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Saint Bri

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Everything posted by Saint Bri

  1. Unbeaten away!
  2. I rang the Inn on the Green last night - Apparently the OB have told the pub not to open at lunchtime on Sat so they are not opening until 6pm. Don't know if this will apply to other pubs in the area
  3. Is there a Sunday rumour
  4. I am far too busy being self centered to ask for help
  5. I am registered disabled and in previous seasons have been fortunate enough to have a disabled parking pass at St Marys. Previously this has been renewed at the same time as my season ticket, this year I renewed my season ticket but the parking pass has not been renewed. I rang the ticket office and was told that the pass would probably be renewed but there would be a charge this seasonn, not sure how much - I would be told later. Now, I exist on a state pension and save money on a monthly basis for my season ticket(an installment plan if you like) but I have not allowed for any exttas, suppose I could leave the car on a double yellow outside the stadium and refer the police to NC However, having been a regular supporter home and away since 1948 and I really do have severe walking disabilty I am not a very happy Saint at the moment
  6. This is a fair point. He's used to playing with players who are technically a lot better than what we have at the back, so he is going to be thinking 2-3 steps ahead at times. The thing abouts linos being a bit rubbish works against him as well and I've seen him get caught offside a fair few times when he was quite clearly on and his pace has just made him look offside.
  7. Before it was a Chinese takeaway it was 'Mrs Thripps' home made cakes and teas - and when you get to the end of the breakwater you are oop north
  8. Great post and a good follow up thread. Nice to know that there are so many grateful and non whingeing Saints about. During the 1st half on Tuesday I remarked to the Saint sitting next to me that the football we are playing is the best for a few seasons - dont worry the results will come, the only way is up!
  9. and a good pair of tits
  10. Twizzle comers from Bristol. Nuff said. You cant even walk from the car park to the Hiippdrome in that neck of the woods without being at risk, and going to the City ground you need bodguards
  11. We need more drums on seats!
  12. We need more drums on seats!
  13. Reckon if we now have a bit of cash, money would be well spent improving our medical/treatment facilities and staff. Our players are never fully fit and even the slightest injury seems to take a player out for ages
  14. Thank You Andy. Best post for days
  15. 28th Feb 1948. Saints v Spurs - 6th Round FA Cup. It was Saints first all ticket game. My uncle took me over from the island and was I remember it as though it were yesterday. Playing for Saints on that day:- Ted Bates, Alf Ramsey, Charlie Wayman etc., all the greats. We totally dominated the game and lost 1 - 0 to a goal from Bennett about 15 mins from the end. Because of the all ticket ruling we only had just over 28.000 in the Dell!!! Those were the days.
  16. Perhaps the league are taking into account that A. Salz could become involved with Saints and they would not want to go to court opposed by one one the best legal brains in the country
  17. If you don't get players into the box then you won't get penalties
  18. I'd heard he'd made it to the final 5 and they were meeting the final 2 today. He's obviously not part of that then, but he must have had talks with them to get that far
  19. someone my uncle knows at the daily mail
  20. Has anyone else heard that he's one of the last few in line for the Swindon job and could be named as the new manager tomorrow? Or is this old news?
  21. Sorry Wes but that ref was not good enough for the Tyro league
  22. What a result!!!! Get me a pound, I'm off to buy a lottery ticket!!!
  23. Wayne Thomas? He's just popped up on the calender and we've just signed an aggresive CB. Why don't we use him? Have we sold him?
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