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Saint Bri

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Everything posted by Saint Bri

  1. We need numbers in St Marys to up the atmoshere. 1.Re-open the Itchen/Northam Corner. 2. Designate the Chapel(which is notoriously quiet) as a family stand with family prices:- Nippers £2..Dads/Mums..£10.. therefore Dad & Mum + 2 nippers = £24. We would get an increased attendance and a lot more noise from that end. I am a long standing season ticket holder and don't want any reduction in my ticket price-just want to see the stadium full and Saints winning
  2. Alf Ramsey deserves a mention
  3. Well I gave England to beat Croatia - so...Saints to beat the sky jinx and QPR 2 0
  4. Best keeper I have ever seen bar none (Shilton, Cech, Schmeichel, included). It doesn't surprise me that both Man U and Arsenal wanted to sign him when we did and it's only testament to the man that he kept his word and signed for us. The best thing about him was that you know when it seems like the game seems to slow down whenever it looks the ball is heading for the top corner and you're watching in matrix style slow mo? Nine times out of ten, he was there keeping it out. Simply brilliant - I'd have him play for us one handed. Get him as a GK coach and we'll be better for it I'm sure.
  5. Cliff M was born and bred in Cowes, thoroughbred Caulkhead. Been a Saint all his life. Might even put an offer in for the club!!!
  6. That makes me wrong as well. I'd have been better off not buying a ticket and listening to the armchair oracle instead. I'm guessing that's the real reason Chelsea and Arsenal didn't buy him. They were all ready to splash the cash, then when call from the AO and it was all off.
  7. No need to despise, everybody's entitled to their opinion. Even if it's incredibly negative. But then one man's negativity is another's bleak sense of realism
  8. Two games in and I haven't got a clue if he has. I'd be surprised if anyone has. I think the best thing is to wait and see and start making judgements 10-15 games in to get a measure of the man. All I know so far is that I've watched some very entertaining football so far and unlike some of my Chelski supporting friends from last season, I'd rather watch us progress playing pretty football and losing the odd one or two (which is to be expected with a new team in this league) than win ugly 1-0. I think good football is one of the main principles our club is built on isn't it?
  9. However, we were in the Premiership at the time and he is the best in his field in this country. It really was an appointment that we as supporters should have been proud of and not sucked in by tabloid sensationalism and bluster
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