell, enter the price and condition and that's that. You pay fees, but they give you around £2 towards postage (normally only costs about 70p in reality) so it evens out a bit. Probably only worth it if you're going to make a couple of quid per CD, some albums go ridiculously cheaply.
  9. Brilliant fun, hope this is going to become more of a regular occurrence! Not the most sparkling of performances, but after their initial pressure we stifled them pretty well and took a decent percentage of our chances. Not sure what game some people were at if they think the atmosphere was cr*p. Admittedly I was a bit worried as I was in the cheap seats and thought it might be dead. There were small spells where we were quiet, but in the main the place was rocking. When the third and fourth went in people were dancing like their lives depended on it! Plenty of chants, plenty of atmosphere and goodwill - at least in the upper tiers there was. Yesterday was one of the only times I've been glad to live near the A3 rather than the M3 - drove straight up and back without even a sniff off traffic Left at 9am and I was there before 10.30. Parked up at Gerrards Cross and was surprised to see so many Saints fans at that specific station. Would definitely do the same again or go up the day before as the roads around Wembley looked like hell. COYR, onwards and upwards from here :cool:
  10. Last-ditch attempt then Been let down twice in the hunt for tickets after people have contacted me and then withdrawn the offer; third time lucky I'm hoping, or not sure what the hell I'm going to do... amplifiedant@gmail.com is my email address. Don't mind whether you have 1, 2, 3... for sale, or which block of the stadium it is as long as there's going to be Saints fans around me!
  11. I thought I'd managed to get hold of my two, but I've been let down so I'm back in the hunt amplifiedant@gmail.com
  12. Yeah absolutely, good on you. I'd be willing to pay that little extra if I could get hold of the couple of tickets I need. I wouldn't mind if there were scalpers posting in this thread - at least they would be providing a service and following the original point of the thread in helping out those unfortunate enough to be stuck without tickets. The bickering, pedantic posts in here help nobody and serve little purpose.
  13. Personally I was stuck at work until just after kick-off with an unsympathetic boss that wouldn't let me leave a minute early. I simply don't understand your logic, which states that I should have paid circa £50 for TWO unused MK Dons tickets on top of the price of the Wembley tickets. Yes, two - I wouldn't leave my brother in the lurch like that as he's too young to have a job and buy his own. It was galling enough as it was missing the match, without paying for the privilege of not being there! Most of the people making requests in this thread haven't made a squeak about the ticket office or the allocation, they're making genuine pleas for help. I think it's a bit much to go on about people coming out of the woodwork when clearly that is not what is happening. There's now every chance that unless I want to pay some scab a small ransom I will miss the final. Perhaps I was too noble and should've bought my own solitary ticket on Wednesday... no matter now, but I'm feeling ****ty enough as it is, without opinionated ****wits piping up when they're not in full possession of the facts. Why do I not have more posts on here if I'm a 'genuine' fan? Well partly because I lurk more than I post, partly because I don't want to pay a subscription fee (does that still exist? I presume so) and also because I work a ****ton of hours a week, so I simply don't have the time.
  14. If anybody has two in any section or at any of the price points, I'll snap them up in an instant. The person I'm going with wasn't on the Saints database so I couldn't just buy a ticket for me, and now it looks like we've completely missed out :( I don't get much chance to check back here because of work, but I'm contactable at amplifiedant@gmail.com Please, please let me know if ANYBODY has double spares!
  15. My post count might suggest I'm a complete n00b, but I used to be on this forum a lot about two iterations ago, though I doubt any of you will remember me! Anyway, my ID is amplifiedAnt if anybody wants to add it. Got quite a few games going at the moment, although I traded in MW2 as I couldn't get into the online...
  16. Is anybody going to set up a PS3 one? I'm amplifiedAnt, need more people to play against/on the same team...
  17. ant

    Pes 2009

    Still torn between getting this and FIFA. Enjoyed the FIFA demo a lot more and the game modes look plenty enticing, but I always used to be a PES sorta guy. Might have to rent PES to check it out properly. Oh, as an aside, could a member make a PSN ID thread? I'm waiting on my subscription so I can't do it yet. Most of my mates have 360s, so it would be good to populate my PS3 friends a bit more! Mine is amplifiedAnt, everybody is welcome to add me, though I may ask who the hell you are if your username is different to on here
  18. ant

    Wipeout HD

    Incredible game. Bit fed up of playing complete strangers though, some semi-strangers from here would be nice! PSN name is amplifiedAnt
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