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Everything posted by Handyman

  1. Handyman

    Dont buy a kia

    With regard to the batteries, I would guess that the alternator regulator was not working properly, causing continual overcharging of the battery and ultimately, failure.
  2. You bully, Boo!
  3. Lowe to eat humble pie and beg Nigel Pearson to come back under his own terms!
  4. I had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach when I heard that Nigel Pearson had been discarded. I tried to dismiss it with the thought that I was no expert in judging who was a good manager or not, but I could not dismiss the fact that Nigel was an articulate and obviously intelligent man who besides having an ablity to handle and motivate the players, had a strong presence combined with natural charisma that won the warmth and respect of most of the fans. Just look at where Leicester are now!
  5. The first time I went to Bannister Court was when Alf Kaines was the team captain. Other members of the team I think, were, George Bason,( it was still a cinder track then and he used the leg trailing style) Bert Croucher, Cyril Roger, I'm not sure when the likes of Alby Golden, Jim Squibb, Cecil Bailey, Peter Vandenburg, Bob Oakley, came into the team, but their names still bring a glow of nostalgia to mind.
  6. Of course you are right. I was just pointing out how little we made and that we had no room to vary the price. Also that the government added the vat after adding the duty.
  7. Petrol retailers have to clear their tanks of expensive fuel before they can reduce the price because they have already paid the oil company the higher price before they have sold any of a delivery. How do I know? I had seven garages of which four sold petrol. As to raising prices, we never ever raised the price until the remaining fuel bought at a lower price was sold! Drop the price anyway I hear you say? We made then 3.5p per gallon gross AND we had to pay vat on that! and rent and wages and insurance and .........so on. Eventually I got out in disgust at being a tax collecting station for the government. Did you know that they even charge vat on the DUTY that they impose on every gallon. In effect a tax on a tax!!!
  8. The big question is, what made the other one fail so soon?
  9. The program that St Landrew refers to is commonly called the "Limp Home" program. The owner may not detect the change in performance and only find out when things like the emissions are checked on the M O T. You may notice that the mpg goes down, and a change in driving characteristics occurs. The Limp Home program takes over when a fault occurs so that you can indeed get home and not breakdown on the road.
  10. If you have to pay for a new screen shop around, prices can vary a great deal. On one particular car I was quoted £160. I got it done for £40. Admittedly a few years ago but I'm sure the price differences are still valid.
  11. The little Fiat 500. Zooming down the motorway from Winchester with four people doing 60mph. Averaging 60 miles per gallon, and a heater that warmed up in two hundred yards from cold. Loved it!
  12. Jaguar XK 150 if you can find one.
  13. Sorry Robsk. Just seen your post. I can't take on work just now. Any extra work in the job seems to me to be possibly only two things. That the clutch release fork could be damaged by the release bearing falling to bits. ( I've seen that in the past) or that a badly worn driven (friction plate) had damaged the flywheel face. I doubt that has happened in your case because of your reluctance to driving the car in it's present state. It usually only happens when people disregard the warning signs and carry on driving.
  14. Sorry, can't recommend any garages/workshops. Can't afford to lose my reputation!!!
  15. That definitely sounds like a clutch release bearing gone very dry, seized up and worn out. The only remedy is replacement. The gearbox (or engine) has to come out to replace the bearing. Replace the clutch at the same time, as it is bound to be at least partly worn and it is false economy not to when removing the gearbox. Anyway, if the bearing has seized it will have damaged the clutch release "fingers". Hope that helps.
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