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Everything posted by Brittanysaint

  1. His dad did well around here too
  2. Must be Tranmere away , can't remember when but suppose it was 10-12 years ago and we got thrashed, I went all the way up on my own and got bricks thrown at me while walking to the car after the match ...couldn't understand why they were so violent towards us, we had no history, no taking the **** or anything..they were just scallies on the rob and up for it.
  3. Stood and sat at many away games, Villa, Arse, Man Utd, Palace, Oxford, QPR, Swindon, Reading..mostly in the 70's so was standing/being pushed really!!. Even stood in the away end at a Saints v skates derby match..well I say stand, what I actually mean is we got a far as the concours area under the home stand before being chased out again. Being from Newbury when we played Reading at the old Elm park it was always easier to get home end tickets than to travel down to the Dell to get them..so a bunch of us always stood for a while in with the Reading fans until we were sussed then were moved into our end..
  4. Tarmac will merge with Lafarge in the next 6 months and have been told that they must sell off parts of their business by the monopolies commision, just a though that the Tarmac area here could be involved? Cemex office area and buildings ( which take up a large area ) are almost empty as many staff there have been made redundant over the last couple of years. However, can't see Hanson or Cemex wanting to give up there water front aggregates areas.
  5. I think the FA cup 76 was the biggest because we'd not won anything before that....but now of course we have, and time moves on so yes i'd now say this is the biggest ever....and i'm ****ed off coz i can't get a ticket but i was there in 78 when the wall came down!!
  6. My email is: adrian.lilley@propexinc.co.uk
  7. Nah! I stay at the Casa in Chesterfield once a month, believe me, you'll have a great night out int Chezvegas .
  8. [quote=Ken Tone Reading and Southampton are clearly in the same area, How very dare you!!!! Reading is Berkshire I was born a couple of miles south of newbury..IN HAMPSHIRE!!.....very very different area. Like I said , i have lived these border villages and towns over 50 years...and it ain't a derby except for a few ex village yokels like me....Portsmuff is the only real derby Saints have.
  9. I lived in Basingstoke for 20 odd years and most follow the London clubs eg Chelsea/Millwall etc but scatterings of Saints, liv ed in reading for a few years too, however, for 25 years I have since lived in Newbury. Yes, there are a few Saints fans around Newbury but most are in the Hampshire villages which starts 1 mile south of Newbury. Newbury/Thatcham is mainly Reading fans with a smattering of Oxford, Chelsea, an u etc. So I have lived on the borders of all of them for over 50 years and can honestly say that Reading v Saints is only a "Derby" for those of us that live with mainly Reading fans in and around Newbury. Reading fans from Reading don't class it as a derby game, more like playing the big club 50 miles down the road. Oxford and Aldershot have always been the traditional derby games for Reading. Reading v Chelsea is more like a home game for both as i'd say most Reading people have grown up following Chealsea.
  10. Age 53 From Kingsclere to Basingstoke and last 25 years Newbury. First home game when I was about 4yrs old and can remember watching Terry Paine et all. First away game was against Pompy, I was still only less than 10 yrs but remember it as I got kicked, it hurt, I cried....what a wus !!!
  11. My first visit there was as a nipper in the 60's with my dad and grandad, I suspect I was about 8 or 9 at the time. For about 20 years after I always wondered why someone kicked me on the way out from the terrace and left me crying? 20 years later it dawned on me that was my first bit of "terrace agro" Through the 70's 80's & 90's I went to every game..it was always "exciting" to say the least... I'm ****e with dates etc but the worst time for me was a game which I think must of been late 70's, It was an evening game and was my first in my late teens with a mob of about 20 from Basingstoke, we went to all games home and away but this was a first visit to fratton for most of them, we were running a bit late in out transits after finishing work. I remember the traffic jams on the road which was probably the M27...we were all out on the road playing footy. Anyway we got to the ground a bit late, the match had started, all quiet outside the ground, now, us all dressed up with silk scarves dangling from wrists, jeans like bay City Rollers..well Slade really !! DM's etc..remember I said most hadn't been before, most gad had a party 4 or more, all of us just went to the first turnstile we came to , paid and went in..............only to find we were under the home end..oh crap!!! Hundreds of the home lots came pouring down the steps and into us, we wern't there for that reason, we just went in the wrong end by mistake. Our little lot scattered to the corners wehere some got marched down the side of the pitch to our end. I always remember be left right in the middle of the concours( if you can call it that ) on my own, I was a bit slow off the mark, my mates had legged it, I found myself next to a copper with me and him being surrouined by literally hundreds of pompy all snarling etc, I asked the plod to escort me to the corner flag area.....he bottled it and just said no chance it's your fault for coming in the wrong end...oh crap !! again..in seconds I made a run for it 20-30metres to the nearest turnstile, jumped over and out of the ground to saftey....where i found one or two mates who had done the same thing, we all paid to get in again at the away end where we met up with more of our lot...After the game we had to go and collect one of us from the hospital as he'd been well beaten. Still went back to all games since but I now know which end not to go in......and for the youngsters amongst you, matches were all ticket in those days, you just turned up and paid on the day, they crammed in as many as turned up and if you like me were a short arse or you might not even get 3 yards insidfe the turnstile then you didn't see much of the game...but you were there !!!
  12. My old grandad was Saints he started taking me down the Dell with him in the days when his nephew Tony Godfrey was playing in goal. we used to come down from Kingsclere in the old Ford Pop. My dad was Saints too so the three generations of us would come to most home games..me standing on a beer crate with home made rattle ( dad was a chippie so it was a good'un ). My other Grandad was also Saints but even more staunch Basingstoke Town as he lived next to Camrose, hence we'd go to Town matches one week and Saints the next, whoever was at home. The old folks have now long gone. Then my Twins 1 boy 1 girl would come down with me starting at 4 years old at the Dell, then at St Marys, but when they got to teenage years it just got too expensive and with RL in charge we all just stopped....I started again and the kids ( now 25) still follow but don't go anymore . So there is four generations who all used to come down 40 miles each way.
  13. There may well of been one at the Devils Punchbowl too.... but there certainley was one on the A34 near Newbury...I know coz I live there. You may well be correct in that it said "please hod , pick le god !!"
  14. This may or may not be classed as graffiti. Does anyone else remember the field on the left just before Beacon Hill about 4 miles south of Newbury ? It was a fierld on the side of a hill with a perfectly done "Crop Circle" spelling out "Le Tiss for England" it was there for a couple of weeks.
  15. Need help here, Been offered a ticket which i'm told is for the west stand block 204...which ain't right i think, also would 204 be £58.00 ticket as thats what i'm told. No offence meant to the guy who's offering the ticket, just want to be sure where it is and at the moment it dont add up. Anyone any thoughts ?
  16. I'm after just one ticket...but if there's two i'll take both... thanks email adrian.lilley@propexinc.co.uk
  17. The team themselves back in Lawries day used to sometimes stop off at the Canaervan Arms pub next to Beacon Hill on the old A34 near where the Newbury by pass now starts, but more often when returning from up't north they would divert the team caoch to Hollington House Hotel ( it was a Hotel then, was since an old folks home but now been done up again and lived in by the Sultan of Brunai's son ), this is at the village of Woolton Hill, Nr Highclere, off the newbury - Andover road and where i lived until recently. My uncle worked there and had many a chat with the team.
  18. I was born and spent my first 20 years in Kingsclere through the 70's, was a small village with one pompy fan the rest being Saints..i say the rest, i mean about 7 from the village who used to go regulary. ....and glen miller actually played at a concert hall only 6 miles away...thats how trivial we are from this village. I spent the next 20 years living not far from the Swan at Newtown which has indeed had a major refit. The transit load of us from Basingstoke always used to stop at Brackley. My local town was/is Newbury and I worked in the town centre, didn't often see gangs of Saints in town but then again I was probably travelling to the game myself, but remember that on more than a few times being **** scared when pompy gangs of 60 plus were wandering Newbury town centre and i'd be stuck in the town centre traffic jam in my old Ford Anglia...which i'd had re-sprayed in red and white stripes top half, black lower half !!!
  19. I went to Villa game along with 8 others from Basingstoke in a Transit, infact I went to all the games except the final...my trusty Ford Anglia broke down on route from Basingstoke to the Dell to buy the ticket...how pig sick was I !!!!
  20. I along wit 20 others from Basingstoke were in their end at the 76 game, well, i say in their end...we actually got as far as the under terrace concours area ( tunnels) before all hell let lose.....and it wasn't done on purpose either, we were a bit late and just paid at the first turnstile we found, we were scattered all around the ground by half time, one was scattered off to hospital. Luton seemed a huge crowd but we only had the one end and I think it wasn't that big an end. Dellhurst was huge, I like many others bought a tickect for their end as it was all I could get, and got oiked out and put in our area. Remember we had the whole end at Fulham but I seem to remember we wern't packed in there. However, my memory says possibly Orient was the biggest crowd when the wall came down...we had the whole side terrace that day.....then again which has the biggest terrace..Dellhurst or Orient ?
  21. Brittanysaint


