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Everything posted by DS

  1. This reminds me of this Facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/group.php?gid=52921676662&ref=ts
  2. DS

    Time Out Cards

    They shoud put windows in to save money on expensive sonar imo.
  3. I got it right. :mad:
  4. Christ, and I thought the first Ted Bates statue was embarrasing. Actually, come to think of it, that would make a perfect figurehead for the soon to be opened Milan Mandaric Stadium....
  5. An updated version of the where's your bell song: Ding dong ding dong, where's you club gone?
  6. I agree with this but would also add that I think football needs a kick up the arse with regards to how its run (ie. on debt, with a few exceptions- us being one ) and hopefully this will be it. Although I suspect it will take a Liverpool or Manure to go into admin before anyone actually changes anything. It is pretty hilarious sometimes too- especially as it means I get to lord it over my Skate brother for the first time in ages :smt081
  7. If a big club do go under it will be interesting to see how many of their glory hunting fans who don't live anywhere near the town will support whatever club comes out of the ashes (ie will Barry the Liverpool supporting 30something from Andover support AFC Liverpool or will he be down the Stamford Bridge gift shop quicker than you can say 'Johnny Come Lately').
  8. Dunno what happened there, shouldn't leave stuff on my clipboard I guess. Mods can you delete my previous post (and this one) please?
  9. Well he wasn't wrong there!
  10. Nah its not that- they'd have to extend his contract by 12 months based on appearances if they did that. :smt081
  11. I'm with Jeff Leopard on this- I thought it was a thoroughly entertaining series and a great advert for test cricket (although I'd prefer it if the review system was abolished).
  12. Responsible drinking from our Fishy Friend here, particularly as he had driven his lad (2 pints = drink driving:-().
  13. Maybe this whole sorry saga is just a re-branding attempt. I think they are trying to change their name to Lolocaust FC and taking appropriate action to prove that the name is justified.
  14. Would now be a good time to give up hope? England 180 South Africa 180-1 (54 overs)
  15. Swann out c Boucher b Steyn 28 England 180
  16. Boycs isn't holding back on TMS!
  17. It was a no ball ffs
  18. Catch the Pigeon HTH
  19. for those (like me ) who can't have it on streaming due to work related mehness here is the link to radio london to listen to it on radio http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/playlive/bbc_london/
  20. Anybody have an online radio link? I'm not able to get away from work for the game
  21. Sods law says he'll go to Brighton this week
  22. Doh, missed that one Has anyone done Babyhood? Or taking it a 'stage' further: Sensorimotorhood Preoperationalhood Concretehood
  23. DS


    As a resident of Brighton for the last three years, I would have to agree with this. I can't see any reason to move back home. Soton is, frankly, boring. Take a look around at the identikit shops, pubs and nightlife next time you're in town. Not to mention the lack of anything to do that isn't the aforementioned activities.
  24. Handle We Were Recruits Tropic Lightning
  25. Great thread, loads of stuff from way before my time which is really interesting to hear about. Here's some nostalgia from the end of the '90's/ beginning of the 00's: 'Bar 1:50' an utter utter dive but good for cheap underage drinking: everything £1.50! The Hobbit before they got strict, spent many a Friday evening drinking 'Gandalfs' aged 16/17. Hammy at the Rhino on a Wednesday. Gigs at the Joiners. Breaking into and exploring West Quay when it was being built. Getting onto West Quay roof just after it opened (no idea if this is still possible but if you want to try, there's a staircase at the John Lewis entrance by The old power fm cafe/ mamas & papas which goes all the way up and used to have an unlocked door onto the roof on it) The music shop in the Bargate, bloke who ran it was a bit of a ledge, he always used to get hold of any music you wanted. 'Average Levine' always made me lol too.
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