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  1. My grandson uses it occasionally but he is at work. Anyway, it would be more than his life was worth to meddle with this forum!
  2. Yep, no idea how - I'm a techno-illiterate so its a complete mystery BUT it wasn't me!!
  3. Don't know who this is but it sure ain't me (Real littleoldladysaint)!!
  4. Does anybody else see the impending threat coming in from the North? Newcastle weren't exactly turning heads last year but you must feel with some of the signings they've made and they're looking to make they are solidifying a statement of intent for the top 8.
  5. I think he was more exasperated than aggressive with the same old question being rephrased in the hope of a different answer (waxing/waning!).
  6. Thank you soooo much!
  7. His wife will kill him stone dead!!
  8. That's a really lovely piece Snopper - straight from the heart! I dug out an old poetry book yesterday which has one by Rudyard Kipling. "Why Give your Heart to a Dog to Tear". He must have been a real dog lover, he's written some lovely poems about them.
  9. Hi Derry, Sincere condolences. We lost our old Newfie in identical circumstances in 2000. It was devastating - he was such a lovely dog. He's buried in the garden with his blanket and toys. Right now we are nursing our border collie through the final stages of bladder cancer. He is on medication which keeps him painfree but cannot alter the final outcome. He still enjoys his food and rooting about in the garden, the only sign that he is ill is that his bladder is constantly leaking. The house reeks of Dettol. While he is enjoying life we will keep him going. Our vet has assured us that we will know when the time has come. He estimates 3/4 weeks. This is the real price of being a pet owner, not the financial costs incurred over his lifetime, but the heartbreak at the end. As you know, only too well.
  10. As an ex-service woman, (many moons ago of course) I did come across this problem. At that time the men/women's services were not merged and the regulation pace for us was 27". However, I am only 5'2" tall and my normal pace is/was 25" and I found maintaining 27" very difficult. It felt as if I was goose-stepping! My legs ached for hours afterwards. I didn't suffer any permanent ill effects, I stopped marching and (eventually) stopped aching. But I wasn't carrying a backpack. If these women have suffered permanent damage then they do deserve compensation. It is only unfair when compared to the miserable compensation offered men who have suffered horrendous injuries, loss of limbs, sight etc. That is the real scandal that should be remedied immediately.
  11. Sorry, I'm a computer duff and can't do links. Could somebody please visit the Mail's site and do a link showing what this gentleman had to say about the Mail when he wrote to them asking for a job. Thanks Sorry, should have said Mehdi Hasan
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