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Everything posted by Greedyfly

  1. I think everyone was!
  2. I am very sorry to hear that!
  3. I'd also like the answer to this if anyone knows. In fact I'd bet this is more than likely a more interesting discussion than the football. I appreciate the irony in that comment
  4. Fucking hell, let me guess, he's two weeks away?
  5. This is part of the insanity though; we had - out on the left. So we thought, nah fuck that, tougher league, cleverer opposition, he's never been prolific before, lets start him as an actual number 9 instead. One of just a number of bonkers decisions. Will echo Badgers comments above though, in that SR aren't really the issue, in fact we might (further down the road) be better with them than without (money, multi club model etc), but it's been the decisions of those that they have chosen to trust, to make sensible footballing decisions, that has been the issue. Sure, that is partially their fault but they aren't footballing people, that's what they thought they were bringing in. That's another error. Hopefully we are starting to correct that with new appointments, though reports that we are STILL looking at cheap Championship options (Ollie Tanner - really!?!), which is basically what we have anyway throughout the squad, suggests some muppets still have too much control.
  6. He's not the only one to be fair, the guy's shite.... BUT I get the beggars and choosers argument too!
  7. I thought ABK was going to get his chalice under Juric. Is he actually shit too and we've just forgotten due to time or did Juric mean "chance to leave". As for shop window-ing Sulemana, it might be better if we just stuck him back in the box, in the store room and showed potential suitors the whole 90 mins Vs Liverpool instead. This is a laughable line up.
  8. I am interested in him returning there too!
  9. He's that far up the pecking order?
  10. Would have started with Lesley who was good against Spam, Archer because AA is toss at this level but otherwise I don't hate it.
  11. Someone put on some Cradle of Filth, or something please!
  12. Greedyfly

    Ivan Juric

    Fucking brave if he's come here.
  13. Will get passed around needlessly at the back before being given to an opposition fan.
  14. Archer is utterly toss as expected.
  15. 11th. Clown show
  16. I love this optimism, and I wouldn't want to strip you of that so Happy Christmas. On the positive side, no we are certainly not dead. Literally speaking of course! Premier League wise though, yeah we were down at game 10. No team has ever survived having so few points at that stage, we have a upper-mid champ team, with a mid champ manager.
  17. Its the confirmation of "(six)" that really illuminates this post
  18. I'd usually assume that Onuachu's omission is injury based, but he's such an onion you never quite know.
  19. It's probably this, thinking about it!
  20. That's because he's not winning the % stats like our Russ.
  21. Seems Pep has learned from Russ after all! (Couldn't be bothered to check if anyone had already made that joke)
  22. Needed him 6 weeks ago but Russ has his faves.
  23. It doesn't help that he's not played in the position he excelled in last season either. Because, why the fuck would we. He's not a number 9 but I do think he could still do a job on the left.
  24. Don't start!
  25. You say this as if everyone is clambering to buy the potent strike force of BBD and Archer, or the stone wall that is Bednarek and Stephens
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