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Everything posted by Greedyfly

  1. Greedyfly

    old songs

    We're ****...and we know we are...Oh! Or hopefully We're **** and we're still 2 up (for Saturday)
  2. Well that was an extraordinary backfire wasn't it? Wonder if he still has the funds to pay the internet bill to get on and post.
  3. Ahhhh thank God. Nice one fella and some class there by Saga.
  4. Can't swallow everything you say (but will defend your right to the death to say it blah blah blah) but with you a 100% on this one. Only Wigley managed to annoy me more as a Saints manager and I could almost let the guy off on the grounds that it wasn't entirely his fault. Only almost as clinging on for longer than he should of however bloody well was his fault.
  5. With Skintsaint on this one. I think he will always be a 'nearly man'. Hugely improved and a very good player, yet when it comes down to it I think he'll always capitulate like he did in the Oz Open. Nadal I think is a good punt to win the 'Grand Slam' this year. Needs to be protected and sensible due to his knees but it's not a major issue for him, not as much as it is made out. IMO naturally.
  6. Just out of personal interest can you, those of you who feel that no form of protest at all is necessary, (the bungles, the sperm johns of this discussion) tell me: What state you think the club is in? Do you think its rotten from top to bottom as others do? Do you think the current board are doing a good job? Do you think the current manager is/has done a good job? And do you really think the football is worth the money you pay? And have we moved forward at all this season? If the answer to the above is predominantly no, what do you suggest is done? If your answers to the above are yes, then why? Does the steady decline in the level and quality of football at SFC (IMO - and league placing would seem to back that up) not concern you? I ask as I am genuinely interested in your responses. I also askbecause some of you have this 'hollier than thou' attitude that is as bad as those who whine all the time. I want to know whether the 'we go and we sing regardless cause we're great' aura you have about your posts is one of blissful ignorance or a belief that there are other ways.....OR that you simply think nothing needs to change. Serious question.
  7. Yep, have to agree with you on that one. Wigley was by far and large Lowe's biggest **** up. Not only was it a repitition of the one he made with Gray, (hence it being a bigger **** up) but I never ever felt like Wigley was going to get it right. I'm not even sure he would have turned out to be a bad coach/manager at that point he just smacked of a 'Deer caught in headlights' and just never had the luck or, more importantly, the technical nouse to get the one win that may have made the future so much brighter for both himself and Southampton FC. Admirable for giving it a genuine try. A tossser for doing it badly (some awful team selections). And a clueless gimp for not giving it up sooner.
  8. Are you still alive...Old Man...You're Just a ****ing Old Man
  9. Utterly embarrassing
  10. Good...******* cowboys. I only ever subscribed because of the boxing BUT the not being able to cancel over the phone then having to wait 60 days from receiving your letter to do it by post ****ed me off. Credit card company were phoned and they thank fully cancelled the contract.
  11. We can get out of it...So have gone for yes. Do we have the resolve, experience (both manager and players) and confidence to do it. I'm not so sure.
  12. Exactly what I said....Close enough
  13. Close enough both geographically and grammatically Still, whatever it is in the air has drifted...
  14. Something to do with Oz air I think as I am feeling pretty ****ed off at the moment too, Saints aside that is.
  15. Any chance people will stop using the 'more experience side' empty argument any time soon. Doesn't matter how experienced they were, if they are over weight, lazy, disinterested and ****ed about like they were it doesn't matter if we had the Brazilian national team trying to keep us up.
  16. Sound familiar?
  17. I bloody live that stuff. Used to serve it in the Spanish Galleon on Greenwich High Street (I think it was). Many a drunken student night (when we were slightly more flush) was had on that. Ahhh good times.
  18. Horrible news. A friend of mine works with Ed so I shall pass on my wishes to him and here. Get better soon Ed.
  19. Completely agree with you too. Skacel and Rasiak should have been first names on that teamsheet. Skacel still should be. He got berated badly yet created so many goal scoring oportunities when he was utilised properly. To be fair that could have been the difference between Burley being a hero OR the useless ****wit he turned out to be.
  20. I am not sure with regards to the original question, I have reservations regardless but I do think the comparing of Pearson to Wotte is a contentious issue. For me Pearson worked a miracle by keeping us up, he really did. Now I was hugely disappointed when he was given the job in the first place (and was more than happy to be proven wrong) so this opinion of mine isn't born out of some blind love for Pearson or some willingness to follow at any cost. My point is this; Pearson had on paper a far more experienced team at his disposal than Wotte, I doubt anyone would disagree with that. However I think it a fair assumption to say that most of said team were overweight, lazy and unmotivated which was highlighted by the conceeding of late goals, dropping of points and a total lack of concentration at vast periods through any given game prior too and including the thumping by Hull. NP had to get that team fit and ready for action again without the benefit of a preseason (or half season) behind them. He had to do this whist trying to maximise the amount of points we were gaining whilst continuing with BAU. That is a hell of a juggling trick. Wotte, however, has a young fit team who have been playing together all season (albeit poorly). He has been around them all season, he has been coaching them all season. He has seen and hopefully taken on board JP shortfalls and mistakes. For me he really has little excuse for not hitting the ground running other than his ability to manage a football team in the CCC (the reason JP was sacked - sorry resigned - in the first place). I would say deciding on his own formation and personel is the only think he has left to deliberate on and probably/definitely some motivation issues given the pasting we have taken all season.
  21. You didn't consider returning for a series of sessions then? Any reason for this or did you not deem it necessary for the injury?\ Anyone else considered/had it done?
  22. Would love to know more about your acupuncture treatment. I am not one for alternative therapies and prefer the scientific approach to rehabilitation/healing. THAT said I have heard so many good reports with regards to acupuncture and more directly it's affect on back injuries that I am considering having it done on a lower back injury caused whilst boxing. It reoccurs every now and then and is a bit of a drag when it does. So the main question is...Do you think it worked? Did it rectify the problem? Did it hurt? Do you believe it to be a long term solution? (all questions are open to serious responses by all - please note 'serious')
  23. So in affect... he didn't spend well. Like I said previous (though the point was missed) he should have gotten that squad into or at least considerably closer to 1st or 2nd. What he said he would do was a simple case of a team playing down it's chances. I bet you any money that Ferguson has already rolled out the 'x,y,z team will probably win the league this year' quote, yet I bet they are the team sat at the top of the pile come the end of the season...If not they'll be bloody close.
  24. Does that make him any less of a smug ***t?
  25. Ahh ok, I will no doubt venture over there at some point. I predict a big fat 0 - 1...Can't face getting to opptimistic these days.
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