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Everything posted by Greedyfly

  1. Where are you based Bones? I am currently out in Sydney
  2. With the squad he had we should have been considerably better of than 'safe'. That team that scrapped into the playoffs and then failed to hit the target from 12 yards consistantly SHOULD have been challenging for auto-promotions, not frigging luck of the draw.
  3. Canesten Duo Staduim... Because it's run by a bunch of irritating C UN TS
  4. Nah...Keeps it more interesting this way...
  5. Haha true WSS...Was bored, and once I start on a rant...well And ESB, you and everybody else knows that your comment regarding "I could guess which side of floor you would respond from" was an insuation even if you do dress it up with a flowery 'I didn't actually accuse you of anything because I didn't actually say it in so many words' after thought. Even Cabbage picked up on it, so don't backtrack. My original comments weren't attempts at humour by any stretch. I'm no comedian but even I could have done better than that. They were mere observations of a very bored very distant Saints supporter who frequents this site. As for the asterisks...Make of it what you will.
  6. Do you? Your words hardly border on the majestic or stimulating yourself, unless that is, to stimulate an unnecessary and fruitless argument with me? In my boredom at work I scooted through the first page to note the hilarity of the situation and it's irony. Unfortunately (for this thread alone) I wasn't quite bored enough to read 15 pages of peoples opinions, squabbles and 'pedestal' ramblings on a situation very few have the first shred of knowledge on. However since you were so desperate for an 'internet squabble' yourself and were so desperate to know my opinions here they are: On the first hand I agree with Saint George some 6 or 7 posts up...I find it difficult to understand why anyone would get themselves so worked up over the BNPs policies as written. Myself; I also fully believe that our government (one which I have also ironically left behind) should be doing more to promote another addage that people seem to get less worked up about and that is 'Charity starts at home'. More could and should be done to help the elderly and starving on our own shores. That's not to say we shouldn't help anyone else, far from it, but to start with those closest to us...and that is regardless of creed, colour or racial background. In addition one thing that does make me less than happy is the 'harbouring' of those who openly and actively preach terrorism. The likes of cleric Abou Hamza (old story I recognise but one of the most prominent) who, on the first anniversary of the 9/11 attacks openly appraised the highjackers. This man is disgusting and has/had no more right to be roaming our streets than that of someone who pre-meditates murder or other violent crimes, again this is regardless of racial background. Those who preach or practice mass terrorism, particularly where mass civilian casualties are planned for, have no right on this earth in my opinion, let alone British shores. HOWEVER On the flip however I am more than fully aware that what the BNP writes on it's website and what it actually carries out are often worlds apart. We, as a nation, are no better if we start a stream of vigilanty-ism in order to carry out our beliefs and opinions. We have to have faith in a justice system that has until now held up against varying threats, of varying degrees from varying nations and religious backgrounds since the beginning of time. We must continue to believe in what is constantly regarded as the leading security service in the world, despite recent and not so recent mishaps, to try and help us to live in a safe society. That is there job, no one elses. So there you have it. My opinions. Your insinuation, and it was an insinuation whichever way you word it, that I maybe a BNP supporter or worse a 'racist' did not go unnoticed. Make sure it doesn't happen again. *****.
  7. Yeah I hadn't realised that the thread was some 15 pages long...usual response to anything that might border on a 'race debate' mind. I was more making reference to the first page or so. As such I retract my vote for 'Funniest. Thread. Ever'.
  8. Funniest. Thread. Ever
  9. Think it was tongue-in-cheek, no?
  10. Top 4? No. That'll go to Arsenal, Man Utd, Liverpool and Chelsea and will for years to come unless someone does something spectacular. Top 5...For sure, they are no worse off than Villa, Everton, Hull (lol) or anyone else. Infact the only difference between them and Arsenal baring an ounce more of skill, is a decent player manager. That's not a player-manager for anyone not quite getting the gist of what I am trying to say.
