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Everything posted by Macey_J2

  1. No worries
  2. http://www.skysports.com/video/inline/0,26691,12606_6424393,00.html
  3. Or maybe "2.30 am on a Thursday night, unemployed skate chavs loitering in their local park?" I hope we find out soon.
  4. Cant trust those dirty skates with anything! The 53ft high sculpture has been on Southsea Common since august, and was due to be taken on tour to other cities before returning back to reside permanently down the road. Unfortunately it has been vandalised numerous times in the two months its been in Southsea and was finally destroyed early this morning! Before: http://ilovedust.com/up/wp/2010/08/ultra.jpg After: http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/newshome/Anger-as-Southsea-dinosaur-destroyed.6560177.jp This reminds me of this; http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article714937.ece To quote Alan Partridge; they're "scum, sub-human scum!!"
  5. According to the Echo Saints asked Mitchell to apologise and "provide proof" for his claims about Howe, but seems he doesn't want to, or cant provide proof... “I don’t know of any other club that would take a stance like this and think it is childish. My statement was true and I won’t be apologising.
  6. This was my understanding of the skates. The Blue few who do turn up make a loud noise and apparently intimidating atmosphere, probably due to the design of their archaic stadium (as was the case at the dell). But at the same time, when the pundits do praise their support, they never mention the fact that their attendance figures are poor, i wish they would!
  7. Details here: http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/8395470.The_best_pub_in_Wessex/ "The pub has won South Hants CAMRA branch pub of the year for four years running before taking the Wessex title today."
  8. I still wana know if they do give refunds to sth's...
  9. its the same on DAB, the skates pollute the digital airwaves too.
  10. "Self fulfilling prophecy" If you treat people as criminals, they start to act that way. I have done nothing wrong, but i was aggravated by it to the point of wanting to take it off him. Police complaints commission anyone? Here's the form to complain http://customerservices.ipcc.gov.uk/AF3/an/default.aspx/NewPDF/WH2WegKzGyd.pdf
  11. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/8344413.Snow_leopard_sightings_claimed_in_Hampshire/ "A giant bizarre-looking creature that is said to be 4ft long, 2ft high and about four times the size of a domestic feline has been spotted by numerous residents. There have been five reported sightings of the cat in the last few weeks by several different people, all in the Valley Park area of Chandler’s Ford. It has been seen strolling across a sleepy cul-de-sac in the middle of the afternoon, raiding bins and even patiently waiting on a traffic island in a busy road for an opportunity to cross. The latest sighting was by county, district and parish councillor Alan Dowden and his wife and fellow councillor Celia as it strolled past them in Knightwood Road. Cllr Dowden drew a sketch of what the animal looked like and added: “I have never seen anything like it before in a zoo or in the wild. It could have its lair anyway in the countryside around here and live off rabbits and small animals." Sounds crazy, i hope someone gets a pic.
  12. I wana be in a Saints fan group in Oz!
  13. I'm also a fan!
  14. It's here again! Last year was great, and 6,000 people turned up. Starts at 10am saturday 14th August (tomorrow) Heres links to details; http://www.wiltonhouse.com/page71.html http://www.pistonheads.com/news/default.asp?storyId=22329
  15. I think i saw that in Ocean Village a couple of months ago, it had the word hooligan on the back, so i guess it must of been it!
  16. Watch out for some large lenses poking out of the Plymouth end tomorrow!
  17. I'll buy a copy on saturday, any ideas where abouts on Britannia Rd you'll be stood? we'll be coming from Ocean Village way.
  18. Come on guys, they had the Spalding Utd vs Luton score scrolling along the bottom of the screen along with all the others, but nothing about ours untill over four hours after the match! Luton won 5-0 btw! And Mark, wtf. You you obviously don't give a f**k about pre season, but the thousands of supporters who attended the match today, and the fans who went to Interlaken obviously do. I take an interest in all our matches including pre season to see how our squad is shaping up for the season ahead.
  19. Its 9.24pm and I've just seen the first mention of our game today on ssn,I turned on before, during and after the match and we seemed to be the only match that wasn't acknowledged at all, wats going on?
  20. He was in our academy when he was at school, then the Saints didn't want him, and he signed for Swindon as far as i'm aware. Benjii, i can assure you he would absolutely love to score against the skates, as any of us would.
  21. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2010/jul/25/portsmouth-pre-season-football To whet your appitite: "A disastrous pre-season tour of North America concluded yesterday with a 4-0 thrashing inflicted by DC United in which the English side had to borrow kit to clad their patchwork team of youth players and senior pros after losing their luggage during a lightning-storm affected, 27-hour journey, in which they spent much of that time in transit at an hotel near Chicago airport."
  22. x 3
  23. Good Luck, i got clamped for parking in the retail park in hedge end when we went to the rosebowl, so beware that too. If you want to drive to the rosebowl, your only option outside of the car park next to the bowl is the £5 field 'car park' across the road
  24. So much for the "thats all folks thread" regarding no more signings for at least two weeks, a week later and we've signed Butterfield! it seems i cant find the thread now either!
  25. I like it, but i'm 'snow' expert on ice sculptures
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