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Everything posted by DS

  1. DS


    What if everything in the universe travelled at the speed of light? Would that stop time as there'd be no time happening around you? Reading the above sentence again makes my brain hurt. I suspect I've written something which makes absolutely no sense (it wouldn't be the first time).
  2. Well, it appears to be a Henry the Hoover being unveiled for Chelsea. Therefore, one might say: Henry signs for Chelsea. In other words: Old News. While we're talking of player signings, do you know if Skacel has signed yet?
  3. Val Sesia in Italy is an amazing place, very different to the rest of the Alps. Haven't travelled outside of Europe though so thats about as different as it get for me.
  4. I tell you what, that John Carew looked pretty good for Norway this evening too. I wonder if we can make him an offer as well as Huseklepp.
  5. Trescothick Strauss Cook Key Collingwood Prior Flintoff Broad Swann Anderson Sidebottom
  6. P**pey away please. Reason being: they'd be strong favourites, if we lose it won't be a surprise BUT if (and it would be a big if) we win they will never hear the end of it: losing to us at Notarf whilst two divisions higher.
  7. This thread is in desperate need of a liberal application of Rule 1.
  8. a) The Tree - A reminder of where not to stand in a thunderstorm b) The Waves - Commemorates 'Walking on Sunshine' by Katrina and the Waves which could often be heard being sung at The Dell in the mid 80's c) The Rose - the white rose of Yorkshire appears on the badge to acknowledge the close historical ties of Southampton and York. It is a little known fact that the Totton Flat Cap factories supplied Yorkshire with 94% of its headwear for the most of the 20th Century. d) The Scarf - To remind us all that it gets cold in the winter and we should wrap up warm. e) The Halo - If Saints lose we can always look at this on the badge and thik 'its ok, I can go home and play Halo on my X-Box to make me feel better'. f) The Football - Reminds the players which sport they are playing. There have been calls recently to make this more prominent as it seems clear that the players forgot for large parts of last season.
  9. DS


    The whole thing (including intro to the tune of swing low) would never happen, but it would be amazing if it did. I reckon first verse plus chorus would be good. Still highly unlikely to get it going though.
  10. DS


    +1 If you're ever up in Sholing...
  11. I refuse to fund the playboy lifestyles of the S4E admin team. Actually I am too lazy to send a cheque and I don't trust paypal.
  12. Get in! Well done Hawks!
  13. Great effort by Hants so far. Pothas has strained his groin but isn't coming in. 187-4
  14. Best post on here for ages! Infact with posting of that calibre, ITKers will be lining you up as favourite for new manager.
  15. I wish I had had that experience this weekend, I went back for Saturday and Sunday and was saddended at how soul-less Southampton feels compared to Brighton. It seems every time I go back there is another giant square monstrosity or block of 'luxury flats' but nothing built which you can actually do. This isn't a moan for moanings sake, as I said I was genuinely saddended by how I felt about a place I want to feel proud of.
  16. Ahh McDonalds. Congratulations, you're all winners, Monopoly or not. Your prize? CHD.
  17. I can hear the chants already: 'Anil, buy us a naan' and (to opposition fans) 'you're only here for the curry'. This is very unlikely imo.
  18. The funny thing about the 'German' market is that most of them are Dutch...
  19. I think Jones has said himself that he's not quite ready yet.
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