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Everything posted by Greedyfly

  1. Haven't been his biggest fan in the past, though he was awful at times in the Champ and Prem....But have to say that is a hell of a coup. He was easily the player of the year last year.
  2. Jesus Christ. She is. Great set of lungs.
  3. Good to see the PC crew are out in force again. They irritate me far more than 19C ever could. Nothing like a good old 'you can't say that' on an internet forum to make my blood pressure really rise.
  4. Sad to say, I am of the same thinking.
  5. Any idea what time the meeting is today?
  6. Can you imagine it...CAN YOU IMAGINE IT! Can you imagine it if there's no takeover at all and it all falls through....Sadly I can Still Im with you Kiwi...Been bloody warm down here in Mildura, Victoria this week
  7. Uhhh he's 27. No where near past a tennis players prime...IN fact it is his prime. Yet he's being roundly beaten (French Open excluded) by a man who is currently better than him. And it's this short memory thing again....Sure for the last few years Fed has been the man to beat but in all actuality it is only a few years. Before he reached the top he was being beaten by all manor of opponents from Andy Roddick and Lleyton Hewitt to Tim Henman ffs. The three (2 for arguments sake - excluding Le Tiss in the eyes of the popular masses) players you mentioned were, when in there prime (like Federer is now - seems like I have to spell things out for you), at the very top of the game. They were undisputably the best and for the entrire time in which they were playing IN THERE PRIME always were. Federer is/should be in his prime and yet he could well be beaten on three out of four surfaces this year. Is that a little clearer for you.
  8. That's not even close to being what I said.
  9. I find it hard to fathom that people believe he is the greatest ever when he isn't even the greatest currently. It's a no from me.
  10. Without even a hint of stirring anything whatsoever, if this is the case why has everything not been finalised, and the backer announced? This way we can get on, have a proper pre-season, and for once properly prepare in the close season. I don't, for a second, buy into the claims made on this thread but the very nature of being a Saints fan makes me nervous. Any info?
  11. A strike pairing who had less than three starts between them, when we were in the prem, and not struggling. Still your riposte is as stupid as many of your other posts....He named the entire team, you have named maybe 3 dead certs....Its not even close to being the same. Besides did you bother and check out any other posts wild-saint has chipped in with? I doubt it.
  12. Actually chuckles if you check wild-saints posting history, and then back to the S4E days you'll find him to be very accurate indeed, even down to getting team news spot on (to the player), referring to the Leon Best/Dexter Blackstock starting pairing against Everton. So do us all a favour, and please do shut up.
  13. I am lead to believe that this is the way it works in the football league anyhow. It's not just because it is us but because transfer fees are paid direct to the football league and then paid on behalf of the club. I am happy to be proved wrong. OTHERWISE: Slow news day I guess. Getting a bit bored of the wait...And a touch nervous. Any news that might help this?
  14. People in glass houses... http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=13545
  15. Likewise...Nice birthday present.
  16. It all doesn't quite add up does it. Either the Echo hasn't got a clue (always a distinct possibilty) OR someone is playing some pretty big games. If MJ and crew have been allowed this level of access one can only assume that if Pinnacle and those from abroad are serious then they too shall be asking for the same access at some point no? If so...The only conclusion I can draw is that this will/should/has-been-done to speed up the whole process. Any takers on this theory?
  17. A clever ploy to speed up the process possibly? I wouldn't ever get my hopes up about Saints but could this make for some actual news for next week?
  18. As was demonstrated last season with Wotte, 'talk is cheap'. He can say all the right things he needs but ultimately he failed to make any improvements throughout his whole involvement last season. Wotte can not continue.
  19. I would take a stab and say not much. Seems a given that talks were still going on last night (after 11:25am) and as such this would probably coincide with the ultimatum issued by Fry yesterday morning. Anyone want to clarify my interpretation?
  20. Muy muy funny, congrats.
  21. Well that went to the right fighter but only Freddie Roach believed it would be as easy as it was. I maintained that Pacquiao could punch up the weights and thats's exactly what happened. P4P King. This is a great situation now as Mayweather has to prove his worth against a very dangerous opponent before Pacman has to consider him. The boot is firmly on the other foot I feel. It used to be Mayweather callling the shots on who he could fight but now Pacman can play the waiting game. Marquez is the only one who has given Pacquiao a real problem out of his last few opponents and I think at light-welter weight and lower he'll give Mayweather the same issues (think the fight is at catch weight of 143lb - half way between light welter and welter which may be a bit heavy for Marquez). He's a real nasty, resilient scrapper and it should be a great fight. If Marquez wins then we could see Marquez Pacman III if not it'll be the one I am looking forward too...P4P past vs P4P present....And I'll get my bet in early...Manny to win by knockout.
  22. http://hammersmashface.mybrute.com/fight/?d=ronnie-kray;k=e89d8505adc3 Messed up Ronnie http://hammersmashface.mybrute.com/fight/?d=reggie-kray;k=cc6b58b761df Smashed up Reggie http://hammersmashface.mybrute.com/fight/?d=sister-kray;k=4cce5dcee9d1 And fooked Sister Kray in the ass.... I am sooooooo bored at work today.
  23. It really is a complete no brainer though isn't it. I mean opinion isn't even divided on this thread yet our government in their infinite wisdom can't see it. Chumps. Lastly I chuffing love the expression 'wedding vegetables' and will be using it on a more frequent basis. Nice work John Boy.
  24. That is the single biggest thing Ricky has a clear advantage compared to Pacquiao. Technical ability, speed, lateral movement he loses outright but he's a puncher and a half at Light-welter. For this reason I find this fight harder to call than most.
  25. OK you sound as though you've taken offence with something somewhere and also seem to be having trouble reading what I have typed. I didn't say the fight would be pointless (Hatton v Pacman) I said if Hatton beats Pacman (which, thanks, I am aware he has more than a chance at) then the Mayweather v Pacman fight would be pointless. It would prove nothing for them to arrange a bout, Mayweather would stay retired and in the interest of the sport itself that would be a shame...hence I am cheering for Pacman. I feel no unconditional sense of patriotism where most sports are concerned preferring to concentrate on those that bring something else to the game...
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