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Everything posted by Macey_J2

  1. What level of football was he playing out there?
  2. Cheers steve. PS, do u have a season ticket in block 40?
  3. I'd agree with most of that! i wonder which community that lot have gone to terrorise now...
  4. The link below is to the latest in a series of articles by the echo about one particularly badly behaved family in our beloved city. They were evicted from their home in Hedge End and put up in a house in Millbrook where they have continued their anti-social behaviour. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/9237459.Boy_from__family_from_hell__in_court/ 'family from hell' according to the echo. Theres 10 of them!! Name and shame please. Anyone had any experience of this rabble?
  5. Ah, i'll try and get down to our nearest one
  6. Cheers for the input! Thinking about an audacious half sleeve from the shoulder down incorporating the saints crest, but i think i'll never think up/discover a whole design that would work. Also thinking about just a stick man, or 'the saints' written, but cant think of a signiture font that has been used by the club that would be recognisable.
  7. Na. http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lnemw5PWOO1qctx3xo1_500.jpg There must be someone with a saints tatoo on here!
  8. Probably sat at home trying to to recall all the details! When we went, Cortese said players were on contracts that changed to pre-determined wages depending on what league they were playing in. E.G some players were willing to sign their contract which stated if the team dropped into league two, their salaries would decrease CONSIDERABLY. I'm not going to say how much he mentioned because this forum has alot of old farts and sceptics who wouldn't believe it anyway. Therefore, as we have just been promoted, i'm sure many of the players will be on more than they were last year. P.S 'urry up facup76!!
  9. Is that a **** take?
  10. So, FACUP76, How much of the above twitter posts WAS mentioned, and what else did Ol' Nici say? P.S Did u get fillet steak like Spudgun and i did? Was goooood
  11. If that really is the case, i can't say its much of a suprise when you generally think of footballers out on the tiles. ???? Thoughts of John Mcenroe. Yes there's afew dicks out there but it's not difficult to stay out of trouble.
  12. Which poundland?
  13. Whos cares if frosty was a 'rozzer' or not!? His post made it quite clear he is/was. Love the advert idea, could push it to another level by advertising their services as an escort also?
  14. A thread for all saints related tattoos, pics obviously required! Be they your own or someone elses. Whats the best saints tattoo you've seen? Do you have any advise as to the best places to get saints tattoos these days?
  15. My thoughts exactly. Basically doing as little as possible to prevent trouble, so they can film all the guys who want to fight, whilst risking the safety of families and other fans who would like to be as far away from trouble as possible.
  16. Definately, some sad individuals on there! check out this vid from yesterday. Proving what lovely, wholesome characters following millwall fc around the country
  17. Millwall scum bags feeling the need to be aggressive to uphold their reputation. An obvious statement, but one confirmed by themselves here; "without an edge to our fans we would simply be an Orient because it is our fans of our past that has stood us out from the others, not what we have achieved through trophies etc. Tell me the truth, if loosing the LLG element we were to be the same as Orient" Read more: http://www.millwall.vitalfootball.co.uk/forum/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=86813&posts=39#ixzz1VexGzV7p
  18. That is sad, sorry to hear about it
  19. The police tactics were aggro waiting to happen. The fools should have put up the massive wall like at the leeds game and none of it would have happened.
  20. Yes, millwall aggressers are dicks.
  21. I travelled on the coaches twice last year. There are quite afew coaches, but all seem to generally be filled with 60 year old women (give or take 10 years) or parents with kids of about 10 years old. There was zero fun to be had from my point of view, and i'm pretty sure you can't take any alcohol on there. In addition to this, when we went to leighton orient, they couldn't even decide a route untill we left, they had no idea where they were dropping us off and the place they chose to pick us up wasn't approved by the local feds, so the coaches moved an actual mile down the road without anyone representing the 'travel club' at the point we were supposed to meet to guide us to the coach. In my defence i didn't book the coach travel on either occasion.
  22. Macey_J2


    Asa, how did u come across this news?!
  23. Tell me if i'm wrong, but the people moaning at the the amount of pompey chants are the types that (when they do come to a match) sit down and shut up the whole game, adding nothing to the atmosphere. I'd rather we had alot of noise than none. The withdean last season being the perfect example. It was embarrassingly quiet for long periods, even more so than our friendly matches last month. I think someone should rewatch the leeds match and do a tally of pro saints against anti pompey songs to give proof, rather than opinions as to the amount of songs.
  24. Glad to see his gamesmanship get shown up yesterday and sent off after 20 mins. Hope the donny injuries aren't too bad.
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