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  1. I no longer believe Hughes saved us from relegation... Claude Puel saved us from relegation.
  2. Get over yourself!
  3. how clever! pat yourself on the back, lad.
  4. out of curiosity, i did the math. the first "big 4" club has a 4 in 7 chance of drawing a "minnow." assuming that happens, the second big club has a 3 in 5 chance. assuming that happens, the third has a 2 in 3 chance. the fourth's opponent is also thereby determined. 4x3x2 is 24, 7x5x3 is 125, 24/125 is ... a breath shy of 1 in 5 odds that they all avoid one another. was shocked that it wasn't like 1 in 15 or the like, but there you have it. having said that: eff the lot of them.
  5. i think it's about a 1 in 5 chance that any 4 given teams from an 8-team draw will avoid one another. not editorializing but since i did the math, thought i should share. i couldn't believe it was so "low." but: the first "big team" has a 4 in 7 chance of getting a "minnow." then the next big team has a 3 in 5 chance. and the third team has a 2 in 3 chance. that sets the last result. multiply it all out, its 1 in 5. now i have to ask my stats professor friend to check my methodology.
  6. Batman, the superhero beloved by keyboard warriors and juvenile ******s everywhere. And somehow you still disgrace the name.
  7. back him. its pretty simple, really. you back the club. you back the players. you back the coach. that's just "what you do." sad to see a great club appear to have such blinkered, toxic, basically sh*t supporters, but I console myself with knowing that you lot don't really represent the average fan.
  8. Thoughts? alright. You're a narcissist, you don't have any idea what you're on about, and you probably watch too many shows about conspiracies and cover-ups. Somebody call the cops!
  9. We're two wins off 10th.
  10. Eating a hat isn’t even particularly hard.
  11. one thread to make yourselves like big men wasn't enough?
  12. Sort of wish all the boo boys would've given it a rest today. It's not like the result has endangered their brilliant bets on the club being relegated. w**kers. Hope Bertrand's okay. Sims to the bench please! Wednesday's so much more important, hope there are some good vibes in the locker room. Carrillo can't start, surely?
  13. Sure, I think he should stay. Even if we were in the relegation places. I don't think he's a very good manager, but it seems to me that he's nowhere near as bad as you lot make out. There are red lines for me like fragging your own players, punitive benchings, constant rows with players, etc. MP hasn't done any of that. I wish the results were better but I don't blame him for the poisonous atmosphere at the club. As far as I'm concerned, that's mostly on you lot. Well, that and the economic reality that we are always going to have talent poached. But no, I basically think the poor results are down to a drop in form in the players who have been around about 3 seasons now, who are rightly feeling pretty jaded now that their very good work of the past two or three seasons has not been rewarded with either a) a move into "elite money" or b) genuine support from the fans. I have very little faith in the notion that "the dressing room" got rid of Claude Puel. It's certain though that the toxicity of the fans at the tail end of last season played a huge part. After losing MP1 and Koeman, everything was always going to be on a precipice with regard to any sense of stability at the club. The toxic fans pushed everything right off the cliff, and for what? I am not joking when I say that I see parallels between the club's fortunes and the Brexit situation. Not just because of Puel's regrettable accent, either. So yes, I would rather see the team finish 17th with MP than see him sacked right now. If I felt 99% certain that another manager would make the difference in safety or relegation, I would grudgingly say, okay, fire the guy; but there is very little evidence of that actually working and it's all unknowable insofar as you'll never know what results the team would have had under Pellegrino to close out the season. The problem is: fans (and I speak of other clubs here, not SFC) think they're heroes for getting someone sacked when a new coach brings some life into the side, but never, ever feel any sense of regret or shame when the next guy does squat, or worse. Which is every bit as likely to happen. Meanwhile, the atmosphere at the club becomes ever-more toxic. It seems to me like the moaners who got Puel fired, rather than taking some pleasure from what the team did accomplish in 2014-2017, are just out for a repeat of the power trip they got from running the frenchman out of town. Personally I think there's a lot that Pellegrino is getting wrong, particularly the timing of substitutions. But I also recognize that he has far more to consider than I, or any fan, does. To name just one thing, he knows far more about the capabilities of, and the fitness levels of various players than the fans do, or ever will. And you know what? Managers are *by definition* going to make a lot of mistakes. It's impossible not to! Players are going to have good games, bad games, good weeks, bad weeks, good seasons, bad seasons. Nobody in the club or locker room seems like they're making a deliberate choice to try and ruin the team, which is more than i can say for a lot of the people on this forum. So, no thanks. Pellegrino in. You had a good manager, and blew it. Reap the reward.
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