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Everything posted by Handyman

  1. We had a woman fill her diesel car up with 5 star petrol at one of our filling stations and I just drained the tank, refilled with diesel, bled the fuel filter until sure it was pure diesel fuel coming through, started and ran the engine until it sounded smooth and normal. As far as I know the grateful customer had no further trouble.
  2. But he had little time and no money!
  3. Strachan for me!
  4. I'm appalled, is this the reward for loyalty?
  5. How about Lawrie Mac as Director of football?
  6. Is that all?
  7. There is no such thing as the perfect car, although some are better than others. There's good and bad points in every vehicle, japanese cars included.
  8. Totally agree with the above
  9. Seconded.
  10. Handyman


    My knowledge of current commercial vehicles is not up to scratch, although I was a commercial vehicle mechanic many years ago. However, I can't see why this couldn't be a reasonably easy D I Y job. On the vehicles I worked on, it was just a matter of undoing a few bolts(usually four) to remove the bumper assembly complete with the mounting brackets. I have to say though that I have never looked at a Nissan 3-tonner rear bumper!
  11. Methinks it has to be the Toyota.
  12. If you want to maintain a clear screen, don't put ANY wax like substance on the wiper blades. A good quality screen wash, mixed with water in the correct quantities should be all you need. If the screen is already dirty/greasy then wash it thoroughly with washing up liquid and rinse thoroughly. Pull the wiper blades off the screen and clean with a rag soaked in washing up liquid/water solution. It is amazing to see the amount of filth that comes off of the average wiper blade. Check the blades for wear on the edges which should be square and sharply defined. Fit new ones if in doubt. Wiper blades should slightly "lay over" trailing the direction of travel. If they don't, it usually causes noisy operation or "chattering" across the screen in one direction whilst operating quietly in the other. To cure this, twist (gently) the wiper arm so that the blade trails across the screen in both directions. It can be quite tricky to get the balance right but if done properly the screen is then cleaned quietly and efficiently. Hope this helps! Of course, if it is the pivot mechanism that is squeaking that is a different matter altogether.
  13. Strachan obviously knows that the best way for a manager to shine is to take an ailing team an turn it into a successfull one. Once the club is up it gets harder and further success also. I believe that is why Gordon left Celtic and others. All very good reasons to come back to us!
  14. Transport links? We could have had our very own Railway Station on the Stadium's doorstep, but no one deemed it important enough! I thought it was of vital importance to encourage fans who just didn't want to go through the hassle of trying to find parking space or walking a long way to the stadium. Also away fans would become aware of the convenience of travelling to St Mary's as well as the obvious advantage of not having the more boisterous type of fan rampaging through our city! I wonder how many other stadiums have a railway line with it's obvious advantages, so close?
  15. Renovate the Pier and bring back the Floating Bridge I say.
  16. Well Saints players. How are you going to respond to that? Will you donate your wages for a short while to save our (and your) club a little longer and to allow time for the takeover? and by so doing redeem yourselves, save your jobs, regain the respect and perhaps even the love of the fans, or will you desert the club that desperately needs your help like rats deserting a sinking ship?
  17. Ask St Landrew. He is the expert on this subject.
  18. It makes me ashamed to be British. The Gurkhas should be first in the queue.
  19. People who say " done " for "did". They don't seem to know that the word " did" exists.
  20. I don't know if Nigel Pearson was familiar with Maslow's pyramid, but he seemed to have all of the motivational skills that were needed for the team to be successful. The very same skills that endeared him to the fans as well. Lowe could not or would not see this. His biggest ever mistake!
  21. The "Gasworks Ground". Might frighten a few visiting teams!
  22. Apart from the profanities (though I understand and share the feelings that evoked them) I have to agree with the above. It is not what was stolen, but the principle that dishonesty is dishonesty no matter by what degree, whether small or large. Teaching children that it is alright to steal or be dishonest in any way is giving them a very poor start in life and is in my mind beyond the pale! As to being given permission to take something by "officials" it was not in their gift to give that "permission". They are guilty of aiding the theft and therefore have betrayed their employers trust!
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