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Everything posted by Handyman

  1. So the video I saw of a "man"(taliban) with a stick thrashing three women dressed in burkha's was respecting them? I don't use swearwords on this forum, but this subject brings me close to it.
  2. I reckon some on here are more likely to get plastered than plastering!
  3. Just beat me to it ! Also the word "those" seems to be absent from the footballing vocabulary. Even those August people, the football managers can't seem to get it right! There are one or two exceptions of course. By the way, I did my two years National Service (in the REME) and it certainly did teach proper discipline to those that needed it. Contra to the TV programs purporting to show Army life in the Fifties, NCO's NEVER manhandled squad members (in my experience). If a man needed to be restrained for any reason, the NCO would order the other squad members to do this. Sure they would bark orders and threaten or make you do silly things but one became used to all of that and if you did your job and obeyed orders all was well. I hated the idea of having to spend two years in the Army, but in the end I was glad I did.
  4. The yellow one looks a bit like my old MK2 Consul.
  5. Because he couches his opinions in the most bitter of terms!
  6. Becker satnav's have reduced in price along with all the others. Buying something that is expensive at the cheapest researched price is far better than buying cheap rubbish that either wears out quickly or doesn't do what you bought it for, properly, in the first place!
  7. If we had won tonight everyone would of been saying we are promotion contenders now, new signing tommorow, new CB soon, but no. we lost one game and everyone grabs the pitchforks and runs for Pardews office, it really is sad. Its one bad result, and it is a bad result, but thats it, we have over 40 games left (quote) But so have all of the other teams!
  8. Leicester seemed to cope quite well with this league!
  9. A sickening picture
  10. It's obvious we need our own railway station so that these parking problems don't arise. Also away fans would come directly to the stadium perhaps avoiding potential problems that can sometimes happen. Perhaps Mr Liebherr should be asked about the possibility, after all he does own a huge engineering company. By the way,I took the spelling of his name from the front of our fridge having bought a Liebherr fridge and freezer about two years ago!
  11. Point taken!
  12. I heard that it was the most expensive short distance ferry trip in the world. That was years ago. I wonder if it still is?
  13. It is not easy to sell an already made up window. It would be regarded as a "Missmeasure" in the trade. Probable only use would be someones garden shed or the like that could be easily altered to suit. That's why most UPVC windows are "bespoke" ie made to order.
  14. Try Sevenday Windows in Swaythling.
  15. If you had ever opened the door of a Moskovitch let alone drive one you would know that it was the most awful car on sale in the UK. The smell of the upholstery was enough to put off anyone but those with strong stomachs. The rear springs were still semi elliptic (horse cart) years after western manufacturers had abandoned them for more modern rear suspension. To drop the sump you had to either lift the engine almost out or drop the front axle ( which wouldn't come off the chassis unless you completely dismantled one of the front suspensions). As for replacing the clutch I can't even think about it without feeling slightly sick!
  16. Thats what I thought reading your first post. You should be able to get the part from Europarts in Millbrook.
  17. Thanks Ponty. I should have said that the advice was for people with limited knowledge of cars. Having said that, we can all make mistakes, though thankfully not very often.
  18. "Our" club just means the club that the "family" of fans support, the club that we give our loyalty to. In that context the term has no connotations of control. As said above, it is an emotional term.
  19. Don't buy any high mileage car, If you had seen the inside of as many engines as I have you would know why!!! Ford's especially.
  20. Obviously as with any vehicle, get the lowest mileage car that you can afford with less regard to age. I don't care what anyone may say to the contrary, mileage (or lack of it ) is everything. Having said that, you don't want one that has sustained major damage and been repaired.
  21. It sounds like a bit more than a "pop out" job. If it isn't double skinned you should be able to carefully tap it out yourself. Take care not to stretch the metal any more than it might be. It takes a professional to be able to shrink the metal back if stretched.
  22. If you could possibly manage to buy a Yaris you would not regret it. They are all of what St Landrew said and you would save money in the long run because they are far less subject to problems than most other small cars. Due to their VVT Technology they drive like a car with a bigger engine, yet have the economy of a smaller one. A person I know bought one on my recommendation and said that it was the best car that they had ever had!!!
  23. So, Gordon Strachan and Nigel Pearson it is then.
  24. No thanks to either of them. GS or NP for me, with a slight bias towards NP because he's a young manager.
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