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Everything posted by ITKSaint

  1. Can't think of any other reasons anyone would buy a football club, think you're SOOL on these ideas personally
  2. Pass me the arsenic, woe woe woe. Get over yourselves ffs, embarassment,
  3. We all knew the rules at the start of the season. Show some grit and take it on the chin, all this whining about Stockport is embarrassing, doubly so if things don't go well against them next season. Stockport's -10 points has cost them -10 points, just like it'll cost us -10 points next season. The rules are simple, available to consult and well known to all. zzzzz
  4. They haven't gone into administration (yet).
  5. ^ Get your hands out your pockets! May I see what's in the bag, Sir?! Why is this business being conducted in the media glare at SMS? Unless they need to see physical infrastructre, surely it's better being conducted somewhere a little more discrete? http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g113/vedranaa/01-and-now.jpg
  6. It would be a stronger case without the post-match pitch invasion and trouble.
  7. LOL. We will walk that League!!
  8. its all our, the fans, fluffing problem now the coffers are empty. it's not a very stirring speech, not sure i want my pockets ruffled by crouch
  9. Boooo!
  10. ITKSaint


    This all makes it sound like a battle to wrest control, I'm imagining things are rather more moribund than that. More like spin the bottle than 'spin' the battle. Souness :/
  11. This whole thread is based on a very big if. Most of the comments we've seen so far about not receiving a fine seem to be based on the initial damage limitation exercise by the club.
  12. Poor choice of phrase there! Let's hope not! Tied in with yesterday's takeover 99% certain news, you'd have to assume that's what's happening tomorrow? At the prices being quoted, it could be a lottery winner, it could be a whip round, it could be anyone.
  13. not enough to pin down that tomorrow spelling C- See me after Amdinistration for remedial action.
  14. You want to get that looked at lol It it ain't bork, don't fax it?
  15. Get him in, at least some of the opposition players might know they'd been in a game. We might still go down but better to do it fat and ugly than just slip away as we are doing now.
  16. Total retreat is a form of war, right? We suck them all right in, further, further, further, just a little bit more, then *BAM*, er, we explode. What a beautiful way to end it all, an SMS explosion they will see from the ISS.
  17. 14-1 to Preston, Wotte 'enthused' by marvellous McGoldrick strike.
  18. only one candidate to SOS now
  19. No one likes it but at least we should be getting £1M plus for Surman.
  20. This isn't nice, you're implying people with Cervical Cancer are slappers? This thread sucks. :toimonster:
  21. From the OS Is that a crock then? Or did he really pick up a knock? Hope it's not serious as his taxi is waiting. http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/articles/a...?page_id=10463
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