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Everything posted by Vershinin

  1. Massive Club. Massive following.
  2. **** off ****ing fagot ****s!!! GET IN SAINTS!!! COYR
  3. SRS seems like a legend. Wish i went to Green Man, seeing him pottering around in person would have been fascinating. Better than being caught using the ladies loos in the spoons place.
  4. Same. Looks like skates are struggling to get above 22k for Wembley at the mo, and we are on course for that in a L1 game on bank holiday. **** them.
  5. On the tube to work yesterday and saw the arch in the distance. Made me sad. What a ****ing day Sunday was.
  6. I feel for you m8. I was positive being up in 540 (the seats above the TV screens) that it was gona b a sit down fest and quiet but as far as i could see ours was the only block in the upper tiers that was stood for the whole game. In fact the only time i sat in my seat was when the stadium was nearly empty. I was ****ing thankful that by chance our whole block stood and sang. I just cant understand the mentality of someone who wants to sit down when their team is just about to take a penalty in a cup final at wembley. I hope you carried on standing.
  7. Did i get what was advertised? No Did it spoil my day? No ''the bit in the Echo had us thinking it was a top event. We went up with my daughter nepthew and niece who hadn't tickets. Telling them that it would be good and that they could stay there and watch the game with other fans who alos didnt have tickets.'' Exactly what i'm thinking m8. The way it was billed, it would have been brilliant. Unfortunately it fell quite a way off the mark.
  8. What a letdown. Had a pint in Green man after, i know where i'll be next time we go to Wembley. I wouldnt mind paying a tenner for a brilliant venue but talk about false advertising.
  9. Yeah yeah yeah **** off you ****. Try and pull the racist card. Not one tiny part of me is racist, i simply believe that we in this country should put our own citizens first rather than people who have never contributed to the state. Especially in this current climate. Every other country in the world does this apart from us. Why you think i'm racist i have no idea. But you are part of the problem now. Saying that by putting ourselves first instead of people who have never set foot here is racist, you're off your rocker. You dont even live here for ****s sake anyway you ****
  10. Acton is a bit rough in parts but you'll be fine, you're from Southampton.
  11. Make sure you keep an eye on your stuff if you're in Acton m8. Some of its a bit foreign.
  12. I'm trying not to think about it as i am looking forward to it so much. What a day its gona be. COYR
  13. I agree the whole system sucks, my wife is classified as incapacitated but being White and Anglo Saxon who has live in this country with either of us paying tax for 35 years, we are entitled to b*gger all because all jobs are part time and if you dont pay NI you are entitled to Incapacity Benifit. Seems strange that nearly every Muslin Terrorist or Cleric that you see in the Paper is on Benefits, and the benifits are given to those who turn up on our shores from other countries. RANT OVER. You speak perfect sense Sir. I tried to go to Hounslow council for some help with council tax (1400 a year) but found it impossible to get any aid despite being English through and through and paying tax in previous years. Yet if some **** had just hitched a ride in a boat from Pakistan, gone straight to the building and walked in the que behind me he would have got benefits coming out of his ears. That is whats wrong with the country and until the tossers running it change it and we start looking after our own, we are ****ed. It is maddening but i try not to let it bother me. ****ing **** **** **** ****
  14. Stop ****ing whinging, start singing at games instead of moaning and I guarantee you'll feel better about yourselves.
  15. We will beat these ****s
  16. So if i stay up till 12, do i then change my clock to 1 straight away? i dont wana **** this up.
  17. Exactly my plan m8. early fry up then hitting the booze from 9.
  18. How glad are we that it snowed when it did? COYR
  19. Were any of you guys at the second play off game at TFTK in Kensington a couple of years ago? What a night, despite the result. When Rasiak stuck that in the place went mental. Must have been about 40 ?? of us there that night. Need to do that again soon.
  20. All the JPT games had a good atmos, so i'm hoping some of the non ST holders who came to the games, had a laugh and made some noise will get in this bit, thats why i went for behind the goal. I ****ing hope so anyway.
  21. 538-541, well high up. Better be some good singing going on up there
  22. Talk about painful. I rung up all morning, got a connection and then waited 18 mins to speak to operator. Booked my tickets, even gave my card details, then the system crashed and wiped the transaction out. Worst thing of all i had an interview and had to leave before i could book them again. I'm in the q now though listening to a nice bit of Prokofiev.
  23. Sorry to be lazy but have had a flick around and cant see anything. Did we ever set an area for the Northam/singers/atmosphere section??
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