    I never mentioned chav scum at all...and yes I probably am an old biddie compared to some, and when you get to being an old biddie some day...and you will, you too will look back at stuff you got up to and think your generation was the dogs ********....there's nowt wrong with reminising. And I was talking 70's not 80's
  22. Brittanysaint


    Thats your opinion and fair enough too, it's just the way I saw it and remember it. Our lot from Basingstoke never carried knives, only came across a stabbing once and that was away at wimbledon at Plough Lane........lots and lots of 4x2 bies over the years though.
  23. Brittanysaint


    How about: Our transit load of 15 from Basingstoke attacked by a whole coach load of Sunderland while at the traffic lights/cross roads on A34 Winchester as was. Few weeks later but 100metres further north a side by side battle at 50mph with the Tranny and a Zepher 6 full of Leeds trying to kick in each others windows and then a full scale party 7 scrap. Wolves falling from the trees when returning to the cowherds after the game. Battles outside Filbert Street with Liecester in the replay when Liecester wern't actually playing...I think it was Grimsby ? In the park outside the old Goldstone Ground...the day the hot dog van inside got trashed and there was sauce everywhere throughout the game. It was just boys being boys, a lot more lads were invoved then, but people didn't get stabbed in them days, it was all mainly a good thumping and DMs up the jacksy etc. Stuff didn't seem to be planned..it just happend, and happened in one shape or form most weeks. Not trying to big it up about how it was, and now i'm a grown up can see how daft most of it was, but to put it into context you had village hall Discos out in every village in them days and every one would errupt in a scrap at some time during the evening, I still think it was a more violant sociaty back then, more so than now... just saying like I remember it.
  24. All the lads killed then were from Basingstoke area and used to hang out in the Buckskin Pub...I worked with 3 of them, I went to a couple of games with them too .. took on the Holt End one evening, total nutters....to be honest ..as an 18yr old I only went with them coz I had a car and they told me I was going....you didn't argue ? Don't forget the day of the crash they had already been in Basingstoke town centre pubs knocking the ****e out of the local Chelsea fans. I'll never forget them ...they were some real tough blokes.
  25. He used to live Thatcham / Tadley way when he was at Reading and was regulary seen at Newbury Rugby club with his son.
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