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St Mikie

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About St Mikie

  • Birthday 1 March

St Mikie's Achievements

  1. Actually in some cases that's exactly what has happened!
  2. Makes me cry with laughter every time I see that one! Absolutely no interest in the ball wahahahaha
  3. Yes, you are not allowed back to Barasti until you've been a good boy Eric!
  4. Best thread I have ever read on here!
  5. Dubai would do us! #dubaisaints
  6. Completely clueless fu**witts!
  7. Top post! Wahahaha
  8. What a great interview! We have some real talent at this club and they came across as as a bunch of guys who know where they are going! Made some of the ridiculously paid pr**ks that we see on TV every week doing interviews look very stupid!
  9. Exactly! Well said!
  10. And that is exactly our problem at the moment. We need to build a squad not just a first eleven. We in general terms need both players not one or the other. As you say Puncheon wanted first team football, quite rightly so. I'm afraid the only way you get a good squad is to accept you have to pay good money for players to line the bench. Then make sure the quality is such that you can rotate without risking games. For us now we are at the point where we must look at squad quality it's the only way forward. For many reasons injuries will happen and a top team in general has the capacity to cover this. We have ok back up but mostly either young talent or those which with all respect are probably past their best or good Championship/ lower Prem level.
  11. Talked to my mate a Swindon fan today and he said Jack had a cracking debut for them. He is chuffed to nuts that they have got him on loan.
  12. With any luck I might even make it there this time!
  13. Normally Dubai. Sometimes Singapore. Presently Indonesia.
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