  11. Yeah can't disagree with most of that. What I was trying to point out by mentioning the Cotto PM fight was that as a bigger hitter Cotto was he couldn't take PM down (mind he did mess him up bad). I was underling the fact that PM has a hugely solid jaw and that Hatton would be wise not too simply go out and try and knock him out. Even with the result now as it is. I didn't ever feel BHop was over the hill, he is ridiculously fit and his fighting style allows him to go on possibly longer than the likes of RJJ. Though I put it more down to the fact that RJJ is just past it based on ring time over the last 5 years alone, where Hopkins has stayed active. Pavlik, I like. As you can probably tell from my defence above. I think he will benefit massively from his fight with Hopking...the preperation, the fight itself and what and what not to do. Would like to see that rematch BUT think JC should take on Pavlik too. I think some of the best wins for Joe aren't those with the big names too so I am not trying to rain on his record. I went to the Kessler scrap and he was very impressive and Kessler is and should be a very good champ for years to come. Also the Lacy win was awesome at the time too. BUT he will (and again I think rightly so) always have a bit of an attachment to his record which says fought the right fighters at the right time. A stigma highlighted by Warrens fairly recent and ridiculous comments about his fights being handpicked. Anyway at the end of the day great performance by Hatton yesterday, was nice to watch it in a bar in Sydney . Great result, who next? Pac Man for me...I love watching that guy fight. De Le Hoya? I guess it depends on who wins that scrap.
  12. Hmmmm gotta pull you up on a few things here (IMO of course): Floyd Mayweather Sr.? Best trainer on the planet? That is hugely debatable. His brother lays claim to that mantel more so and even it's arguable with him. Roger Mayweather has a gem of a boxer in Floyd Mayweather Jr. so much in fact that I reckon a blind dog could 'train' him. I would place several other current and recently 'retired' trainers before him...Roach, Steward and McGirt to name but three. Secondly if there are two areas the 'Magic Man' can exploit with Hatton it's his defence and strategy. It's like PBF said "He just comes forward in straight lines"...and lo and behold that's exactly what he did when they fought. Now Malignaggi isn't Mayweather..He is neither as quick nor as gifted but he's a very good technical boxer nonetheless with a ****ing good jaw. Cotto couldnt knock him out and is the only man to put him on his ass...He hits harder than Hatton does. Yes Malignaggi is brash and gobby. He is an Italian-American for christs sake thats what he's like but he does have the technical skills, if not the record or calibre of opponents, to back it up. He'll give Hatton a run for his money so much in fact I will have a cheeky punt on him...That said with a gun to my head I will also plump for Hatton to win. Probably on points. Last point I have to take reference with is the comments regarding Pavlik. He is not a gobby brash American, in fact many in the business regard 'The Ghost' as a very pleasant amiable person. A certain amount of self assureance is necessary for any boxer and he was in a good position to be calling out JC and for my money still is. His loss to a seasoned pro in BHop was not great in the short term but will only do his career a world of good. IMO Hopkins should have at least earned a draw out of JC also. In light of the fight between the Executioner and Pavlik it has been reported that Pavlik had bronchitus in the week leading to the fight and in fact it should have been postponed. This is something the Pavlik camp admit as their mistake and do not take anything away from Hopkins' win at all. Bare it in mind also that Pavlik knocked out, then beat, Jermaine Taylor twice; this is the man that had previously beaten Hopkins twice on the spin. I feel that either a rematch with Hopkins OR better still for JC to fight someone who isn't generally regarded as past it. A stigma that will be attached to his career and what stops him being the best P4P fighter around at the mo...An opinion that a partially share despite recognising Calzaghe as a great champion.
  13. Sad news. Didn't know him personally but always sad to hear news like this. RIP Sir.
  14. I have it....Great game...If I could put Call of Duty down for 2 minutes Id play it more. Darth seems to be pretty handy on it...but could have been better.
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