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Everything posted by ITKSaint

  1. House deals fall through all the time!! Terrible analogy!!! Butt(y) I agree with the sentiment that when the chips are down as they are right now, you hope someone with business saveloy is working hard behind the scenes to get this pickled egg back in the jar and wrap the deal up before the fat goes cold. :smt069
  2. Looking at it logically, it's hard not to wonder if Pinnacle are quite as meaty as some suggest. No proof, pure conjecture based on the length of time this is all taking and the mixed messages coming out of the deal. The market for League One clubs can hardly be jumping and pumping with money to burn, more likely Pinnacle are limited in what they are prepared to commit (even if they have a giant bucket of money behind them somewhere) and this whole waiting game is a duel between them and Fry to get as low a price as possible (obvious really), the gravy will be whether they have the steak and onions to plump this pie into promotion crust material. ? /pointless pie-based conjecture with no basis in fact or reality that will polarise readers
  3. I thought it was funny! "The best news comes to those who wait, not those desperately searching for it.", Mark Twain, 1861. (just off to update his wikipedia page to include this made-up quote ) Happy Birthday old-timer.
  4. That picture of MLT spins my head out, it's like a 4 dimensional mobile phone shot. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/resources/images/890952/?type=display
  5. Fret not, it's only the organisation as a whole that is supposed to be impartial, not every single individual comment by every single employee. So for every League 2 video story, we can expect a report on our 2003 FA Cup triumph. :smt046 You'd think Pinnacle will want to catch the wave of euphoria as the Hartlepool fixture date is announced so I'm going for c) - both on same day. (fixtures announced and takeover confirmed.)
  6. Hold the front page people!!! (j/k)
  7. Doesn't seem to be an RSS feed, not that I can see. The sitemap is 'coming soon' so no joy there.
  8. ITKSaint

    Just heard

    I'm only guessing, like the rest of us, but I think you're going to be in for a disappointment. Dowie is an established Championship manager, we are not in that bracket right now. We're hardly a drawcard for a top name, -10 points, League One, squad in a mess. I think the best we can hope for is a good up-and-coming manager like Tisdale. I certainly don't see a 'name' manager coming in. Happy to be proven wrong of course
  9. I've just seen Martinez is being lined up to replace Steve Bruce at Wigan when he joins Sunderland.
  10. You'd have to hope someone involved in a multi-million pound transaction would stretch to a limo from the airport, not a cab off the rank and a bit of banter with the cabbie. I cry Phooey! Phooey! The problem is the lack of solid information, part of the process of course we can't be privy to business dealings and the work of the Administrator, but very frustrating and a breeding ground for rumour - this all confirmed from my source
  11. I think we're well beyond that hope now. Survival at all is the new 'Premiership'.
  12. Has there been any word on the wage bill supposedly due tomorrow? I take it from this thread that this is no longer an issue? Definite?
  13. I post the below, as received, just in case things get tricky in the coming 48 hours as a fallback plan, just trying to do my bit, no need to thank me.
  14. None of this explains the Phil Collins involvement, none of it.
  15. With the idea of consortia banding together to buy the club; it would mean an awful lot of chiefs (more than first team squad players on the books?) and given the trouble in making any decisions so far in the efforts to buy the club, wouldn't bode well for the future! we need a One, not more management by Committee!
  16. Shame there wasn't a third option 'candy', would have had my vote.
  17. It's that mystery overseas consortium again! I tried googling them, not too much out there
  18. ITKSaint


    "Paul is one of a number of options we are pursuing," chairman Huw Jenkins told the Swansea City website. Maybe a backup option if Dyer falls through, or a bonus deal if Dyer ends up being free somehow.
  19. "Tragic Ballooning accident wipes out all 3 Saints bidders."
  20. I used to prefer Saturdays!
  21. Supermarkets. That was Brighton's problem wasn't it?
  22. Ron Atkinson
  23. Mr Fry, I demand Satisfaction! I challenge you as a Gentleman Sir, to a duel to the death! :smt065
  24. Don't pick fights with midgets!
  25. Why should he? It's nothing to do with him. He has no interest in posting propoganda nonsense on the OS, nor is he obliged to try and make the fans feel better. He's only got one job and you could interpret the relative silence in one of two ways, here's hoping it's in the no news is good news way and not the lack of decent offer being received way.
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